Welcome Gary.looking forward to seeing many fine photograph's from you.
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Welcome Gary.looking forward to seeing many fine photograph's from you.
Hello Rasbury or should I say Ron?
Thank you for welcoming me to Cambridge in Colour, i will post some of my work very soon and I shall look forward to sharing our interest in digital photography!
best wishes
Hello everyone. I'm David, I live in Manchester, England, and photography has been a passion for the past couple of years now since I thought I'd see what all this DSLR stuff was about and got myself a Nikon D5000. I've tried all kinds of photography but my interest seems to be naturally gravitating towards portraits and people pics. In the process of trying to improve I've taught myself Photoshop and Lightroom to an OK standard while still wanting to keep faith with what my eyes are actually seeing - a tricky balance, I find...
After browsing through the threads here I've already learned a lot and realise that its a place I'll enjoy spending time. Once I've experimented with the uploading process I'll start to contribute some of my images to the site.
Warmest wishes to all, David :)
hello everybody i'm koullis
Hello everyone. My name is Malcolm George and I live in Surrey, England. I have been a photographer since my youth but having taken early retirement recently I have taken the plunge to go digital and commit some real time to photography. In my youth I was fortunate to join a camera club and learnt loads which lead me to some semi-pro work with one of the club professionals doing weddings and portraits whilst I was studying at University. I have done plenty of photography over the years, but family and career often got in the way and photogrpahy had to take a back seat. Now I have time again and I look forward to rekindling the fond memories I have of photogrpahy in my youth. I am a member once again of a camera club (Farnborough) and will commit to their activities with interest.
I have a number of cameras, many of which are inherited from realtives who also enjoyed photography and who left them to me becuase of my interest. So I have everything from vintage medium format cameras plus quite a few slrs. My own dslr cameras are now Cannons. I will continue to use film but am also looking forward to using digital and really getting into it as an entirely new discipline of photography. So I hope I will enjoy CiC and its forum and keep learning about photography from everyone here
Hi Malcom, and welcome to CiC. I'm an early-retiree too, and it does give you lots of time to explore photography (far better than working!). There is considerable experience here on CiC, and I'm sure that you will get all the help and support you are looking for. Check out the tutorials by Sean (our Great Leader). They are very good for those new to digital.
Have fun.
Hello Forum,
I was using point and shoot camera for a decade now and was bit bored with it . Hence, I brought Samsung NX11 last week . This is the first time I am using anything other than point and shoot camera. I am very excited and interested to learn using my new camera and take some nice pics in manual mode.
Hi All,
My name is Diane and I'm from Naperville, Illinois. I've always been interested in photography and finally decided to pursue it (mostly as a hobby). My goal is to learn as much as I can (and I know I have lots to learn!!). Looking forward to exploring this site and checking out the tutorials.
Hi Everyone ! I'm Nikhil Datta from India......I love my camera, a complete movie buff and don't mind working for days without food and sleep till the perfection is reached !
I came across CiC while browsing through the net. I'm interested in portraits, nature photography as well as landscapes.I'm sure I'll be learning a lot more than I can contribute, but I look forward to the experience and invite honest criticism and suggestions on my work.
This seems like a great place to learn, with knowledgeable and helpful members, so thanks in advance for your consideration to a newcomer like me !!
Hi, my name is Stefania and I'm a newbie as far as photography goes. I've stumbled upon your tutorials and found them very instructive, so I decided to join the community :)
I'm using a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ28, as it's been recommended to me as a good camera to get started.
Thanks in advance for your consideration :) Cheers! :)
Hi everyone, I'm Keith and I live in Taupo in the centre of the North Island of New Zealand. I have fairly recently got a D-SLR after many years of 35mm film. Photography is still photography - but digital ! Oh dear! Fortunately my son is a computer technician so I have all the computer software, it's learning to use it is the problem.
I had a Minolta 600si which was stolen so it was replaced with a Sony A350 which will accept all my A-mount lenses and other Minolta gear. Unfortunately my 5400HS flash is not compatible with Sony but I have just found an adapter which is on its way from Europe.
I'm looking forward to participating in this site, it's one of the most compehensive I've come across.
I'm a member of the Taupo Camera Club, affilliated to the Photographic Society of New Zealand.
I also collect vintage cameras, I started to replace the various cameras I have owned over the years but have expanded to cover cameras from the last 100 years (nearly) My oldest is a No. 1 Autograph Kodak Junior dating from 1914. My dad had one and I remember when I was about 4 or 5 before WW2 being allowed to take a photo of my mum with it.
Hi, my name is Christo and I am from South Africa. Photography as a hobby, started for me with the purchase of my first SLR, a Pentax K1000, in 1981. I learned the basics of using SLR cameras, but due to financial and other personal reasons, I had to sideline my hobby till about a year ago, when I took the leap to DSLR photography with a Pentax K-x, which allows me to use about 10 old manual lenses that I've collected over time. I still have a lot to learn and/or catch up with again, and CiC seems a nice place to do it:)
Rob. Thanks for your post. I have had a look at your website/flickr page. Great scenary you have down there in West Wales beautifully captured in your photos. One of the things I envisage doing is building a protfolio of photos to show of the county of Surrey off. I hope I can succeed as well as you have done for West Wales. I also love Greece and visit often so will do the same there.
Hi My Name is Trevor and I am from Nottingham in the United Kingdom.
I've just bought my first DSLR (NikonD5100) and know nothing about photography, so its going to be a steep learning curve for me.
Look forward to learning from other forum members and may be helping myself in the future.
Anyway back to the user manual I guess.
I'm Allan from Denmark that discovered this great site some month ago, and up to now has given me a lot of technical photografic understanding - thanks for that :)
I started my photografic "career" 1 year ago with buying a Nikon D90. I haven't got the time as wished, but I improved slowly and steady though, among others because of this site. As time passe I hobe I can give some knowledge back.
Hi Allan
You are most welcome here. And as long as you can stand the weird humour you will find things just fine. :)
Helllo everyone. My name is Mike. Thirty years ago, I purchased a Nikon F3 with a Nikkor 35mm 1:28 and Vivitar Series 1 70-210mm 1:35 Macro zoom. It has served me well . . . love that camera. As a serious computer graphics artist, six years ago, I dicided I needed Digital camera capacity so I purchased a Nikon Coolpix 2000. I figured I should ease into the digital image with modest cash outlay since I was still using my F3. However, it is time for me to move to DSLR. I am interested in purchasing a Nikon D7000 and wonder if my old Nikkor and Vivitar lenses will work with the new camera. I am aware that using old lenses with the digital SLR is not optimum, but it will help, initially, in that I can use the camer for a while without having to expend large sums on new lenses. What do you think?
Rob, I have now created a flickr page- look up /mg6238. Just a few photos from both Uk and Greece using my little Nikon Coolpix.
If you make me a contact on Flickr, I'll make you one, and we can see each others new shots when posted.
Life doesn't get any more exciting than this! :rolleyes: