Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
My name is John Davies from North West England. I acquired my Canon 550D IN Sept/Oct. 2010. My experience before then was taking family snapshots on holiday. Shortly after I purchased my camera I visited an Aladdins cave of a second camera shop in Manchester run by some professional photographers. I purchased two old lenses and an M42 adapter and extension rings. I was given an hours advice. Since then I have acquired several old lenses and adapters which are operated manually. This has helped me to look past the auto functions of the camera and understand something of the way things work. I have greatly enjoyed the journey so far. Still trying to learn the qualities of the lenses. Makes you zoom with your feet and try to search out the image you want. I do use modern lenses also. I enjoy walking and have tried to combine this with my camera. I suppose my first love is landscape and nature. I realised recently that there are hardly any people in my images. Many Thanks for accepting me.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Light Hearted
My name is John Davies from North West England.
John - That's a great account of your photographic journey.
A warm welcome to CiC. I hope we see many examples of your work here in the forum.
CiC is very much a place where people do share knowledge and experience and it sounds as if, in a very short space of time, you've been on a quite a journey of discovery. I hope you'll share that with others.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Thanks Donald, I have put my winning entry into an album.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Thanks Donald, I have put my winning entry into an album.
Hi Sarah,
Thanks for posting those images, that is a very striking shot of your daughter and (to pick just one thing I like about the picture) the way the light just catches the pearl is brilliant, well done.
The Lotus pond series is also an interesting study of their lifecycle.
Do join in the forum discussions and enter the mini competitions.
All the best Dave (for a change)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Thank you... great to be onboard...
Will defn thank you for the offer to help, had a look at the link - fantastic work!!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello All,
I,m an amateur photographer from Pretoria South Africa and am very happy to be in the company of so many talented photographers.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
fatfranks folly
Hello All,
I,m an amateur photographer from Pretoria South Africa and am very happy to be in the company of so many talented photographers.
Hello there and welcome. Maybe you'd like to share your actual name with us. You've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. You can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can do the same for your location as well.
If you wish to learn, then as well as the tutorials on CiC, please do join in discussions and ask questions. Somebody will always come along to provide a sensible (and sometimes a not-so-sensible!) answer. The important thing to remember is that there os no such thing as a dumb question of CiC. If it comes into your head, you don't know the answer - then ask it!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, just found and joined this site this morning so I'm just exploring the site now and I'm sure will find many interesting items. Got to the site by searching for "UV Filters" in Google and found my way to the Tutorials. While not the goal of my search this morning, I was quite happy to find them.
On to the introduction...
My name is Scott and I currently live near Portland, Oregon. I've only ever taken photos specific to family activities or vacations, so I'm just now expanding out to including photography as an actual hobby. My occupation is a civil/structural engineer.
Recently purchased a Pentax K-r. Pentax doesn't seem to have as big of a following as other brands, but I have a couple lenses from my dad that I wanted be able to use again.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi, just found and joined this site this morning so I'm just exploring ...
Scott - I'm very glad you found us. A very warm welcome.
I hope what you find here on the forum is that there are a whole lot of people not only enjoying being part of this online community, but who are more than willing and very, very able to provide support, guidance and advice to anyone who wants it. CiC is the sort if place where people share knowledge and skills. Nobody tries to get all superior or clever by showing that they know something that nobody else does. If that ever did happen, I don't think that person would stick around for very long.
So, please do join in. Ask questions, join in discussions (remember - you're view is as valid as anyone else's) and, of course, post up some of your pictures. If you haven't done so yet, check the 'How do I post images here?' thread that you can access via the HELP/Rules button on the menu bar above.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi CiC
A good friend from Canada recommended I have a look at this forum. I must say I'm pleased he did!
It looks to be a very helpful and friendly place to exchange thoughts and ideas, and I am looking forward to participating regularly.
I am from the UK (Dorset) and now living in Central France with my wife and son.
I used to be into BW photography about 30 years ago, and treated myself to a DSLR last Christmas, and I am thoroughly enjoying myself (I had forgotten how much fun a camera could be).
Still learning and always will be...
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello Rob, and a very warm welcome to you.
Very glad you have found your way here and I hope the forum continues to live up to expectations. It's certainly a place for sharing thoughts and ideas and for generating help and support.
