Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
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Hi All,
My name is Fitzy, from Brisbane Australia, and am interested most types of photography. I particularly focus on people photography and portraits/self-portraits. I find this a great outlet for creativity enjoy communicating emotions through photography. I hope to enjoy being a part of the community and contributing in whatever way I can.
Hi Fitzy,
Great to have you join our community. Hope to see some of your pictures soon.
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Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
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I'm Dale from Door County. There are only 4 known locations in Wisconsin,( Green Bay, Milwaukee, Madison and Door County.) I'm a farmer, electrician, problem solver and inventer but my true love is photograghy. I'm also addicted to buying lenses. I have been getting away from AF and going to MF lenses. I have a few favorite AF's that I take along for quick candid shots but prefer the control of the MF when I have the time to set up. I will shoot just about anything and have no real preference, I just love to shoot. I like to wait for just the right shot. Glad I found this site, I've picked up a few tip from the tutorials and hope to get some shots good enough for the contests.
Hi Dale,
12 posts already, so I guess you cracked the image posting for the comps, eh? (note to self; I must have a look)
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Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
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Hi, I'm Ross. I started trying to take photos rather than snapshots in January this year. My main interests are landscape & macro photography. I was seriously limited by having only 1 lens for quite a while but have now bought another two. This is the first time I have belonged to a forum and I am not at all sure how they work but will battle through and hopefully not embarrass myself. In the mean time, thanks for having me.
Hi Ross,
Fear not, the locals are friendly and interested here, unlike many other places.
I was fairly new to forums when I started here, I think I joined two others before CiC, niether had the decency to acknowledge my introductory posts, so they didn't get the benefit of my company.
CiC is different; we're all here to help each other and learn from each other, even the oldest hands here know they'll never know it all.
In terms of making the most of your stay, just keep posting, asking questions, or putting images up for feedback, there's some useful explanations in the HELP/Rules section above.
What camera and lenses do you have now?
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Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
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Hello everyone!
I am Eyselpeyt and I am an art enthusiast. I started taking pictures seriously in 2007 using my camera phone then use sony bloggie in 2009 and currently using a non-SLR camera, GEX500 which can also take good picture with 15x zoom and 16MP.
I was encouraged to join photography groups regardless of the technology I use because a friend of mine said that good shots is not with the camera itself (though most of the time it is) but the skill of the person taking the shots. I am just so happy to find a place here to meet talented photographers and photgraphy enthusiast and also see their work. I also wanted to share my pictures and be guided by the professionals on how i can improve them.
Currently I am into taking pictures of animals and nature. I also take pictures of anything I think amazing and appropriate. It's just too good to be here.
you can also view some of my photos at my flickr account
Hi Peyt,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us.
You have come to the right place for all the things you want.
I had a quick look at your Flickr and confirm you friend is correct, the photographer makes far more difference than the camera. Sure, I can see some technical issues with some shots that a better DSLR camera might handle better, but I also see the spark of craetive composition in many.
As I was just saying to Ross above, just contribute more to get more out of CiC.
All the best,
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I am Fred and currently reside in the Netherlands. I shoot with an Olympus E1 and have various lenses.
I have often visited this site over the past few years to check out the various excellent tutorials. Now at last I have decided to join up.
Looking forward to some exciting and informative interaction here.
A misty wintry morning, a lonesome tree and the footprints of a man and his dog in the snow.
(Click to view larger)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi All,
my name is Clive and i hail from Sheffield England. Recently returned to photography after a break of 15ish years, firstly with a P&S then onto a bridge camera. Now moved to DSLR(Nikon D5000) and loving it. My first forum too,hoping to pick up lots of tips from the more experienced and make new friends here too.
my FLICKR page :
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here fellow members. My name is John and I enjoy a variety of photography but have been focusing on nature more than anything else and do a fair amount of portraits and landscape. I'm in Texas and have a ranching operation which allows me the option of photographing wildlife found in the area. Also, enjoy underwater photography with which I use my initial digital camera, Canon 20 D and Ikelite housing and substrobes. I presently shoot primarily with my 40 D and a number of lenses. Love the opportunities to shoot at home or with travel. Would not go back to film for anything !!!
