Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi all, I'm Asem , a newly graduated intern doctor, who's a beginner in the world of photography.
I'm from Sudan, located in Abu Dhabi, UAE. I love photography in general, but what I especially love is architecture photography & landscapes photography, a new field I'd like to experience is cultural events & hand made photography as the area here is rich in. I'm interested in photography, I still have loads to learn from you guys. I've browsed the forum quickly & looked amazing & interesting. Hope we can learn from each other. I use Canon 1000D, but I used to shot with my different devices from Nokia N73 3.2 MP to my Samsung PL100 P&S cam to my Canon 1000D.
I'm off to have a look around the forum. :)
My best regards
Hi Asem,
Congrats on your recent graduation, I bet that was a lot of hard work.
I trust you found your way around the forums OK?
We look forward to seeing some shots, so I hope you find your way back to make a second post :)
Welcome to the CiC foums from ...
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello everyone I am new.
Hope to hear from you soon!
Hi Jim,
I think we may have already conversed in the forums, but if not; Welcome to the CiC foums from ...
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello Everyone,
I am Rey from the Philippines. Actually I am the "P&S" type of guy. But now, I have decided to upgrade as you might say to DSLRs. Came across with the site while trying to read some tutorials. Hoping to hone my skills with your help. :)
Hi Rey,
Welcome to the CiC foums from me, great to have you join us
Don't worry about the P&S, we have several members with the same and I was here over a year before I succumbed to the lure of a DSLR, and now, I find myself considering getting a good P&S for when I'm out 'without', if you know what I mean.
Best regards,
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello and good day to everyone, after recently turning 40 I have finally taken the plunge and invested some hard earned cash into photography equipment.
I have played at it for some time but now I cant spend my weekends down the pub without suffering for the rest of the week! I decided I'd better find something else to do and as photography has always been a passion I could think of nothing better.
SO to the help part!
I have purchased a nikon d7000 and a Sigma 150/500 Lens along with a decent tripod.
I have other lenses from previous nikon SLR
My CRY FOR HELP comes from the assistance I beg of you to advise me what set up and settings I should use for getting action shots at Silverstone F1 races (im there for 3 days 40th bday present)
Any help would be greatly appreciated as at the moment I feel like ive got the gear but no ****** idea!!!
Thanks in advance for any Help:)
Regards Woody
Hi Woody,
Hmmm, 3 day pass at Silverstone, does that include some better access than the public too?
(I'm wondering if the tripod is viable in the public stands)
Best advice I can give is go practice somewhere, perch on a hill beside a motorway and get some practice panning.
View the results on a computer, heck, even post the results here for advice.
There are a few threads here where people have asked similar questions and posted their attempts, try a search on "motor".
Welcome to the CiC foums from ...
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello everybody ( Zoe; Pajon; R B; BG; Jorge) that's joined up to CiC in the last few hours. I'm just back from holiday/vacation and tryign to cathc up with all that's been happening on the forum.
I hope you enjoy being part of CiC. It's a forum dedicated to helping and supporting. So, if you have any questions, please do ask them.
Re: Introduce yourself here
Hi! My name is Jacinta and I'm from the island of Trinidad (and Tobago) in the Caribbean. This is my first time ever being on any forum so it's a bit challenging getting around. I love photography and I'm pretty new to it and would really like to challenge myself through some of the wonderful photos I've seen on this site already. I'm using a Canon 40D with three lenses 28-135mm, 70-300mm and a 90mm macro. I quite enjoy macro photography but somehow my 90mm just can't get the details I want!!! Hope to learn much from being here and meet some of you folks too! See you around. Ciao!
Re: Introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
. I love photography and I'm pretty new to it ... I'm using a Canon 40D
Well - that's a good start, because so do I.
Jacinta - Hello and welcome to CiC.
I don't think there are any other currently active members from Trinidad & Tobago, so you are particularly welcome
This is my first time ever being on any forum so it's a bit challenging getting around
Getting used to a forum and how it works is always a bit dofficult at forst, but you will soon get used to it, I am sure. If you have any problems, then please do ask. I hope you've already seen that people on here do want to help and support others and are always happy to answer questions.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi ... duneshot here ... I'm retired and into both digital photography and B&W film photography.
Hi Bill,
Great to have you join us, so - you still load the spiral and shake a tank occasionally? :D
Actually, thinking back, I probably mean stirred more than shaken, don't I
Welcome to the CiC foums from ...
Re: NEW MEMBER? Let introduce myself
Originally Posted by
I'm Stephen and am reasonably new to photography. It was a 10 week evening Adult Education course I did a few years back that sparked my interest in trying to compose a photo when I take it. I particularly like to take close up photos of wildlife. I also enjoy taking landscapes and turning them into panoramas.
The forum idea is a great one and I'm enjoying the experience already.
Hi Stephen,
Fairly certain we've met in the forums, but I'd hate to miss anyone out, so; Welcome to the CiC foums from ...
