Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello out there-I'm 65 and live in rural Nevada, where the skies are surprisingly dirty in summer. Smoke from wildfires or smog from L.A. drifting up this way makes for only so-so viewing. Best skies I've ever ogled were Montana skies. Became interested in astronomy way back when Comet Hale-Bopp was in the night sky. I was smitten! Checked-out a library book on astronomy and taught myself the sky. Used to stargaze out in the back yard, hidden behind my horse's hay bales so the neighbors wouldn't wonder what I was doing out there (they already thought I was weird enough). Used broken binoculars in which only one eyepiece worked to figure things out. Remember having an awful time finding Cygnus, until one night I dozed off and when I awoke, it was right above-Eureka! Hadn't realized it was such a large constellation. Now the sky is familiar to me. While in Montana,even wrote an astronomy column for our small local newspaper at one time (not now). I love stargazing.
Anyhow...I wanted to ask if anyone knows where a person can buy a 16" (400mm), synscan (go-to), Skywatcher Dobsonian telescope, here in the USA? I keep looking on the net and can only find a place in Australia that sells them. I need to find out where they live, and how much they are in American dollars so as to budget for one. Anybody know who sells the things and where? Feel free to use my email address as I'm just figuring out how to work this site and am not sure I can find my way back (I'll try). Wow. I might not even be able to post this to the right place! Xena
Oops-Worst yet-I must be in the wrong world! Just read the posts. Thought this was an ASTRONOMY site! Mass confusion. That being said-quick recovery-I have an 8" X 10" Eastman Kodak View Camera (like Edward Weston's). Once I get the bellows replaced, will try for fabulously-detailed photos (am working on putting together an old-fashioned, totally non-digital, darkroom) out in the garage. Have a manual OM-2 that still works fine after 35 years or so. Hard to find film anymore, though.
Hi Xena,
Don't worry about the mass confusion :)
If you do pop back, I'd suggest putting the question into the equipment forum, we do have a few astro's here, so you never know, you might gat an answer.
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
:confused: hi john here. As you can see will never make a blogger. Thats about it.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Good day to all
As of today I have joined your Forum..I am 62, retired and love Photography in the outdoors. Mountians are my favorite, and city scapes coming in second My first love has been Black and White , but I am trying out HDR with adjustments been done in lightroom
Hi "dwalkinshaw",
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us.
I have three questions;
What's your first name? David, or Donald?
Where are you in the world?
What camera are you shooting with?
All the best,
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello friends
My name is Josep M, I'm from a town near Barcelona, Vilanova i la Geltrú.
I'm a photographer dedicated to product, industrial, landscape and panoramic, immersive also.
You can see my site
Hi Josep M,
May I extend a friendly greetings from me, great to have you join us.
Welcome to the CiC foums from ...
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi all,
I'm Marc, from Johanneburg, South Africa.
I been involved with photography in and out for many moons, but in the last few year really got serious. Recently I started a photographic diploma course, as far photo preferences, I love wildlife, nature and outdoor photography; (well I do live in Africa!)
At present I have a huge flare for photographing topics like lightning, fire, flowers and insects.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi Im a new hire private investigator and i own my first digital camera the canon sx30IS Gettin my butt chewed because when in the woods for cover photographing a house two hundred feet out in a clear developement, when i zoom in , the lens focuses on the leaves and brush that are close to the camera and makes the house do i fix this, i gotta get the boss off my butt..i dont have much
Hi Joe,
You're going to need a camera that allows manual focus, or focus hold.
That probably means the boss has to spend some money ;)
That said, I'm not familiar with the SX30is, maybe that has the facility already, I'd suggest asking the question in the equipment forum - or reading the manual :D more seriosuly, if you don't have access, let us know, we may be able to help.
Welcome to the CiC foums from ...
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Thank you so much for the warm welcome Dave! Are you the moderator here? I noticed you welcomed many others too, so... :)
I'm not used to participating in forums and I do get confused at times. Is there a way I can be notified via email when my post has been replied? Oh.. something really important: I'd love to share some of my pics here too but since I sell many on stocksites I wonder if I should. What do you say?
Thanks again.
Hi again Publio,
I am a moderator yes.
In respect of pictures, I'd definitely suggest you don't post the exact same ones you place on the stock sties, they may have a problem with that.
Also, we are primarily a learning community, so most images are posted for critique, which we'd be glad to help with.
In respect of your e-mail question, I have no experience since I visit everyday anyway :)
However, looking at things;
Go to "Settings" (beside Log Out link right at the top of the page)
In left hand panel, in the My Settings section, click "General Settings"
In main panel, in Messaging & Notification section
Change the selection in "Default Thread Subscription Mode:" to "Instantly using e-mail"
I think that should do the trick - i.e. send you an e-mail when anyone replies to threads you have Subscribed to.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
the gypsy
Hi, my name is Fadwa (the gypsy) - A woman with a restless soul & gypsy's spirit! I love creativity, I'm a published author, jewelry designer, artist, translator and amateur photographer. People are always telling me I should focus on one thing, but I feel they are all one thing and they fuel each other (and me).
