Hi my name is Noam. I'm rely very new with photography. I'd like to start taking my new hobby more seriously. I use a compact Olympus FE5000,X905.
I like taking macro photos.
I'd be glad for tips for starters :)
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Hi my name is Noam. I'm rely very new with photography. I'd like to start taking my new hobby more seriously. I use a compact Olympus FE5000,X905.
I like taking macro photos.
I'd be glad for tips for starters :)
A very warm welcome.
Where are you? You can edit your profile and put your location (area, country) into it. It will then appear in the sidebar of your posts. That can help when people are giving advice and comment if there is something country-specific that might be relevant.
Anyway, I hope you will quickly see that CiC is a resource very much dedicated to helping and supporting people develop their knowledge and skills. So, please do ask questions and people will be very happy to share their experience with you.
Hi everyone, im willieb from manila. thanks for the chance to join CiC. im an amateur in photography & so far the CiC tutorials were so helpful & informative. i been doin most of my shots on improvised methods but now im looking forward to learn more from the masters like You. i love macro & creative shots.
best regards to all! :)
Hello Willeb - and thanks for the picture. As for, , although there are plenty of people with lots of experience here on CiC, everybody also realises that we are all still learning. And that is the great strength of this site. The forum and the tutorials come together as a very powerful learning resource.
So, please do join in and ask lots of questions. And, of course, keep posting your images.
Hi Everybody
My name is Iain Brockwell, I am from Scotland originally but am now a truly converted Aussie from Brisbane, Queensland. I am currently studying photography part time and am putting together a portfolio that will hopefully help me change my career in the not too distant future. I haven't really discovered what my photographic preferences are as yet but I do enjoy the challenge of land/seascape photography. I have done some product shots in the past and am also keen to improve on these as well as getting into architectural photography. I'm looking forward to learning more from CIC and getting some feedback on my shots.
Jings, crivvens, help ma boab! (apologies to all non-readers of the Oor Wullie [Our William] cartoon strip that's run in the Sunday Post newspaper for the last, probably 537 years). Another one who escaped.
Hello from the olde country, Ian. Welcome on board.
Hopefully you will find that CiC is a valuable resource in helping you with your learning. Look forward to seeing some work from the portfolio.
Hi Donald
You'll be glad to hear that I still get the Oor Wullie and Broons calendar sent over from the family every Christmas. They have most of the locals here mystified when they try to read them:D
Hi everybody,
New member John here. I'm a Canadian living in Poland for the last 1.5 yrs. I bought my first dslr 2 years ago, a nikon d90. Over the years I can't remember a time I didn't own a camera from a small yashica rangefinder when I was 12 trying to imitate HCB, through a series of pentax slrs, and then a contax slr (I traded in for the Nikon d90) Along the way I had a darkroom for a number of years, I started with a slide projector I converted somehow into an enlarger, in the day this equipment was expensive!... I sometimes miss this part of photography, watching the pictures develope in the tray.
I'm shooting raws and working with photoshop and nikon view nx. I think of photography as an art and enjoy taking shots of nature, old buildings, portraits and street scenes- really anything that catches my eye. I am also an avid hiker and I enjoy documenting my adventures with my camera, and lastly I take lots of pictures of my never ending home renovation, in the slim chance I could one day create a how to book.
I'm thrilled to be here, Big hello from POLAND!
Hello John and a big welcome to CiC.
My own connections with Poland have been doing voluntary work with a small charity helping establish child protection systems and practice in and around Gdansk. Have been several times. Loved the place. Don't know the south-west at all, I'm afraid.
I look forward to seeing the creative, fine-art images of the house renovation!
I hope you enjoy being part of CiC and will be part of the forum for a long time to come.
Hi everyone, I thought I should take the time and introduce myself. I can't express how much I love this site! My photography teacher at school suggested it to us and I am so happy he did! I am hooked on it.
