Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi photographers,
My name is Han B. Janssens and I live in the south of Holland. I am a Photoshop addict and support people arround the world via SKYPE (mostly Dutch speaking). They sometimes invite me to do workshops. Since a short while I am an influencer for NIK Software and will do some webinars for them in the autumn.
CiC is one of the better photography websites. I can tell because I live on the Internet since 1994.
I hope you and I can learn/inspire/challenge and enjoy from each other via this site!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, I'm Joe Nowak. I've been a professional photographer since 1970. I also graduated from the U.S. Navy School of Photography in 1971. Even though I left the Navy in 1980, I have contrinued my work as a photographer and have kept up with the technology. There are only two websites I post a small portion of my images to... Flick'r and From the beginning I have always owned and used Nikon professional cameras and lenses. My first professional camera that I bought was while I was a student was a Nikon F with Photomic FTN finder. Bought it new in Pensacola at a student discount. Since then I have used nothing but Nikon because all my lenses were Nikkors! Would I consider switching? Napes!! Not with the Nikon D700 I have now. I'm into both .photojournalism and scenic photography. My next major trip will be to return to Venice, Italy this September... my second trip. My first was in July of 2010... where I concentrated on the scenery within the city. On THIS trip I'll be concentrating on getting close up to the people of Venice. If you would like to see some of my images taken in Venice last year, go to: I love Venice! It is the most beautiful city in the world IMHO. The entire city is like an outdoor museum that covers over 160 square miles and is a site to behold!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi y'all. I'm new to photography..
Hello and welcome. First and foremost, you've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. Did you know you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts.
Please do come right in with any and all your questions and, of course, post up some of your images for C & C or in the competition threads.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
My name is Han B. Janssens and I live in the south of Holland. I am a Photoshop addict and support people arround the world via SKYPE (mostly Dutch speaking). They sometimes invite me to do workshops. Since a short while I am an influencer for NIK Software and will do some webinars for them in the autumn.
CiC is one of the better photography websites. I can tell because I live on the Internet since 1994.
Hans - A very warm welcome. I hope all that knowledge and experience will be used here on CiC to help and support others in their learning. As I hope you have seen, CiC is very much about supporting other poeple in their developmnet.
And, as an aside, if you have any influence with NIK, could you please tell the European support office to reply to my e-mails asking for support in trying to get Silver Efex Pro 2 to work on my computer. I am one of the many for whom SEP2 has been a real problem.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi, I'm Joe Nowak.
Hello Joe and welcome to CiC.
As you will hopefully have seen, CiC is very much about helping and supporting poeple to develop their knowledge and skills. Through participation in discussion and providing supportive comment, I hope all you will feel able to share all your knowledge and experience for the benefit of others.
You've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. Did you know you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi all,
My name is Riens and after reading some of the great tutorials on this site, I realized this is the spot to look for more great info. I´ve been a P/S´er most of my life, but every now and then I notice a great, unknown artist crawling under my skin :D
I hope to learn a lot and contribute my part. BTW, I´m from the Netherlands.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Sin Fronteras
My name is Riens and after reading some of the great tutorials on this site, I realized this is the spot to look for more great info. .
I'm very glad that you feel that way about CiC. The forum aims to be a place where peopel can be involved in discussions and ask questions in order to increase their knowledge and skills. So, please do join in.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi My name is Nicky Harris and I'm from Ireland. I love photography but am a total idiot when it comes to all things tech though I do manage to click enough to get some good shots. I work in the fashion industry and write a blog which necessitates taking pictures! I also have a puppy and love being outdoors and I look forward to learning and sharing here.
my website is
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Nicky Harris
Hi My name is Nicky Harris and I'm from Ireland. I love photography but am a total idiot when it comes to all things tech though I do manage to click enough to get some good shots. I work in the fashion industry and write a blog which necessitates taking pictures! I also have a puppy and love being outdoors and I look forward to learning and sharing here.
my website is
Hi Nicky and a warm welcome to you. Had a look at your site/blog and you have some nice shots there. However... it took a long time to load the page as your images are too large in size. Most of them are about 1.6MB, and about 300k should be quite sufficient. It may put people off looking at your site, especially if they have slow Broadband (like me!:().
If you want help with it just post a new thread asking for help.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Nicky Harris
Hi My name is Nicky Harris and I'm from Ireland.
I have to confess to my eternal shame, that I have never previously heard of fake nude tights. But, there you go. You learn something new every day.
Hello and welcome and immediately I am more informed than I previously was as a result of reading your website.