Hi Fadwa,
That sounds varied and interesting :)
What are you shooting with?
Welcome to the CiC foums from ...
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
:confused: hi john here. As you can see will never make a blogger. Thats about it.
Hi John,
Well, you're up to 3 posts already, so you're not doing too bad :)
Welcome to the CiC foums from ...
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi all,
I'm Marc, from Johanneburg, South Africa.
I been involved with photography in and out for many moons, but in the last few year really got serious. Recently I started a photographic diploma course, as far photo preferences, I love wildlife, nature and outdoor photography; (well I do live in Africa!)
At present I have a huge flare for photographing topics like lightning, fire, flowers and insects.
Hi Marc,
Welcome to the CiC foums from me, great to have you join us.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask, we're here to help.
Best regards,
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello, my name is Andrea, I live in Switzerland, Ticino, to be precise, I was born on 19.06.1984, I own a Canon EOS 350 D, the goals I have are:
Sigma 55-200 f4-5.6
Canon EF 50mm f2.5 Macro
Olympus OM 300mm f 4.5
Olympus OM 28 f 2.8
excuse the bad translation but I use google ...: D
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, I'm Jim and "kinda" new to photography. By "kinda" I mean that my last SLR was bought in 1980 while stationed at RAF Lakenheath, U.K. That can best be described as "mildly serious hobby photography" and devolved to Point & Shoot simplicity. When my daughter gave me her old Olympus E-420 about 6 months ago, something awakened and I am again "hooked". It did not take long, maybe its been there all along. I don't think I'll ever be a "Pro", I just want to learn the craft well, produce a few memorable photos and have fun doing it. I am intrigued with wildlife photography and birds in particular. Because of the lens selection, I purchased a Canon 60D with a 28-135mm and 100-400mm lens. Geese, have I ever a lot to learn!:eek:
You can view my on-going learning curve at:
Comments welcome.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
My name is Bill and I am relatively new to photography. I like to do portraits, landscapes architecture but mostly nature type pictures, plants, trees animals. I like this website because of the obvious talent of a great number of the participants. I am hoping to learn more here.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi All,
My name is Fitzy, from Brisbane Australia, and am interested most types of photography. I particularly focus on people photography and portraits/self-portraits. I find this a great outlet for creativity enjoy communicating emotions through photography. I hope to enjoy being a part of the community and contributing in whatever way I can.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I'm Dale from Door County. There are only 4 known locations in Wisconsin,( Green Bay, Milwaukee, Madison and Door County.) I'm a farmer, electrician, problem solver and inventer but my true love is photograghy. I'm also addicted to buying lenses. I have been getting away from AF and going to MF lenses. I have a few favorite AF's that I take along for quick candid shots but prefer the control of the MF when I have the time to set up. I will shoot just about anything and have no real preference, I just love to shoot. I like to wait for just the right shot. Glad I found this site, I've picked up a few tip from the tutorials and hope to get some shots good enough for the contests.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, I'm Ross. I started trying to take photos rather than snapshots in January this year. My main interests are landscape & macro photography. I was seriously limited by having only 1 lens for quite a while but have now bought another two. This is the first time I have belonged to a forum and I am not at all sure how they work but will battle through and hopefully not embarrass myself. In the mean time, thanks for having me.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello everyone!
I am Eyselpeyt and I am an art enthusiast. I started taking pictures seriously in 2007 using my camera phone then use sony bloggie in 2009 and currently using a non-SLR camera, GEX500 which can also take good picture with 15x zoom and 16MP.
I was encouraged to join photography groups regardless of the technology I use because a friend of mine said that good shots is not with the camera itself (though most of the time it is) but the skill of the person taking the shots. I am just so happy to find a place here to meet talented photographers and photgraphy enthusiast and also see their work. I also wanted to share my pictures and be guided by the professionals on how i can improve them.
Currently I am into taking pictures of animals and nature. I also take pictures of anything I think amazing and appropriate. It's just too good to be here.
you can also view some of my photos at my flickr account
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi My name is Lloyd and i am from Sydney Australia
i enjoy taking sports photos and have access to go kart speedway, kayaking and netball i an trying to broaden my photographic horizons i have just bought a macro lens and a 58mm manual focus lens to try and slow down a bit and think about what i want to shoot
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello chaps, thought it best to say hello :)
I live down in ol Middle earth ;) and have had quite a flitter afew years ago with Photography. but alas work got in the way "needed to save for a house and all that jazz" but now with abit more free time, I thought it best to get back and do some shooting :)
Keen on Art style and Macro work, and would love to learn some nice studio tech also,
but great looking place :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
My name is Jackie and I am in Kansas, U.S. I have always loved taking pictures, but for most of my life I have just used regular digital cameras or disposable cameras. In the past few months I finally got a DSLR camera. I love it, and I can finally add a little more artistic value to my pictures. However, I have been searching everywhere for little tips on how to get my settings down right. I know how to get the picture I want. But, I do not know how to make sure I have my settings correct. Anyways, that is pretty much my story. Just here to learn from more expierenced photographers. So far, this is the easiest website to understand for a new photographer. Great wesbite :)