Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Good grief. This is wonderful. I can't keep up.
Alicia (don't worry - there's got to be a first time for everyone and this is about the best place you could be)
Paul (same as Alicia)
You are each very, very welcome.
CiC is a resource for every photographer, irrespective of their current level of knowledge and experience. It is a place for learning and all of us, no matter where we are on the scale, can still learn.
So, please enjoy CiC and pitch right in with questions, comments and, of course, images.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi everyone! This is Junia from Orlando FL. I finally got my DSLR a few months ago. It led me to discover how complicated photography is, and made me even more passionate about it. Hope to get to know you guys and learn from your experiences and dreams.
See you around.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi everyone! This is Junia from Orlando FL.
Hello Junia and welcome to CiC. First thing, you've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. Did you know you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts.
You don't tell us what DSLR you've got and what lens you have on it. What have you been shooting?
You've certainly found the right place to learn. That's very much what CiC is about. So please don't hold back on asking questions and joining in discussions. Although there may be people on here who, at the moment, are more knowledgeable and experienced than you are, there is no notion of hierarchy or seniority on here. We'd soon knock that one on the head if anyone tried it.
Re: Introduce yourself here
Hi everyone my name is Mark i live in Banff Alberta Canada I'm amateur photographer I used Camera Nikon D90.
Re: Introduce yourself here
Glad you've decided to join us, Mark.
You've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. Did you know you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts.
I hope you'll join in teh discussions and that we see some of your images in either or both the competition/challenge areas and the photo commentary areas inviting comments.
Re: Introduce yourself here
Hi, my name is Alex and I live in London, Ontario, Canada. My hobby is photography and I am doing all I can to improve my skills. I use a Sony A300.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, My name is Terrie and I am new to CIC and still very green with my photography. I am very excited to to learn as much as I can. I have recently started booking my own sessions for portrait and event. I even have a prom event scheduled in May. I currently shoot with a Sony a55 which was added to my current Sony a100. I love them!!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
hi everyone,
i am avisek from kolkata,india. i am novice at photography so cant say what kind of a photographer i am. i have a fuji hs10 fixed lence camera and with that i take picture of my city. i m trying to be a lifestyle photographer, and seekign advice from all of you for that...
Re: Introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi, my name is Alex and I live in London, Ontario, Canada. My hobby is photography and I am doing all I can to improve my skills. I use a Sony A300.
Alex - Just like the rest of us. Which is where CiC comes in - as a resource in which there are lots of fellow enthusiasts very able and willing to support, guide, advise. So, a warm welcome. I hope you enjoy it and are around here for a long time.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi, My name is Terrie and I am new to CIC and still very green with my photography. I am very excited to to learn as much as I can.
Learning is what it's all about Terrie and I think you'll find that CiC is a place that can help you with that.
The learning curve can feel steep at times, but that's when the support of others can be most helpful. So, good to have you joining and please do ask questions, post images and get involved.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
hi everyone,
i am avisek from kolkata,india. i am novice at photography so cant say what kind of a photographer i am..
Avisek - Hello and welcome.
I will look forward to seeing your images of city life in Kolkata.
I think you have adopted the right attitude in saying that you are still developing your knowledge and skills and cannot therefore say what specific interests you will have in photography. At the moment your priority, I think, is to get practice and seek advice and comments from other people.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello, I'm new to the forums, so please exscuse my silly, boring question. 54 years young, live in the Pacific Northwest or more like the "Frozen North" this year.
Have taken pics since I was 8 years old, however this is my first decent camera, DSLR, Olympus e500 17.5 to 45 , 40 to 150, and 150 to 300 mm lenses.
I'll have alot of questions to throw out for your answers.
Great reading so-far.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi all,
My name is Derek and I am a keen amatuer photographer who also likes to use photoshop to create montages and other images based on my photos. I use a Canon EOS 40D and have Lightroom 3 and CS5. I look forward to interacting with you all!
A test image for future posts
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello All, I have to say right off, this is a lovely site and forum. I've been reading posts and admiring images for a few days now and I'm really wowed at the quality of photos, the advise and constructive hints and helps I've been seeing.
I've been entralled by photography for many years, started in the 70s with film. I did a stint for a couple years taking pictures for a small town newspaper (they actually did four small neighboring towns) where I also learned my way around a darkroom. I followed the digitalital path when that came along and I have to say I like photoshopping much more than the smell of the chemicals.
I'm very enamoured of infrared, have had a camera modded to shoot IR. I also love to postwork and weave images in photoshop. I enjoy shooting landscapes, people, animals, actually, I'll pretty much shoot anything that will hold still long enough.
Looking forward to finding myself a nitch in this community.
[IMG]<a href="" title="Headstones in IR by Evn1ngStar, on Flickr"><img src="" width="435" height="500" alt="Headstones in IR"></a>[/IMG]
Well, that certainly didn't work out, perhaps I'll even figure out how to get an image to show up after a while....
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello, I'm new to the forums, so please exscuse my silly, boring question.
Rest assured, whilst some other forums might define whatever you ask as silly and/or boring, that will not happen on CiC. One of the great things about this site and made me stay was the fact that every person and question is treated with respect - particularly respect for the fact that we have all been at the point of starting out and needing to learn everything. It's remarkable how some people seem to forget that or need to shut it out of their mind.
Great to have you along.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi all,
My name is Derek I use a Canon EOS 40D ...
We obviously have another highly intelligent and quality-concsious member. Just by chance, so do I.
Welcome, Derek and thanks for joining CiC. Please do join in the discussions and keep images like that one above, coming.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello All, I have to say right off, this is a lovely site and forum. I've been reading posts and admiring images for a few days now and I'm really wowed at the quality of photos, the advise and constructive hints and helps I've been seeing.
Thank you, Yvonne, for your comments and a very warm welcome to you.
As you've already seen, CiC is about sensible, constructive and friendly support, advice and discussion, which I hope you'll feel able to be part of. I hope you'll share your knowledge and experience with those who might be just starting out on the learning curve.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello! My name is Ron and i am getting back in to photography after 20 years.I purchased a Nikon D3100 recently and am looking forward to taking many fine photographs on all my road trips that the wife and i take on our days off.Went to school for photography in the early 90's but had to leave school to raise my two boys.They have moved on so i'm looking into taking classes again to improve my abilities with my camera and photoshop.Enjoy your tutorials and hope to learn much more than what i know from them.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello! My name is Ron and i am getting back in to photography after 20 years.I purchased a Nikon D3100 recently and am looking forward to taking many fine photographs on all my road trips that the wife and i take on our days off.
You lucky person. Enjoy those trips and make sure you post up the results on here!
Welcome, Ron. Great to have you joining CiC. If you've looked around the site, you'll have seen that we are all very much about helping each other develop our knowledge and skills and that you'll join in the discussions.
And, by the way, you've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. Did you know you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
very beautiful ir picture.