Thanks Ron :)
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Hi All
My name is Phil and I live in Ipswich Suffolk I am an amateur photographer who enjoys natural history photography although my spinal problem makes this difficult at first interest was landscape photography which I am hoping to rekindle when I go up to Cullen in Scotland when I am getting married to my fiance Collis in June...
I am heavily involved with the Disabled Photographers Society where I am a committee member , I look forward to viewing the images on this site and hearing from fellow photographers...
What a sensible person. Coming to Scotland, I mean. NOT the getting married bit!! Only kidding ... honest!
Phil - can't think of a better place to a) get married; b) rekindle that thirsty for landscape photography. But, just one suggestion. I wouldn't spend too much time in the first couple of days saying soemthing like, "Darling, I'm away out for day with my camera. I'll see you in a few hours". Mightn't go down too well.
Anyway, welcome to CiC. Thanks for joining. Hopefully you've looked about the site and seen what the tutorials and this forum are all about. So, please do join in and I look forward to seeing some of your work.
ps - Some amazing stuff in the DPS Gallery
Hi Everyone,
My name is Ric Clay, living in Gisborne, Victoria, Australia (just outside Melbourne). I have always been interested in photography but never had the time (or the funds) until my wonderful wife bought me a Canon 7D for my birthday last year. Having completed a few courses in photography, I now have enough knowledge to get myself into trouble but not enough to get out of it again!!!
I look forward to learning as much as I can and to reap the benefits of the wider community's instruction.
This photo I took after setting up a small studio in the kitchen using a black backdrop.
Canon 7D 15-85mm lens (at 85mm) 100 ISO f/29 with 8s exposure.
Regards, Ric
What a lovely wife to have. Tell her she can come to Scotland any time!
Welcome, Ric. Great to have you joining up to CiC.
I notice that you didn't get your picture posted. If you need to, click on the Help/Rules button the menu bar at the top and there's a link there to a help thread on posting images. If you have any further problems, just yell.
Hi Alicia,
i'm a newbie as well and i noticed we both have similar photographic interests [but no macro lens yet] so let's show 'em how it's done eh.
cheers ,
Hello! My handle is Blue Eyes and I am from Southern California I use a Canon 7D and enjoy photographing all sorts of things, especially scenics and creative work. I'd say I am an intermediate photographer as far as skill level goes.
Hello and welcome.
You've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. Hope you might like to do the same. You can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts.
If you've been looking around the forum and the tutorials, you'll also have seen that CiC is very much about learning and sharing knowledge and experience. I hope you'll feel able to do the same and join in the discussions.
Hello everyone, what a great place to learn about photography. I have been intrested in pictures and photography since I was young. I have had Instamatics, Poloroids etc. In the early 80's Ibought a new Canon AE1 because two friends had them and they seemed to take nice poctures with little fuss. After thousands of pictures on the AE1 I found a nearly new AE1 program at a yard sale and started using it regularly.
From a very young age I always had a fascination in the amazing pictures I found in my Grandmothers Viewmaster and how you could sort of see behind things and have objects close and far away. After much shifting between eyes and studing the photos I realized that the pictures were taken side by side. I loaded the AE1p with Kodachrome 64 and off I went taking what I called side step pairs of slides. Aiming at a foreground object to take one pic and stepping sideways, aiming at the same object to take the other half of the pair. In the meantime I got a yard sale plastic Viewmaster and pried it open so I could view my home made stereo pairs. I took many pictures that way until I borrowed my old friends AE1 and got mine out of mothballs and twinned them on a home made bar. Years later when I got on the internet I realized I had invented the stone wheel when most other people were riding around on radial tires. I was surprized to see stereo film cameras had been around as long as photography it self. Now I have twin Canon sd1200s and I just replaced my twin Canon XT (350D) set up with two Canon T1i's. I also have a Fuji W3 point and shoot 3D.
As much as I like 3D I would like to advance my general photo skills and knowledge, and this looks like the place to do it. Thanks for maintaining a greate site. Tom T
Hi Tom,
Ah, now I understand the username :)
An interesting story and yes, we can help with the general photo stuff too.
I'm sure you've seen the Tutorials and Techniques sections here (in addition to the forums), but if not, those are the links.
Perhaps you have already seen this one?
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Hi everyone, My name is Jordie. I have been a photography for about four months now, and I have to say; I LOVE IT! When My fiance bought me my camera, I went crazy- snapping all types of photos. Honestly, that same day we went out and bought me five books on photography and I couldn't stop reading. I have learned so much and practiced all the time, but it didn't stop there... I started dreaming about photography and all the wonderful photos I could take! I was up til the early hours just writing down my thoughts and ideas...I had gone mad. Then, maybe a month into shooting, I hit my first diamond. My brother-in-law's cat was walking toward me and I dropped to the ground and snapped a pic- it came out so wonderfully, my fiance was thrilled and said I really had the eye for this. Which then lead me into creating a website, starting a network, taking photos for free to create a portfolio, and actually getting clients... this is huge. I am going to start School again in August and I now know what I want to do, it's brilliant. I will major in photography and start a real business for myself.
I realize that I might have gone a little overboard in my story, but I just wanted everyone to know that I am in love with photography and I can't wait to become as experienced as I have seen most of you are!
-Jordie (shuttergirl)
As a newcomer to dslrs & software and having retired from 48 years in the Merchant Navy, there's not enough hours in a day to enjoy all that life has to offer these days. I can see there's a lot of information available here and my comment is ...
This will take some time'
Best wishes to all
Hi Jordie,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us - and you're soooo enthusiastic :)
So, do tell, what are you shooting with?
One correction though; we're not all 'experienced', trust me - but we do share everything openly, so that collectively, we know heaps.
All the best,
Sorry Donald, I thought I had attached the photo to the thread.
I hope this time it works. Let me know if it does not appear properly.
Regards, Ric.
Hello Everyone,
My name is Leonardo, a newbie. I don't have a DSLR yet, but I'm planning to have one. Right now, I'm using my Canon G11 as a starter. Well, I am hoping to learn a lot from you and this site. I have always been interested in photography, and it makes at ease just viewing landscape pictures. I've been an avid fan of this website for a long time. Now, I decided to be a part of this. More power...
And it is wonderful that you have decided to sign up.
What model of camera you have is not what is most important. It is your enthusiasm and commitment to learning and developing your knowledge and skills. You posting above certainly conveys that you do have that enthusiasm and commitment.
So, please do join in the discussion and remember that other people on here are always very happy to answer questions and offer advice if that is requested.