Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
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I enjoy CiC quite a bit and also at this point am joining my father here as a member.
C'mon -- We need some clues.
You're 50. So you dad has got to be of the more mature members. Mmmm?
If you edit your profile and put in ypour location, so that it comes up alongside each of your posts, will that help us?
Anyway, it's good to have you here as well, Randy. I hope you'll use soem of that knowledge to help and advise less experienced members on the forum. As I hope you've seen already, CiC is very much a learning community.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello, Everyone my name is Tanzeel and i'm from Pakistan.
Tanzeel - Hello again and a very warm welcome to CiC.
I like what you've got on your Facebook page. I hope you'll share some of those images on here and that yopu'll feel able to join in the discussions that take place.
1 Attachment(s)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Everyone
I am Sam - I am a complete newbie to photography, well proffessional photography!! I always have a compact to hand as I am a snapoholic, I thought I'd do something about my passion an dtry to make it a career. I mainly photograph my 2 boys as they are natural with the camera, they dont get it from me!!!!
I dont yet own a D-SLR but will be investing in one in 6-8months time. I currently have a Fuji s2800 which allows me to adjust settings to my requirement (although I am still learning apeture & shutter speeds and ISO....complete newcomer to this!!) If any one can advise good settings in daylight/night time id be grateful, im trying to get my head around it all!!
I intend to photograph children and couples, and if there is a pretty or random view id like to capture that too. :)
I understand that I need good photo editing software, I have serif software at the moment - photoshop is a must for the future (i've been advised).
Ill upload a couple of pictures - Advise would be great- bearing in mind I recieved my course a week ago, please be gentle with me!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Sammie Jai
I am Sam - I am a complete newbie to photography, well proffessional photography!!
Sam - you are very, very welcome to CiC. And please be assured, this is not a site for professionals. There are some members who do derive an income from selling prints and teaching, but they, like the rest of us, are enthusiasts who are here because they enjoy photography and want to support others in doing the same.
I dont yet own a D-SLR but will be investing in one in 6-8months time. I currently have a Fuji s2800 which allows me to adjust settings to my requirement (although I am still learning apeture & shutter speeds and ISO....complete newcomer to this!!)
The other nice thing about this site (well, one of the reasons I've stuck around), is that we don't have people obsessed by how much they have and how expensive their camera gear was. This is a site that is passionate about photography, not about the equipment that you can choose to have. You will find that there is always advice and assistance available. All you have to do is post up your questions.
I understand that I need good photo editing software, I have serif software at the moment - photoshop is a must for the future (i've been advised).
Photoshop is not the only tool available, but it and its relations within the Adobe suite of products (Lightroom; Elements) are certainly the most well known and popular. But, yes, good post-processing software is an essential. But, the DSLR you but is likely to come with that camera manufacturer's own post-processing software as part of the package. And these packages are very good. They don't have all that the likes of Photoshop offer, but they are very capable of supporting you in making top quality images.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, my web site is My interest in photography started two years ago. Inspired by a canon 1000D for my birthday. Since I have aquired some second hand lenses and experimented. My goal this year is to "get serious" about photography. So after enrolling in a uni course, finding some honest buddies to critique and encorage is my next step. Im learning and still finding my style. Cheers. :rolleyes:
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi All, whata amazing forum i just know here. My name Rizal from Indonesia, looking and still learning much more about photography.
I'm using Olympus E500 and E510 with kit lens. Many object that i want to explore but mostly with modeling :D, glamour and human interest.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
So after enrolling in a uni course, finding some honest buddies to critique and encorage is my next step. Im learning and still finding my style.
Well I hope CiC will add the the collection of 'honest buddies' to help along the learning pathway. What you'll find here is constructive advice and suggestions along with a whole bunch of people who do want to support others in their development of knowledge and skills.
So, good to have you around, and please do post up questions and images.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
My name Rizal from Indonesia, looking and still learning much more about photography.
