Welcome Teresa.I found this site the same way you did and you will not be disappointed as there are many friendly people here who are willing to help you in anyway they can.
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My name is John and I live in West Lothian in Scotland.
I studied photography at college as a mature student and gained an NC and HNC in Photojournalim. Been away from photography for more years than I care to remember due to work and other commitments.
I use Nikon gear and my kit ranges from old SLR cameras ranging from a Nikon FE to my fantastic Nikon F4. I finally decided that digital wasn't cheating after all and bought a D70. I recently bought a D300s
Had a look around the forum and think this is an ideal place to get the passion back as there are some very knowledgable people on here that know what they are talking about and obviously have a passion for their photography
Hello and a very warm welcome to you.
First of all, You've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. Did you know you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also put in you location so that people reading your posts know where in the world you are.
You lucky person!Quote:
I am meant to be getting a camera for my birthday
1 is there a light meter in the 50 d?
Not sure what you mean. Are you meaning the comparative weight between the two bodies? If so, I'm not sure. But a quick check on the Canon website would give you the answer. If, on the other hand your question is about apeture, tehn that is matter relating to the lenses you buy, not the camera body.Quote:
2 in terms of apeture how does the 50 weigh in comparison to the 5DII?
3 Can I use the high quality (if im not mistaken L prime lenses) in the 50?
Others may make a comparison. My view is that noise is managed by good exposure. Get it right and it doesn't matter what body you've got, it will be okay.Quote:
4 Is the difference in iso/noise between the cameras very noticable?
Again, not sure what you mean. Burst shooting doesn't compromise the ability of the camera to capture your photographsQuote:
5 How does the fps compromise the ability of the 5DII?
I've never heard of the 'black dots', so can't help you on that one.Quote:
6 What is the story behind the "black dots" and is there a solution?
For those things to which I don't know the answers, I'd suggest putting up a post in the 'Digital Cameras and Equipment' section and that will attract people with a lot more technical knowledge than me to come in and provide answers.
Hi - Cheryl here. Just joined and have time for quick check in. I tend to specialize in nature and architectural photography. Since I hike and camp the nature aspect comes easily.
I'll post more later as I need to run out now.
Cheryl: Well, once you've arrived back in - Hello! Welcome to CiC.
I hope you enjoy being part of the forum will be around for a long time and will take part through getting involved in discussions and posting your images either in the Challenge thread or for criticism and comment.
Hi All!
I'm getting to grips with digital photography, with the accent on digital as I've been a film photographer for six decades and a Television cameraman for three, the transition is more complicated than it appeared it would be. I've no problems with the photography side it is those darned pixels that are difficult to get a handle on if you're accustomed to thinking in film or old fashioned video..
Where do I start to begin to learn how to handle the technicalities? What limits the size of the print when I can up or down size in Photoshop? Why should I bother how many Mp my camera has?
You see what I mean? Lots of questions that will seem simple to all you experienced people who've grown up in the digital era. I've bared my soul as you seem such a friendly lot - tell me how do I find the answers to my questions? I haven't found them in books that all seem to assume it is straightforward or can be ignored.
So, with your help and hoping to cross the border from old to new technology,
First of all, a very warm welcome to CiC. Thank you for joining up.
And secondly, you've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. Did you know you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also record your location so that it shows up on your posts.
As for
then please do ask in here. I hope you find that one of the wonderful strengths of CiC is the huge body of knowledge and experience that exists and the willingness there is to share that.Quote:
tell me how do I find the answers to my questions? I haven't found them in books that all seem to assume it is straightforward or can be ignored
So, just set up a new thread and ask lots of questions. For those who may be fearful that their question will be dismissed as simplistic, we always say that no question is too dumb to be asked on CiC. It's all about learning and you only learn by asking and searching.
Hi Everyone! I'm Frank originally from Rhode Island, USA and currently living in South Carolina, just South of Charlotte, NC.