My photo site :
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi Dave! Thanks for the tips. You're a great moderator! By the way, I forgot to answer your question about the wide angles I bought. Well, I'm very shy (stingy?) so I decided to go for a Tamron AF 10-24. I actually wanted to buy the real Nikon equivalent but after reading a couple or reviews I decided to give it a shot since it costs almost half the price. What do say?
I'm going to post some pics here now. See you!
Hi Publio,
I think sometimes budget has to win, unless disposable monthly income is high, or it can be bought against one's business accounts (that doesn't sound too jealous, does it? ;) At least you have the versatility of having that amazing range now.
Sounds like a good range to have, what camera body is that on, I think I missed it if you said.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi My name is Lloyd and i am from Sydney Australia
i enjoy taking sports photos and have access to go kart speedway, kayaking and netball i an trying to broaden my photographic horizons i have just bought a macro lens and a 58mm manual focus lens to try and slow down a bit and think about what i want to shoot
Hi Lloyd,
Sounds like a plan we could all learn from now and then :)
Good range of sports there, hope to see some pictures soon.
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Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello, I am happy to join the group. My name is Zoe.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello all! my name is Fauzan Aziz, but u can call me pajon :)
i was born in Jakarta, March-29-1992, and now i'm studying journalism at Multimedia Nusantara University, although my english was not good but i'm trying to learn here, may God bless u all!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello Friends, I am R. B. Shetty from Bangalore, India. I would like to call myself as a new student in photography. I love to click mother nature's beauty, particularly trees and its branches. I hope to learn a lot of tricks from you all and the tutorials provided in this site.
2 Attachment(s)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Good Morning to entire team members . My name is BG from India and I'm a learning photography . I use a Canon 5D mark1 camera with 50mm lens . I have gone through some of the tutorials today and found really interesting articles on this site. I would like to learn from all of you about the photography techniques and would like to improve my skills.
Please inform your suggestions
1 Attachment(s)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hola everyone, JorgeG here in Mexico and my first post. I am a gringo but have been living here for 15 years so all the neighbors call me Jorge. I have been involved in the visual arts for years and getting into my photography again. I am doing some -think green - tabletop shots and thought this might be a good place to get some outside input. All the best, JG
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Roger Grimshaw
Hi all - nice to be here since I found your lovely forum. I currently onw a selection of Canon kit - D7, D20 and G10 and particularly like landscapes and wildlife. Living on the Cornwall coast means lots of seascapes, but I get to the hills when I can. The most recent trip was China - frustrating a. due to weather and b. due to guides harrying you away from good locations (and I won't be able to face a takeaway for months). My next project is a website - watch this space. Roger
Hi Roger,
Shame about the China trip :(
Look out for Richard (rpcrowe) in the forums, he went there not too long ago, you can share smog and drizzle stories :D
Good luck with the website; are you starting from scratch, or going the Flickr, PBase, DGrin style?
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Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
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My name is Linda and I love photography, but never really have learned the technical part of it. I love this site and hope to learn and share what I learn. I like taking pictures of people and struggle with getting that great, sharp focus. I am hoping that I can learn some new things to help improve my photography. I own a canon 7d and a 30d.
Hi Linda,
Great to have you join us, what lenses do you have for the bodies?
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Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
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Febriana ayu name is Ayu from Singapore. I am a primary student. Now, I am very excited to learn about photography. My parents have suggested me to join this community. Below is my experiment which I took with webcam and edited in I'm happy to receive any constructive comments or inputs from all of you. Cheers..
Hi Ayu,
You certainly made an impact when you joined, hope you keep up the contact with us all.
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Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
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My name is Kevin, thanks for letting me come on this site!
Hi Kevin,
So, looking at your MySpace, are you a musician with an interest in photography, or vice versa?
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Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
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Hi. My name is Andre and I signed up to receive information and tutorials from Cambridge in Colour by email back in January 2011 and today I registered so that I can upload. I shoot with a Nikon D700 and mainly shoot out doors. I have recently started using off camera flash.
Hi Andre,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, a fellow Nikon shooter :)
Look forward to seeing some of your shots, which flash did you go for?
All the best from,