I am from Ontario, Canada.. Just recently moved here from British Columbia. I just got a DSLR about two months ago. It is the best purchase I think I have ever made.. I had been trying lots of different things in life and never seemed to find my "passion" until I tried photography. Now I can't seem to get enough of it. I have two sons who don't like getting there picture taken. So they won't let me use them as subjects. I am taking photography in school right now so I have been taking a lot of nature shots which are pretty difficult for a beginner, the animals don't seem to want to co-operate.. lol. I prefer to take pictures of people and capturing candid moments but I can't always do that. I haven't found my exact niche yet as I am experimenting with all sorts. I am trying really hard to get the basics down but I tend to want to run before I can walk so I really need to slow down and practice the basics first. I want to thank everyone for being so kind and helpful, I have started a notebook and have been writing down suggestions and tips that I get on my photos as well as looking at others and writing down those too. I really appreciate that everyone has been very kind so far. Sometimes forums can be a bit unfriendly but not this one. It's amazing!! :) :D
What a nice teacher.
Hello Shannon (again) and welcome to CiC. I'm glad you're enjoying it.
Kids. Animals. They're both as bad as the other. That's why I stick to tractors and trees!Quote:
I have two sons who don't like getting there picture taken. So they won't let me use them as subjects. I am taking photography in school right now so I have been taking a lot of nature shots which are pretty difficult for a beginner, the animals don't seem to want to co-operate.. lol.
I haven't found my exact niche yet as I am experimenting with all sorts
That' s probably a good place to be so far as your developmental pathway is concerned.
Again, as I said before in relation one of your posts, you're answering the questions yourself. It's hard. We all want to know everything at once. But if you can discipline yourself to take it one step at a time, then the learning will build up and you'll realise that you know things and can do things that you never thought possible. It will happen - I am the living proof!Quote:
I am trying really hard to get the basics down but I tend to want to run before I can walk so I really need to slow down and practice the basics first.
So - please do enjoy CiC and ask lots of questions. Remember - there's no such thing as a dumb question on CiC.
Hi All,
I'm Fred and do Real Estate Photography in the St. Louis, MO area. My website is http://freddepp.com. All comments welcome.
My name is Peter, I live in Sydney Australia, and I joined this forum to get more understanding and education of photography and techniques. I came across the Cambridge in Colour site a few years ago and watched it evolve, I really like the tutorials the site has to offer. My main photographical interests are macro and infrared, and have recently begun exploring portrait photography and learning about the nitty gritty lighting and perception. Other interests include forensic science and archery.
Hi everyone,im Norman (ninjaturtlestew) a photography enthusiast.i hope i can grow and share with the CIC community :) im a general digital photographer but swaying heavily on cosplay photography and street photography.
Hi everyone! I'm Philbert Lim from Malaysia, been working in Singapore for up to 7 years as a landscape architect, but still traveling back hometown often. Photography has always been my greatest interest and passion since my secondary school, besides graphics and arts. I especially like Night and Macro photography as I find these two are simply amazing and stunning that sometimes we even hardly notice or seen with our naked eyes daily, and of course I like all other photography types.
Finally got myself first ever DSLR (D300s) last December and still being excited with it...before that, I was only having a Canon A95 to explore the world of digital photography for years. Hope to meet all marvelous and pro photographers here in CiC that wiling to guide me through the deeper journey of Photography. :)
Best wishes to all,
Hi everyone, My name is Joy, I photograph animals,nature,and odd things that catch my eye, Fairly new to this so am looking to learn and have fun as I learn,Born in Yorkshire,(miss that light) living in Manhattan.
Name is Scott. Just really got into photography. Frankly, don't know what I even like taking pictures of as yet but I'm working on it... learning. This seems like a great site with really nice, experienced and helpful folk. Glad to be a part of it all. And thank you in advance for the constructive criticisms!
Hi everyone,
I am Don from South Korea, 60 year-old but very enthusiastic in photography. Upon joining Cambridge in Colour today, I posted an image replying to a thread about sunrise/sunset theme. I hope to enjoy living together with you online, and to learn many on the digital imaging world, especially on creative photoshop stuffs.
Actually, I tried several times to post a small picture of mine to My Profile, but failed. I need to fix this one first.
See you.
Hi Peter,
We have a few members here into IR, as you probably know, so do dive in with your own examples, the best way to progress is practice and share for critique.
I've got a son doing a degree in Forensic science - as a matter of coincidence .... but I haven't done any archery since my school days ;)
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...