Barry - Hello and welcome. Great you've decided to 'sign-up'.
And I'm glad to read your declaration to ask lots of questions. That is what CiC is very much about - learning and supporting others.
I look forward to seeing some of your images.
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Hi, I'm Crystal, a friend of mine stumbled onto this site and shared it with me. Photography is a hobby for him and has become an everyday passion for me. With 4 kids and 2 dogs I am never short on things to photograph, or bored for that matter lol. I look forward to delving into the wealth of information here and learning to improve my skills. I have a Nikon D3000, my first slr :)
Hello Crystal and welcome to CiC. This is the place to be to develop that passion. You'll find lots of people more than willing to share their knowledge and experience to offer whatever support they can (and that you seek) as you grow towards making better and better images.
So, please do dive right in with questions, comments and, of course images.
By the way, where are you? You can put your location into your profile and it will appear under your real name in all your posts.
New members are indeed very, very welcome. But I'm afraid we don't accept advertising in messages, including signature lines. If your joining is to pursue your interest in photography, then please do confirm this and I will restore your post, which I have in the meantime removed from the thread.
Hi my name is Rhiannon, I live in Scotland.
I have just taken up a photography course at the start of the year and loving every bit so far.
Look forward to meeting you all.
All the best people do, Rhiannon. All the best people do!
Where are you?
Glad you've found CiC. If you've been looking into the site for any length of time, you'll have seen that it is very much about supporting people to learn and to develop their knowledge and skills. It's a place where you get to access the wealth of knowledge that exists amongst the members who are always able and willing to give advice and suggestions.
So, please do join in the discussions and ask whatever questions you have. Remember - there's no such thing as a daft question on CiC.
Hello, my name is Colin. (Not to be confused with that other guy.):)
I've been a member here for a while but kind of drifted away and couldn't
figure out how to retrieve my password so I just started over.:o
Glad to be back, it's a great site.
My name is Teresa and I just stumbled upon this site while looking for some good tutorials. This site had more information in one location than any other I have found so far. This prompted me to become a member.
I just started getting into photography last year, 2010, and it has completely taken over my heart. I have found a lot of joy and the excitement to learn more and experiment more does not seem to subside. In fact it is growing exponentially I think!
I am really looking forward to making new friends here, learning from their experiences, and seeing others' work as I am just in awe of great photography. I also would like to receive constructive criticism as it is the only way I can learn.
Thank you. :)
Very much in keeping with the quality of the tutorials, I think (hope) you'll find that the quality of constructive criticism on here is at the very least, equal to the best on the web.
What you have on CiC are enthusiasts, just like you, who are more than happy to share their knowledge and experience to help others with their learning. I think you'll also find a real sense of an online community. And I hope you'll feel able to join in and be part of that.
So, a very warm welcome and please do ask lots of questions, post up lots of images and become involved in the discussions.
im jhong dizon. you can call me JD or Japz. presently living in muscat city, sultanate of oman. im an administrator in a construction company and freelance photographer by weekends.
i love this site most specially the tutorials... i read it always if i have some questions running in my mind :) very informative...
kudos to all staffs and management of this site :)
God speed to all
We've already been enjoying your work and I hope we'll see a lot more of it. I am glad you are enjoying being part of CiC.
Hello everyone!
After some "lurking" and having read - almost - all the tutorials, I just joined the community.
I live in Italy and hope my English won't be that bad for you to bear with me.
I do not own a digital camera *yet* :), but I hope I'll get one for my birthday in August (hopefully much sooner than that, if money allows): I'd like to go for a Nikon D90 with a 18-105 zoom.
Apart from that, I used to use film cameras till the recent past - I own a couple of Yashica (FX3 S2000, fully manual, and a FX-D, manual and automatic) and a Contax 167MT.
I also used to take 6x6 B/W photos by means of a Yashica MAT 124G camera, metering light with a Gossen Lunasix F, and *trying* to apply Ansel Adams's Zone System.
That's just to let you know that I *used* to be quite at ease with "traditional" film photography; then I had sort of a black-out for some years and now the "passion" returned with force - in the meanwhile, the world of photography has turned to digital! :)
Thus, I wanted to get well-acquainted about the technology behind, and that's why I read almost all the tutorials.
OK, no more grumbling: I mostly hope to learn new things from all of you.
First of all, a very warm welcome to you. And the second thing to say is that your written English is probably better than mine, so you have no need to be concerned about that.
I am sure you already have a reasonably good understanding of how the forum works and that it exists to help and support colleagues in the development of their photographic skills and abilities. It seems that you are enjoying your journey of discovery into the world of digital. I hope you do manage to get a camera soon. In the meantime, please do ask any questions that you may have.
Greetings everyone,
It is a pleasure to join your group of photographers I hope my contributions will inspire you as much as I have been inspired weaving my way through this site.
I live in beautiful Langley British Columbia,Canada on a small farm surrounded by hay fields and lots of wildlife.I shoot all types of photography from macro to equestrian show jumping and am using the amazing Nikon D3 and love the way it expands my toolbox.
Glad to be here.
And I'm very glad you've chosen to be here. There are certainly people on here whose particular interests include macro and equestrian photography ... and everything in between!
I hope we'll see lots of your images on here and you taking part of the various discussions that go on. Good to have you here.