Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
My name is Lee and I live in the East Bay of San Francisco. I am currently taking an on-line photography class, but am not all together happy with the progress, so I thought I would join this group!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
You're very welcome. I hope CiC can fill some of the gaps and help you with your learning and development. That is certainly the primary underpinning principle of the site. And if you don't find the answers in the tutorials (or you need further clarification on any points), then please do just ask.
And please get involved in posting up some of your images. The constructive comment and criticism you'll get on here if you ask for it, can be a very powerful learning tool.
1 Attachment(s)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I'm a New Member - Jo - and I live in the West Kootenays of British Columbia. Looking forward to meeting you and learning/sharing.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, my name is Troy. I live in Illinois. I started taking pictures back in high school (in the '80s) and now in the past few years getting into digital photography with a Canon 10D which I purchased secondhand with a 28-135mm 3.5-5.6 USM lens. I stumbled across this website while searching for photography tutorials. Looking forward to spending time learning from this site!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello, Jo and welcome to CiC.
Certainly you are in the right place for learning and being able to share not only images, but ideas and discussions. If you have any questions, please do pitch straight in. There's alawys somebody that knows the answer.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi, my name is Troy. I live in Illinois. I started taking pictures back in high school ... Looking forward to spending time learning from this site!
It's interesting how many of started in High School. So, you're in good company, Troy.
I hope you're already finding that the tutorials are a tremendous resource. Many, many people have commented on how straightforwardly and sensibly they are written. And, of course, this forum complements them in terms of being a source of vast experience and knowledge that people are only too happy to share.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Greetings from Mike Goodwin in Phoenix, AZ Have been lurking here for some time and need to introduct myself. Currently shooting with a Canon 400D / XTI. Mainly wildlife / landscapes using eith a Tamron 18x270 or Canon's 28x135 lens. Sometimes I rent a special lens and try something different, renting really gives you the opertunity to try something new or little $s. If the heron picture come thru, it was shot with a Canon 300mm / 1/200 @ F4 ISO 800 5:30PM
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello, my name is Michael. I enjoy photography, particularly landscape. I've recently traded in my Nikon D40 for the new Nikon D7000 and am trying to learn more on landscape photography technique, i.e. what lens is best suitable, wide angle, telephoto, what filters to use and the gotcha if any depending on the lens' type, etc. I read a few of the tutorials on this site and have found them very well written and useful, so am hoping I can put to practice.
Looking forward to participate in the forum.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Greetings from Mike Goodwin in Phoenix, AZ Have been lurking here for some time
Mike - hopefully that lurking has given you a sense of what CiC is about and the sort of advice, guidance and support that people are happy to share on here.
I've often thought about that renting option, but never tried it. Must look into it some more.
Anyway, a warm welcome to you. I hope you continue to enjoy CiC.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello, my name is Michael. ... and am trying to learn more on landscape photography technique, i.e. what lens is best suitable, wide angle, telephoto, what filters to use and the gotcha if any depending on the lens' type, etc.
You've certainly arrived at the right place to get into discussions about the sorts of questions you're posing. Please do just post up question in what seems to be the most appropriate part of the site; e.g. cameras, equipment, etc.
But as well as that, you can have a browse by clicking on the View Tags Cloud button below and left of this message. If you choose a topic from that list, you'll get a list of threads in which the subject has previously been discussed. That might provide some information as well.
So,l please do enjoy CiC and welcome from me.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello! I'm excited to be here. I've been enjoying reading the tutorials here and just noticed that there's a forum - what a great place this is :)
I am a lucky, spoilt daughter who inherits photo gears from my dad who loves photography. A beginner who hasn't deciphered her manuals, has just started shooting in Aperture Priority 2 months ago, scared of flash and prefers natural lighting anyway.
I do love taking photos of people, street shots and shooting landscape taken from inside of the car driving on the freeway. Also keen on urban street photography but haven't attempted really doing a lot of this, yet.