So, please do join in.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Good evening to all,
My name Paul and I live in Oxford UK, I will admit I'm a novice when it comes to photography at the moment but I am keen to learn, which is why I have become a member here (recommended by another user of course) I am currently trying to decide which bridge camera would be good for me, I don't want to spend the earth on a camera (yet) as I don't feel having an expensive camera and little talent will really help in the long run.
I am looking to spend roughly 200-300 uk sterling on a camera, I must say I have trawled web sites and specs with little success of an actual decision as yet but have been highly confused, if anyone could help me out of point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
My name Paul and I live in Oxford UK,
Welcome Paul and thanks to whoever it was that suggested CiC to you.
I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to copy the rest of your post into a new thread in the Digital Cameras & Equipment section of the forum. I think is likely that a lot more people might see it there than would do so in this thread.
CiC is very much a forum for learning so please do feel able to ask whatever questions you might have.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Thank you Donald, I did wonder if i'd got a little carried away with that post.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
My Name is Chase. I live in Santa Barbra County, California. I have been shooting Auto Sports for about 10 yrs now. In these times I am having to find other ways to make my earnings in this field meaning opening up to other genres of Photography. So that is what I am doing here. Just looking for inspiration and Knowledge.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I am Karen London, I live in East Texas with my husband Pete, my adult daugther Krista and three lap dogs Brutus, Molly & Coco. I work as a Licensed Customs Broker, which is a very demanding job and take photos as my stress release. There is nothing I enjoy more than going out for a ride on a Sunday morning with only my camera. I enjoy taking photos of landscapes, unusual sights and my doggies.
I know that I will lean a lot from this site and all the people who visit. :D
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello i am new here nice to join this wonderful forum...hope i will learn lot of knowledge from all of you guys. Thanks
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I just realized that I never introduced my self properly. I'm going to correct that now :p
I'm Pierre Timmermans (57) living in the center of the Netherlands.
I bought my first (second hand) camera back in the early seventies. A Praktica (of all camera's) with one lens. After it broke it became quiet around my photography,although I did buy later on a Chinon with a fixed lens. This one was only used on vacations.
About 2,5 years ago I was interested in photography again. Because I didn't know for how long, I only bought a Nikon D40 (15-55mm kitlens).
I really got the bug about half a year ago. My dream (a Nikon D7000) was added to my gear and a short while later the Nikon 105mm micro (my first (semi)-pro lens). Most of the time right now, when you see Pierre, you see my Nikon too :eek:.
A couple of weeks ago I had a photo course in France and right now I try to make as much SOOC photo's as possible in just JPEG (the only way to learn photography, my teacher said).
I found CiC, because I try to gather as much information as possible. Your very good tutorials were my entrance pages... It took some time before I noticed the forum. Gladly I found them. One of the best I have ever seen. I like the sphere, the expertise, the skills a.s.o. I'm very happy I have joined you. :rolleyes:
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
My Name is Chase. I live in Santa Barbra County, California. I have been shooting Auto Sports for about 10 yrs now. In these times I am having to find other ways to make my earnings in this field meaning opening up to other genres of Photography. So that is what I am doing here. Just looking for inspiration and Knowledge.
Chase - I certainly hope CiC can help you find that. Hello and welcome. Good yo have you here.
As you may have seen, CiC is very much about supporting others in the development of their knowledge and skill. I hope you will feel able to share your experience with others so as to help them improve. And I hope you enjoy taking part in the discussions.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I am Karen London, I live in East Texas with my husband Pete, my adult daugther Krista and three lap dogs Brutus, Molly & Coco. I work as a Licensed Customs Broker, which is a very demanding job and take photos as my stress release. There is nothing I enjoy more than going out for a ride on a Sunday morning with only my camera. I enjoy taking photos of landscapes, unusual sights and my doggies.
I know that I will lean a lot from this site and all the people who visit. :D
Karen - Welcome to CiC. What does a Customs Broker do (sorry for my stupidity, but I don't think we have such a job title in the UK - or maybe we do)?
I hope you will be able to learn here on CiC. That's certainly what the site is very much about. And no question is too simple or stupid to ask. That's one of the nice things about this forum and why I've stuck around on it. the attitude of the participants is about helping and supporting.
I look forward to seeing some of your work.