Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Everyone, My name is Jessica and I live in Nova Scotia, Canada. Ive been interested in photography for a long time now but have just recently purchased my first DSLR , a Canon T2i. Im taking the Professional Photography Course with the NY Institute of Photography and hoping to learn a lot. Looking forward to sharing photos with you all on here.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi all. My name is Paul and I have just joined. I am using a Canon 40d with various lenses. This is a really great web site. Full of grreat information. Hope to get to know people and improve my photography.
Best regards.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, I'm Dan McNeil, an airline pilot from Fort Mill, South Carolina. I am six years from retirement and looking forward to pursuing opportunities in photography as I phase out from airline flying. I enjoy many types of photography, but have been fortunate to get some photos from the cockpit. I am presently flying international routes, based in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello. I am Wayne from Newfoundland. I have been interested in photography for years, mostly landscape. I have a Nikon D90 with the following lens - 18-105 mm, 70-300 mm, and a 90 mm macro lens. I also have an old manual 50 mm lens which fits my camera. I have only just briefed through this site but the tutorials look very helpful and there is lot of interesting material. I've attached a shot I took earlier this week when winter showed us spring was not coming yet.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, my name is Shayne and I live in Sydney, Australia. I am a child and family portrait photographer, however I'm delving more into landscape photography and experimenting with ND and GND filters. I used to take a lot of landscape photos when I was younger during my job as a flight attendant (lucky to have the world at my fingertips, or should I say trigger) however I was very lazy and used the auto mode a lot! Thank goodness for digital as I've been able to experiment a lot in the last 6 years. Here is a photo of my beautiful daughter. I have no formal training (except for studio lighting) and am completely self-taught and always learning. :o
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I am John from Montreal and take hundreds of photos along the historic Lachine Canal, Old Port of Montreal, Old Montreal and any place I can find a flower, weed, building, insect, boat, car, or caleche.
I just joined the ranks of the DSLR owners with a new Canon 60D and a few lenses. Looking for information sources to improve my photo skills. This looks like a great place to do that. Although I am not a novice photographer I trust that there is much to learn from your avid readers and posters.
Look forward to my time here.
I try to walk 3-10km per day and always carry a camera with me.
As spring approaches I am preparing to take more photos than ever before.
My tools are almost ready for this year's journey. The added weight of the DSLR and the additional lenses that weigh as much or more than any of my previous digital cameras require a new consideration to my travels. Do I really want to carry that lens, tripod, monopod, flash, etc. with me?
Rule #1, be sure to take the shot.......... coulda, shoulda, woulda doesn't count! We can always fix it in post.
Happy to be on board.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Good heavens, if I ever forget which day of the week it is, I know the Thursday that Sean sends out the Newsletter ;)
Hello to;
Spiros from Greece; Thank you, may I ask what you are shooting with?
RJ (Canonlady52) the mod 'tog; where are you located I wonder?
Kim (kimpham5) with the cute kids; so, do tell, what is 'the big camera'?
Hey, another Kim! (kwraskill) - and I know what camera you have :)
Anthony (kltony) in Germany; what subjects do you like to take pictures of?
Jessica (jthomas) from Nova Scotia; We're looking forward to seeing your pictures too, don't be shy, post and learn, ask questions and be top of the class :)
Paul (paulh921) from East Kilbride; Our Scots Mod, Donald, will be choked he couldn't be here to welcome another Canon 40D owner ;)
Dan (Dan McNeil) from Fort Mill, SC; Just as Colin (our NZ Mod) would want to welcome a fellow pilot, although I suspect you have a few more hours than he. I certainly envy your opportunities.
Wayne (whebb) from Newfoundland; Good to have another Nikon shooter join the members
Shayne (Barefoot) from Sydney; we'd love to see the picture of your daughter, I'll put a link below for help with why it didn't come out
and finally, for now; John (triplejck) from Montreal; "always fix it in post", do I detect a connection to the TV/movie industry there? Good on you for getting your daily exercise, we should all be doing that.
May I extend a very warm welcome to you all from the team and fellow members here at CiC.
Anyone with image posting problems should have a read of the 'step-by-steps' in this thread; HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?.
Anyone brave enough* to post an image (or few) for critique should have a quick read here for getting the most out of that.* You really don't need to be brave, we're not like other forums; we only give constructive feedback.
And if you're new to the whole forums thing to, here's a thread with some tips and tricks to help.