Hello and welcome. I am very glad that you like the forum. Please do join in discussions and, of course, post up some of your images.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello, im new to all of this and photography so just a learner, so if anyone has advice for me please help, many thanks michelle:)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I am John and am currently a student with a burgeoning passion for photography. I am getting used to the basics and reading an introduction book. I am thinking of purchasing a medium format film camera so to compliment my Canon AE-1 35mm format. On the very basic level how easy would this old TSLR be to use and also can I still get the images processed at Boots!?
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello, im new to all of this and photography so just a learner, so if anyone has advice for me please help, many thanks michelle:)
Well, I think you've found the right online forum to get whatever support and advice you want. So, welcome to CiC. The key thing to remember is that there's no such thing as a dumb question on CiC. So no matter what you want to find out about (so long as it has something to do with photography) don't feel shy about asking the question. And somebody will come in with the answer or suggestions.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I am John and am currently a student with a burgeoning passion for photography. I am getting used to the basics and reading an introduction book.
First things first - You've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. Did you know you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also put your location in there.
Anyway - welcome to CiC.
I don't know if Boots in the UK still do film processing and printing. But there are lots of other companies that do. Just buy any photo magaziine a look in the classified ads. Good on you for thinking of going with film.
Keep us posted on how you get on. And post up any questions you have. There are many, many more digital than film shooters on here, but people will still be able to offer advice and support.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi I'm Andrew, this could be fun. Now semi retired with a little spare time I though I ought to try and see if I could improve my ability to take bettr snaps. Really looking forward to seeing what everyone has to say.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
... this could be fun.
It is Andrew, it is. Hopefully you'll quickly find that we're a pretty nice bunch ........ well most of us are! And we're very kind to the rest
Really looking forward to seeing what everyone has to say.
And the best way of doing that is to get straight into discussions and to ask questions. Lots of people on here are more than willing to share their experience and knowledge.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Thought I'd better say hi. I've been using the site for a while for the great tutorials on all sorts of subjects. I started with film many years ago and progressed to digital and have had to start learning all over again, lol
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Thought I'd better say hi.
Dave - Thank for signing up.
If you've been looking into the forum as well as looking at the tutorials, you'll have seen thata s well as being pretty informal and easy-going about how things are done, the people on the forum are the 'other half' of the package that makes up CiC.
So, please do feel part of it and get right in with your questiosn and comments.
By the way - Where are you? You can edit your profile and insert your location, so that appears alongside your name etc at the side of your posts.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
hi there
my name is damien and found his website through google, im 32 and looking to gain experience in photography so that i can possibley make it a part time job on the side, i have recently brought a nikon d80 and looking for any help with this that will make me a good photographer so any advice would be appreciated
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
my name is damien and found his website through google
And I am glad you did.
Welcome, Damien.
The one thing you'll get on here is plenty of support, advice and guidance to help you develop your knowledge and skills. I'm afraid the bit about it helping you become a good photographer is in your hands alone. It is about learning and it's about practice, practice and practice. And then more practice.
In realtion to learning and if you haven't done so, I would recommend you begin working with the tutorials on this site. If you haven't studied the topics yet, maybe you want to look at the tutorials on Using Camera Equipment and Concepts & Terminology. In there you'll find all the stuff that needs to form the foundation of further learning.
But please also use this forum to ask questions and to study and comment upon images posted up by others. Learning to critique images is a powerful learning tool.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi y'all
I'm new to photography.. have obviously had point and shoots for years, the latest of which was a canon powers shot sx200. loved it! fit in my purse easy to use but had options. Was just starting to investigate those options and play with them, having taken some shots I really love over the past year. started looking into upping my camera to a higher end point and shoot with lots of available adjustments ( not ready to make the dslr plunge ). On vacation my camera and phone went for a swim in my purse (leaky water bottle urghhh) phone survived after two days in rice... camera not so lucky. Now I have a CanonPower Shot sx30 is and am loving it. taking pictures of everything. the the learning curve........ glad I'm not in school any more :). love taking pics of my Aussie doing his favorite job (catching theFrisbeee). I could take pics of old barns & old churches forever and flowers, love taking pics of flowers. I guess I should start working in the family too :)
Looking forward to the tutorials and having others opinons