Great to have you signing up to CiC. Hopefully you find the forum as well as the tutorials, helpful in the development of your photographic knowledge and skills.
The best thing to remember is that nobody yet has ever asked a question that other people thought was irrelevant or dumb. And I don't think you'll be the first. So, go for it.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi There, been looking around for a good photography forum and this seems pretty well supported, so here I am!
I photograph graffiti so mainly outdoor work and Im always looking for any advice as Im by no means an expert, just managed to muddle through so far.
Ive just upgraded my camera and ive been baffled by the multitude of settings and filters so going to enjoy reading around the forum for any hints and tips.
Irene :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi There, been looking around for a good photography forum and this seems pretty well supported, so here I am!
Irene - I think so. And what you'll also find is an absence of egos and a commitment to supporting colleagues learn and develop.
Ive just upgraded my camera and ive been baffled by the multitude of settings and filters so going to enjoy reading around the forum for any hints and tips.
But the best way of making sure you're questions are answered - is to ask them. So pitch right in.
You've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. Did you know you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can do the same for 'Location'.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi My name is Debbie I just recently upgraded to the D7000 from my Nikon D70s. Unfortunately I have not had the opportunity to spend as much time as I would have liked to with the camera around my neck, but I am hoping to change that. In the past I have taken photos of my daughters hockey and soccer and I have also taken a lot of photos of flowers. I am looking to get into more Macro photography and I also just purchased a 60mm Nikkor Macro Lens which I have no idea how to use properly to get the most out of it, but I don't know how to use most of the settings on my camera either, but I'm very excited about learning and from what I have seen on this site thus far, this will be a great forum to help me grasp all of the concepts and hopefully I will be able to contribute as well.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello all!
My name is Marc Taylor and I live in Southern California. I have started taking photography more seriously and was excited to find this forum. I love taking food photos, as well as candid pics of my family and friends. I also love going to the beach and just shooting around there as well. I will post some photos once I figure this site out a bit. take care.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi My name is Debbie I just recently upgraded to the D7000 from my Nikon D70s. ...
I'm very excited about learning and from what I have seen on this site thus far, this will be a great forum to help me grasp all of the concepts and hopefully I will be able to contribute as well.
Welcome Debbie.
First of all, congratulations on the upgrade.
And, secondly, I hope and think that this forum will be a place where you will be supporetd and helped all you wish in terms of grasping it all. As far as getting to grips with the camera is concerned it is a case, as you suggest, of getting out there to practice, practice, practice. Once you feel the camera is an extension of your fingers and you really don't have to think about what button to press when, it all happens automatically, then you'll be at one with the camera, as they say!
So, don't go out to capture the greatest picture ever made. Go and shoot any old sorts of stuff. Just shoot and get more comfortable with all the dials and buttons and what they do.
But, remember, the best way to get an answer is to ask the question - So please feel able to post any and all your questions up here.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
My name is Marc Taylor and I live in Southern California. I have started taking photography more seriously and was excited to find this forum. I love taking food photos, as well as candid pics of my family and friends. I also love going to the beach and just shooting around there as well. I will post some photos once I figure this site out a bit. take care.
Marc - Hello and welcome to CiC. Glad you found us.
You might have seen the last 'Themed Challenge' competition which was all about photographing food. There are some good images in there.
For posting images, use the guide posted under the 'HELP/Rules' tab on the menu bar above. It walks you through the various options for getting images into your posts. Look forward to seeing some of them.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello Members my name Is Dave Wilky and i just wanted to introduce myself as a New member and i look forward to learning and also helping if and where possible. ..:)
I live in a small town called Rochdale witch is a few miles out of Manchester England.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello Members my name Is Dave Wilky and i just wanted to introduce myself as a New member and i look forward to learning and also helping if and where possible. ..:)
I live in a small town called Rochdale witch is a few miles out of Manchester England.
Hello, Dave. I suppose compared to Manchester, Rochdale is small. Compared to up here, it's big!
Anyway - welcome to CiC. I hope you do find that CiC is indeed a great resource for sharing knowledge and experience ... and for having a but of fun as well!
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Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
RE: New Member? Please introduce yourself here
Hi! My name is Anne and I am a new member. I have a Sony DSC-HX1 at this time. I am looking at upgrading to a camera with detachable lenses. I love taking photos at the zoo and the botancial gardens here in San Antonio, TX. I look forward to looking at the tutorials and what others have posted. ;)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I just joined Yesterday. Glad I found This Forum.:)