Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello Everyone,
I found this site and have been using it for some references to get re-acquainted with photography. I am from Pittsburgh PA and joining this site for some good criticism, help with editing, and well just the fun of it. I say re-acquainted as I was into photography in my collage years. I thought I had a knack for it but I got distracted along the way and well in those days you didn't have the immediate gratification like you do today !
As for what I'm using I have a D5000 with 200mm and 55mm some filters tripods etc. I am pretty fluent in photoshop for web design ( dats me! Oh i know needs some updating. But please feel free to read it if you would like to know more about me.
I don't have any particular favorite type of photography. I just like a good picture.
Here is a picture I took a long time ago with film... that you devoloped, in a dark room. LOL Hope to hear from you all soon.
Edinboro PA
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi there thought I should introduce myself, Im an artist from Dunbar, South East Scotland.
I have a Sony Alpha 350 and hope to produce some panoramic shots from around my local area. I have uploaded one of my first pics for your thoughts. Looking forward to uploading more very soon.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi all, my name is Karly, I have recently taken up photography and bought my first DSLR (a Canon 550D - LOVE IT) :D. I am taking a part time course in photography at my local uni tech and finding it very interesting and educational (also challenging). Im still trying to figure out what sort of photographer I am. I am enjoying portrait and social documentation at the moment but have been know to wake at 4am to get awesome sunrises too. Im also a keen dressage rider, owning and competing two horses of my own, so animals and wildlife photography interests me also.
Look forward to gettting to know this site and learning from all of you.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
My name is Chris from the United States.
Brand new to the DSLR scene. I am using a hand me down Rebel Xti since by brother upgraded to a MkII. I shoot primarily outdoor and history museum. Came here due to the outstanding tutorials!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I am Bir from West Bengal India.
I am a Canon EOS 1000D user,photography is my hobby and I am looking forward to this forum for greater learning experiences.
Birabrata Das
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Everyone...
My name is Sandy and live in a little country town in NSW Australia. I'm reasonably new to photography and half way through doing an online photography course. I'm the proud owner of a Canon 7D which I am loving. Looking forward to soaking up heaps of information from everyone.
Cheers Sandy :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi Everyone...
My name is Sandy and live in a little country town in NSW Australia. I'm reasonably new to photography and half way through doing an online photography course. I'm the proud owner of a Canon 7D which I am loving. Looking forward to soaking up heaps of information from everyone.
Cheers Sandy :)
Hi Sandy. I'm also in NSW, but city. What online course are you doing? Nick
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, everyone in CiC!
I'm Adrian, from Penang, Malaysia.
got my 450D on Christmas 2009, and bought a 50mm f1.8 last month. I'm enjoy photography although I'm still have a long way to go!
Before I'm buying my 450D, I'm always followed the tutorials at CiC which I found is very useful for beginners!
Even now, I'm still sharing them with my friends on facebook! =) Hope to learn more from u guys here!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi! I'm Chris. Hobbyist. Jumping from forum to forum trying to find one that will bring my photography to a higher level. I've found the tutorials on this site to be helpful and informative several times, until yesterday it hadn't occurred to me that the forum could prove so as well. So far it has.
I hope I am able to contribute positively and learn much. My flickr can be seen here.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Nicholas Fiennes
Hi Sandy. I'm also in NSW, but city. What online course are you doing? Nick
Hi Nick, I doing a course with The photography institue. It is a 24week course but luckily they don't mind if you take longer, as I started back in June. I was going great up until November when I got so busy but now I am full steam ahead again. At the moment I'm up to lighting and found is forum a great place to help me with that. :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi to all Cambridgers!:)
I am new to photography, I I've just finished a beginners class (total of 48hrs) tutorial, I hope to learn more from this site because I really want to improve my shots/skills/attitude towards taking pictures, I really find photography a great way to relax/enjoy/escape from my real world.:p
I am a Pentax K-r user. Thanks.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello all,
I am a newby and very excited to join, however I don't spend much time on the computer away from work... ( unless I am editing photos :) so replys my be untimely. I am in awe of the photos I have seen on this great website.. what fabulous photographers! I look forward to all the great things I will learn from everyone in this community! I LOVE LOVE LOVE photography. I currently have a Canon Rebel XSI and for the most part use my ( ummm not with me now-this really shows that I am a newby ) - I believe its a 70-300mm :) I mostely take shots at my son's high school sports events (love baseball because of the great light) and scenic shots. I have taken some Senior Portraits for a couple families and they turned out fabuous. I hope to start a photography business at some point in the future.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Good grief - You go away for a few days and so many folk join CiC. Maybe I should go away more often!
So to everybody so far on this page and some on the last page - Hello & a very warm , if belated, welcome. Great to have you on board with us.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi all, my name is Natalya and I live in the Vancouver area of British Columbia/Canada. I have recently upgraded to a Nikon D300s from a D80 and use Photoshop CS5 for editing my images. I started photography about 6 years ago when I joined a photo club. I am interested in nature photography and landscape, maybe macro in the future.
I don't know if I can contribute anything but I am sure I will be learning a lot. Any honest criticism and suggestions are welcome.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi everyone,
This is the first time I've joined a forum... so I'm not quite sure what to say!
I love photography & the fact that its the art of capturing a moment in time. My passion is landscape photography but I also enjoy architecture, travel & macro. I live in Gloucestershire, England and I'm fortunate to have some beautiful countryside on my doorstep. Sadly working full time means I don't get out as much as I like... but I'm working on it!
I'm sure I'll learn a lot from the forums & hopefully my photography will improve!
I'm certainly looking forward to reading lots of posts!
All the best
Re: I am a new member looking for advise.
G'Day, my name is peter, going under the name of "Ice Heart" , along story as to why.
Now retired I love my photography.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, I am SimplyErnst, professional photographer based in Cape Town South Africa. Looking forward to interacting with everybody about photography.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hey everyone, I'm from the US right outside Washington DC. I use a Sony A580 which is a fantastic camera.
Im an IT during the day, but dont travel anywhere without my camera.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
:)Hello i've never been on a forum before so treat me gently.i hope i can give some input as time goes by and receive critique as seen to be.I live in Sydney australia and hope to improve my photography with visits to this excellent website.Cheers.