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I am Fred and currently reside in the Netherlands. I shoot with an Olympus E1 and have various lenses.
I have often visited this site over the past few years to check out the various excellent tutorials. Now at last I have decided to join up.
Looking forward to some exciting and informative interaction here.
A misty wintry morning, a lonesome tree and the footprints of a man and his dog in the snow.
(Click to view larger)
Hi Fred,
A pleasure to have you join us - and what a picture to start with, beautiful !
Welcome to the CiC foums from ...
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi All,
my name is Clive and i hail from Sheffield England. Recently returned to photography after a break of 15ish years, firstly with a P&S then onto a bridge camera. Now moved to DSLR(Nikon D5000) and loving it. My first forum too,hoping to pick up lots of tips from the more experienced and make new friends here too.
my FLICKR page :
Hi Clive,
Another great starter pic from you too :)
My daughter and I thoroughly enjoyed city centre photo break in your city this Easter, just the one day unfortunately, may return one day.
Quite a bit of other stuff in common too, your progression matches my own through camera types.
Welcome to the CiC foums from ...
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
hobbymandoc fellow members. My name is John and I enjoy a variety of photography but have been focusing on nature more than anything else and do a fair amount of portraits and landscape. I'm in Texas and have a ranching operation which allows me the option of photographing wildlife found in the area. Also, enjoy underwater photography with which I use my initial digital camera, Canon 20 D and Ikelite housing and substrobes. I presently shoot primarily with my 40 D and a number of lenses. Love the opportunities to shoot at home or with travel. Would not go back to film for anything !!!
My photo site :
Hi John,
Welcome to the CiC foums from me, great to have you join our community.
Quite a selection there on your PBase, well done
I see you're up to 7 posts as I type this, so I trust you're finding your way around ok :D
All the best,
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello everybody ( Zoe; Pajon; R B; BG; Jorge) that's joined up to CiC in the last few hours. I'm just back from holiday/vacation and tryign to cathc up with all that's been happening on the forum.
I hope you enjoy being part of CiC. It's a forum dedicated to helping and supporting. So, if you have any questions, please do ask them.
Welcome back Donald,
As you probably noticed, I let things slip a bit for a few days and had to play catch up myself this evening :o
Anyway, we're all up to date now here :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello everyone. I live in Louisville, Kentucky. I'm an aspiring photographer (beginner at best). Just picked up my first DSLR about four months ago. It's a Sony A33. I really enjoy landscape photography, especially anything with water in it, but I'll capture any scene I find interesting. I've always been intrigued by the artistic nature and story behind a photo, and hope to evoke the same feelings in people from my photos. I look forward to gaining a lot of insight from this site. See you on the boards!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I am simply awe-struck by the quality of images submitted to CIC. You guys and gals are so good it's downright scary. Still, although quite new to digital photography, I venture to participate (and possibly make a fool of myself).
In the past, I have done a fair amount of nature photography, but the switch to digital equipment has lured me also into playing with more or less abstract themes.
I'm still struggling with the technical aspects of editing digital photos, so here's hoping that I can learn a great deal from the more experienced members of CIC.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Salutations to You All!
Blowing my own trumpet is not a habit of mine, but in this case,as necessity demands it , here I go:
I am Vidya Shankar from Mysore City, Karnataka, India. I am a Mechanical Engineer, specializing in handling of engineering projects on Turnkey basis.
My tryst with Photography started in my teens and my passion for it, continues unabated to the present. As a Freelance Photographer, I get continuous pleasure in dealing with all aspects of this thrilling art.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Bill Haynes
Hello everyone. I live in Louisville, Kentucky. I've always been intrigued by the artistic nature and story behind a photo,
Hello, Bill and welcome to CiC.
Wonderfully well put. I think think that's what it is about. I look forward to seeing some of your images.
Oh, by the way - If you edit your profile you can insert your location, so that it will appear in the side bar in all your posts. That can sometimes help people if they're making particular suggestions in an answer. Also, it's nice to to be able to see, quickly, where folks are from.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I am simply awe-struck by the quality of images submitted to CIC. You guys and gals are so good it's downright scary. Still, although quite new to digital photography, I venture to participate (and possibly make a fool of myself).
Welcome to CiC, Wayne.
Remember a couple of things:
- Everyone on here was, at one time, at the stage of development in terms of photography that you are at now
- The person who doesn't make lots of mistakes (and risks feeling a bit of a fool) never has the opportunity to learn from them
The lovely think about CiC is that there's no such thing as a dumb question. People can only learn if they ask the question that's in their mind at that time, however 'simple' they think it might be.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I am Vidya Shankar from Mysore City, Karnataka, India.
Hello Vidya. I compliment you on your enthusiasm and hope that it continues for many years to come. I hope that your participation in this forum allows you to share that enthusiasm with many others around the world. Welcome to CiC.