I took, developed and printed a few B&W pictures in the early 60's but had to switch to a Point & Shoot while rasing a family. I got my first DSLR 3 months ago and have been having a blast taking photos and learning how to use a digital darkroom. Shortly after getting my camera I heard about High Dynamic Range Photography and realized what was missing from my flat, drab, 2D images for all these years. The pictures simply didn't look like what I saw when I took the shots! Now I am trying to learn the HDR process. I'll try to attach an HDR shot of a sunset at a local lake. I hope I can share with and learn from the group!
Hi, my name is Reyhan and I am an amateur photographer. I like CiC and it's tutorials, so I joined.:):)http://www.pbase.com/reyhan
Frank - Hello and welcome to the CiC community. Glad to read that you're enjoying the journey of discovery.
Certainly, this is a place where you will get the help and support that you ask for. There's a lot of knowledge about that people are very willing to share.
Reyhan - That's good to hear. I'm very glad that you've decided to join up. Now you can ask all the questions you might have. There's no such thing as a dumb question on CiC. So, as well as using the tutorials for learning, please do use this forum as well.
You've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. Did you know you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts.
Hello from Wisconsin! I have never joined a forum before, so if I am a little timid, please understand. About two years ago, I made the decision to retire from 43 years working in the residential wood window market here in the USA. I most certainly have enjoyed the many wonderful people that I was lucky enough to get to know and I will miss this daily contact tremendously. After spending many months planning what to do next, I was fortunate to have a grandson that wanted me to do his Pictures for graduation from high school, and then a couple of his friends also. This worked out so very well that I have decided to pursue my love for Photography and make it a part time business. This will help me with my time management, as well as pay a few bills. I am looking forward to learning everything that I possibly can about photography and the wonderful people that I hope I will be lucky enough to meet. Being from a climate that does have snowy winters, I do not get enough time so be out in nature during the year, so I will be making plans to do some traveling as well. I am glad to be here. Jerry
Hello all,
My name is Shawn O from Minnesota USA I have been a photographer for (self taught). for almost 20 years. I'm looking for a community that's into the art of photography not the equipment so much. I love nature, still-life, and macro.
I just bought a Canon 60D still working out the bugs and learning my new camera I have to say it's a great camera. :cool::cool:
I will post photos as soon as I get some I'm proud of LOL.
Hi , My name is George . I'm 58 years old , My first camera was a Pentacon Altix more then forty years ago. I born in Hungary , I love photography
I have Nikon 5000 with couple lenses so here I'm .
Don't worry, Jerry - we're a harmless lot on here!
I remember first joining and thinking that everyone MUST know so much more than me and they'd all think I was stupid. I believe there are some forums where that sort of attitude does exist. But the fact that I'm still here tells you that CiC is not one of those places.
So, when you feel ready, please do dive in - asking questions, posting up images. Great to have you here.
Shawn - In that case, you've found the right place. Of course we discuss equipment, but in the context of its role in being an aid to making images, not as an end in itself. So, I hope you enjoy being part of this forum.
Sometimes it's very serious. Sometimes it's fun. But whatever, the fact is that there are real enthusiasts on here who foster a culture of mutual support and learning. So, please do join in.
Wow a lot of people here :) Hi!
I am Laura, from Romania. I am almost new to photography and even newer to photography forums (this is the first one). I pretty much take pictures of everything I see, as I didn't have enough time to figure out what to specialize on. But chances are it will be travel photography, as I enjoy traveling very much.
My first thread reply was with the May competition. No chances of winning, I know, but constructive criticism and comments are very much welcomed.
I have a Canon 400D with an 18-55 and a 55-200, but I sooo long for a new one. I didn't take any photography courses yet (I learnt everything myself, including Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom, which I use), but they are planned in the future. Till then, I hope this forum will help too :cool:
Laura - It's always good to start with the best!!
Seriously, I do hope that you find CiC to be a helpful resource in your learning. We certainly believe that the purpose of this forum is to develop learning and assist people improve their knowledge and skills. So, asking lots of questions and seeking advice is very normal and there is always at least one person (and usually many more) who will respond and try to help.
There are lots of people on here with whom you can discuss this software and who will share their knowledge and experience with you.Quote:
I learnt everything myself, including Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom, which I use)