Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
My name's Natasha Turner and obviously I am a keen photographer -well to be honest since I purchased my Nikon D90 3 years ago it has grown into an obsession and now a part time hobby business! I am always keen to learn as much as I can to enhance my photography and pick up all the tips that help along the way! I live in Surrey, London and which provides me with a mixture of urban and country surroundings to put my camera to work!
Good girl! (Nikon D90)
Hi Natasha,
Not too far from me then? (and I used to live in Englefield Green once)
Hope you like the forums, we do our best, well; Donald, Colin and Sean do, I just lower the tone of the place :eek:
So, that's laid to rest Donald's claim we're grown up here, eh? ;)
Hope you enjoy your stay with us and long may it last.
Best regards,
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
My CIC name is Victor, my real name is David. I have recently joined the forum and must state that I am enjoying the posts, tutorials and albums I am seeing.
Life is about sharing and the mini competitions are a great idea. The members make this site stand out from others.
I am going to York next month any ideas of good spots for night photographs??
I belong to Bishops Stortford Camera Club and have a gallery there as well as here on CIC.
Best wishes to you all and thanks for all your comments on Broughty Ferry Castle !!
Victor aka David
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
My name is Gustavo, and I own a Canon SX30 IS.
Had been reading, and reading, and reading a lot more, until I felt confortable enough (and realising that I don't have budget to a dSLR + lens) to have a extra long-zoom camera before playing with big guns (dSLR).
Working in aviation industry for the past 5 years, now with commercial pilot and IFR license.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Everyone!
I'm Jess, I am currently a student and I am studying photography as part of my degree. I have been interested in photography since I was 8 and have finally bought my first digital SLR. I am particularly interested in wildlife and natural landscape photography. I have quickly browsed the site and have seen some very nice landscape photos!
Please feel free to comment honestly on my images, I need the feedback :)
Looking forward to be part of this community!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I am looking forward to learning about film scanning and large format printing and EVERTHING related to photography. My equipment is comprised of 120 format film and 35mm Digital.
Being in South Africa offers me endless situations to document and express myself.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi everyone.
I am Mally, just bought new camera Fuji HS10 and pleased with it as far as I've got so far. Lessons learned to date 1. Backup all pics on ext drive 2. Make sure all pics imported to PC before formatting disc. Interested in long zoom and macro photography. Will send one soon for comments
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
David (Victor)
You've all been in a signed up to membership of CiC whilst I've been otherwise engaged at work and in trying to cure the virus attack resulting in someone trying get all my bank account details.
So, can I offer each of you a collective welcome to CiC. I'm very glad you've decided to join. I hope/think you will find all the support and help that you may want, as well as the opportunity to join discussions and post your images for sensible and mature comment and criticism.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
My father was shutter bug so my interesting in photography started at an early age. During high school years, I was involved in yearbook as an editor. I'm here to learn as well as share. I've shot film and digital.
The first pictures I took were with a Kodak 35mm camera that was my father's.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello , and a very warm welcome.
I don't know if you've been lurking around the site for any length of time. If you have, you've probably seen that this is very much a place that has learning and, particularly, supporting colleagues with their learning, is central to all that goes on.
So, I hope you feel able to join in, both sharing your own knowledge and experience as well as asking questions of others.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi My name is Mick, I dont know if I am doing this right but hello anyway.
My interests in photography are many, but my main ones are landscape, Motorsport and if the chance arrises, Aircraft.
I have been taking photos from the age of 11 years old ( now 64 ) , My kit comprises of many cameras, from a Zies Icon, ( first camera ) to a Canon EOS 5D ( latest addition ).
I will look forward to taking part in the forum, but first I will take a look round to see how it all works.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Mick J S
Hi My name is Mick, I dont know if I am doing this right but hello anyway.
Mick - So far, so good! What you've done seems fine to me.
Welcome to CiC. Good to have you on board.
I'm confident that, as you look around, you'll find a site that's full of experience and a willingness of people to constructively share knowledge with others. Inflated egos that need massaging are not part of CiC. So please do feel able to get right into discussions, posting images, and asking questions.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi I am Joe. I am very new to photography. I have a Pentax K100D,Pentax 18-55mm and Sigma 18-200mm lenses. I love this new hobbie of mine and look forward to learning alot here in this forum. Thanks, Joe
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Welcome Joe,
I am sure you will be able to advance your hobby here. There are some great tutorials and the members are always happy to answer questions. I have you will also contribute your thoughts to discussions as well.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Everybody
My name is Santie and I'm from Africa (South Africa) to be more exact. Northern Cape to zoom in. Kimberley to stop the zoom. I'm very new to photography and would like really strenuous critique to my efforts. So, laat waai please! "Laat waai" means "go for it".
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
My name is Santie ... I'm very new to photography
Santie -Hello and welcome.
Thank you for choosing to join CiC. This is certainly an appropriate forum to be part of if you want constructive comment and criticism on your images. Please also ask any photohgraphy realted questions that you may have. People on here are always very willing to share their knowledge and experience. I look forward to seeing some of your pictures.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello everyone.
My name is Spiros and I am from Greece, I love photography and I am hobby photographer. Very nice website, congratulations.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Everyone,
I am RJ and have come here to share and learn. I have been involved with photography since the late 80's off and on, but got more serious about it in the last 8 years. I moderate a few forums and married to a Sport Photographer. He is the reason I have gained new interest in the photography field and he inspires me to do better.
I have gained more confidence and we will be shooting our 3rd wedding in September. Although I must admit my favourite topics are nature, landscape, and macro. See you all in the forum.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, my name is Kim, a mom is on the mission to reserve the sweet memory of her wonderful kids. My favorite is point and shoot camera, pocket size, still very shy with the big camera in public eyes.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi my name is Kim and I am new to photopgrphy, so any tips or little hints would be greatly appreciated!!! My camera is a rebel T2i. I love taking pictures of anything from my son playing to rain!!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello volks, My name is Anthony.I live in Andernach,Germany.Its a rather old town on the Rhein. I migrated from Kuala Lumpur(kl)about 15 years ago.Photographing is a hobby of mine. Cheers