Great to have you all aboard,
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi All;
My name is Octavio Pereira da Silva. I live in Portugal, Porto.
I am an amateur photographer with no particular theme as favourite.
I use Nikon D300 as main camera and still some old ones like OM4 and a Fuji 645, mainly for B&W film.
Please visit my stream at Flickr "OPS55"
Looking forward to meet most of you
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi to everyone;
My name is Harold and I reside in the central par of Vancouver Island which is a good place to have a camera. Currently I have a Nikon D90 which I love to point at my grandchildren, our dogs, wildlife and scenery. For me it is such an enjoyable hobby that I am constantly trying to improve as time and equipment allows. I am looking forward to viewing and participating
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Welcome to CiC, Harold. Hope you'll enjoy your stay here. :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Welcome to CiC, Octavio. Looking forward to seeing some of your work here, too. :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Thank you Jiro, I am looking forward to it
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello there. My name is Marcus and I live in Sydney, Australia. Have been enjoying photography on and off for 20 years or so. i started with a camera I bought for(aus)$20! doesn't sound too good, though it was one of the most iconic cameras ever, a black Nikkormat. A great camera to begin with as it was totally manual - a good learning tool if ever there was one! Sad to say it got stolen and I only resumed my interest again last year after a 5 year break when I purchased a Ricoh GR1....Am very happy with it and I hope to share photos with you all on this forum....Looking forward to it...Thankyou.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello, I'm Liiz. I'm presently using a compact camera and am looking at purchasing a Nikon D3100. This will be my first SLR camera.
I'm so pleased to have found this wonderful website with so much information to help a novice photographer.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi folks, it's Donald the (currently) virally attacked Mod operating on any laptop I can get a hold off whilst the PC is away being de-bugged and given a good clean out (but they didn't get in to my bank account). So, I'm not going to be as active here, for a few days, as I usually am.
But welcome to one and all and, in particular, to Marcus and Liiz above who have just come on in the last few hours. Great to have you on board with us.
CiC is very much a place about sharing information and about more experienced members sharing their knowledge and experience with others. So, please do feel ready to join in the discussions.
It's maybe worth repeating the point made many times before - There is no such thing as a daft question on CiC. We say this from time to time, because we all feel, at the beginning. that everyone else will think we're daft if we ask what we think might be a very simple question. But ....... If you don't know the answer, then it's not simple. So ask it. You only learn by finding out more information.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi everyone, My name is Marion and I live in Wicklow, Ireland. I am just starting out and thought it a good idea to join this forum to get useful tips from the experts and hopefully broaden my knowledge (or lack of it) of photography. I know I still have a long way to go as I am still trying to grasp the fundamentals of photography after years of using a point and shoot in auto mode. I got an Digital SLR for christmas (after dropping subtle hints to my boyfriend) and have been experimenting with it since. I am reading lots of books and visiting websites (hence how I came across this site), finding ways to improve my technique. I look forward to meeting you and engaging in interesting conversations. :D
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi everyone, My name is Marion and I live in Wicklow, Ireland. I am just starting out and thought it a good idea to join this forum to get useful tips from the experts and hopefully broaden my knowledge (or lack of it) of photography. I know I still have a long way to go as I am still trying to grasp the fundamentals of photography after years of using a point and shoot in auto mode. I got an Digital SLR for christmas (after dropping subtle hints to my boyfriend) and have been experimenting with it since. I am reading lots of books and visiting websites (hence how I came across this site), finding ways to improve my technique. I look forward to meeting you and engaging in interesting conversations. :D
Hi Marion,
Glad to have you join us, I'm sure you'll learn lots here, but I don't consider myself an "expert" and I doubt any/many others do either, we all just learn from each other.
So, what are you shooting with?
... and what gets in front of your lens most?
Welcome to the CiC forums from ....
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hey, my name is Ryan and I'm just learning the tricks of the trade when it comes to photography. I use a sony alpha300 but I'm in the market for a nikon 300s. I have a flickr account if anyone is interested in giving me tips;
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi! My name is Faye. I'm using a canon 40d , I had it for nearly a year but have only been learning how to use it properly for about 4 months. It goes everywhere I go! Especially if I'm going to be around kids! :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, My name is Bryn and I come from Burnley a small town in N.W England .Just taken up this photography lark so my images are no where near those posted on here.
I am using a Panasonic D10.