My Photography Equipment:
Canon 40D and 30D, 24-105mm L, 100-400mm L, 50mm f/2.5 macro, and a bunch of other stuff I got no clue what they're for
Cheers and I hope I can contribute somewhat to this community!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello! I'm excited to be here. I've been enjoying reading the tutorials here and just noticed that there's a forum - what a great place this is
This is where the real action is Grace ...... or not! Anyway, a very warm welcome to you. I think you'll find that the forum is made up of lots of people with a vast amount of knowledge and experience who do want to help other people learn. So this is definitely a good place to be.
Originally Posted by
I am a lucky, spoilt daughter .... My Photography Equipment:Canon 40D and 30D, 24-105mm L, 100-400mm L, 50mm f/2.5 macro, and a bunch of other stuff I got no clue what they're for
You are indeed, though I'm sure you're not too spoilt!
It's great to have you on CiC. I hope you enjoy it. And remember ... the only dumb question is the one you don't ask.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello & greetings to all. I am Lito (full name - Manolito Palad). I hail from the Metropolitan Manila area, the Philippines.
I used Yashica and Canon AE1 in my film photography in the past. Last January 2011, I bought an entry level Olympus E-420 with 2 kit lenses. The camera has now become an integral part in my daily life. Everyday I look forward to waking up every morning and hoping to find something new to shoot and record in posterity.
Being a newbie in digital photography, I should say that the tutorials I have read in CiC has helped me a lot and now being a part of you guys I hope to broaden my horizon more.
Thank you and God Bless.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Mabuhay, Lito. Welcome to CiC. :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi yea all can figger I stay in Texas. New at photography and not to much into talking like this, I am 57 year old had lot's of bad stuff through school mainly spilling and reading yea all bear with me. I only stated with a point and shot camera my wife got me a Sony alpha a33 as if I had the other one down to an art form. So I do a lot of reading and learn all I can. My first one is a Fuji camera. FinePix S2550HD :cool:
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
First thing - Welcome
Second thing - You've probably seen that we tend to go with using proper names to address each other and It would be great if you wished to do that also. You can edit your profile and put your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear in the side bar on all your posts.
And I hope there will be lots and lots more posts. CiC is a site focused helping and supporting others. No question is to dumb. No picture is to dull. It is all about learning and being involved in online discussions that increase our knowledge and understanding.
So, thanks for signing up.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi All,
My name is Pui Yun. I'm 33 years old and I am born and from Ontario, Canada (my parents are Chinese). My day job is a software developer. I absolutely love the tutorials/techniques part of the CiC site, especially how to read an MTF chart - since I'm currently in the process of deciding on whether to get a 24-70 L f/2.8 or a 24-105 L f/4 - such a tough decision (if only the 24-70 had IS or the 24-105 had an 2.8 aperture). Also, looking at getting a canon 580ex II speedlite or may go with the cheaper nissin Di866, so many decisions.
Recently, my first son, Michael, was born (end of December 2010 - he's such a handsome boy) :) and I was given a T2i from my in-laws as a gift. I am currently very interested in portraiture (for obvious reasons) and I love the outdoors (i.e. hiking, camping). I like the wealth of information this site and the forums contain. Well, that's it for now. Just wanted to say hi to everyone. I hope to be able to contribute to the forums in the future.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Pui Yun
Hi All,
My name is Pui Yun. I'm 33 years old and I am born and from Ontario, Canada
Pui Yun - Welcome to the forums. I hope (think) you will find this part of the site as helpful as the tutorials.
You have that glorious dilemma that many have had before you - the 24-70 or the 24-105?
If you do a search on 'lenses', you'll get a long lists of threads, a number of which ask this very question. So, you can share the dilemmas that others have experienced in the past.
Please do join in the discussions, ask questions and post up some of your images in challenge threads and/or for comment and criticism.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello Everyone,
My name is Venny Braun & am currently living in Dubai, UAE. Actually, it has been few months already since the first time I subscribed to this website but no chance yet to post even a single photograph nor introduce myself:D Anyway, I've read all of the tutorial which can improve both of my knowledge & photography technique. Recently, I am using Nikon D5000 with 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G & Sigma lens APO 70-200mm F2.8 EX HSM.
At last but not least, I would be glad to get some advise for you then:)
This picture "Dubai Fountain" was captured last Dec 2nd, 2010 at UAE National Day located in Dubai Mall.
Greetings from Dubai!,
Venny Braun