Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hei folks,
a friend of mine here in Germany has a Fuji S9500 for sale. He said he's looking for about 200€. Included are pol/grey filters, cards (not sure of the sizes, but there are two of them) and a pretty nice looking bag for the cam and accesories. If anyone is interested, you can mail me.
I'm leaving for the Carribean this week:D:cool:, so it may take a while for me to answer.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
I think it's time I began to participate in some of the discussions going on in this site and enjoy the benefit of the very good advice that is being given.. I've been lurking for a while, and that's not very productive. My name is Douglas and I live in Vancouver, Canada. I guess you could refer to me as a keen amateur, one who takes a lot of photos, most of which can be classed as snapshots. But I do work at getting good shots, and sometimes enjoy success; however, I have a very great deal to learn. My interests are largely in landscape and flowers. I use a Sony SLR with a Zeiss 16-80 mm 3.5 - 4.5 lens and a 75-300 mm 4.5 - 5.6 longer lens. I'm looking forward to being a participant.
Hi Douglas, welcome to the forum to another Sony user!
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Dave Humphries
Hi Douglas,
It's good to have you participate.
Perhaps in a reversal of the norm; I have a question for you, which Sony DSLR do you have?
I ask because I am looking to move on from my current bridge cam and am considering the A300/A350, in addition to other makes and models with movable LCD screens.
Of course, if you have any questions, ask away and don't be shy to post a picture or 3 for comment, or participate in the coming week's challenge for "Team Other", we need more "Others".
Thanks in advance from,
Hi Dave I've an Alpha 350 and I can tell you that until now I'm pleased, however I'm still waiting to see if there is one between the old Alpha 700 and the 900 in order to upgrade.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hello All
I am Breno, From Australia, Newcastle to be precise.
I am a coal train driver here in the hunter valley :)
I thought I would join this site to learn more about photography and photoshop so hopefully I will be able to interact with you all soon :)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hello All
I am Breno, From Australia, Newcastle to be precise.
I am a coal train driver here in the hunter valley :)
I thought I would join this site to learn more about photography and photoshop so hopefully I will be able to interact with you all soon :)
Hi Breno,
Thanks for introducing yourself - we seem to have so many who sign up, and yet so few who introduce themselves.
Are the trains coal powered by any chance?
When you get the chance, would you be able to post some shots of the inside and outside of your train for the benefit of our train enthusiasts here?
By the way ... I photographed a couple of trains myself last weekend - I think that trains in Australia are probably bigger than ours though ;)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hello Folks... my good friend Jane, sent me here to visit your site, and I sure did like what I saw. I'm a photographer and Photoshop instructor, a grandma, gardener, hiker and dishwasher.
I'm passionate about photography, cannot ever seem to learn enough, and always looking for ways to learn and share. My web site: I'm about to revamp it, soon!
Shoot Nikon, favorite lens with Portraiture is the 84 1.4... I'm looking into getting a longer lens my friend and I have started shooting birds... so need to get a little closer. And boy found out photographing birds is not as easy as it seems.
I photograph mostly families, children and weddings at the studio, but wanting to get into a little more fine art photographing landscapes, and other wonderful things.
Thanks for sharing.
Rose Mary
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Shoot Nikon, favorite lens with Portraiture is the 84 1.4... I'm looking into getting a longer lens my friend and I have started shooting birds...
Hi Lady, for shooting birds the best lens is 12g with No 10 shot.:D
Seriously, welcome to the forum, you may have made a mistake letting people know that bit about Photoshop though. ;)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Thanks for the welcome... hope it wasn't a mistake posting about PS...
tell me about the long lens? what is a 12 g?
not heard of that one before.
Rose Mary
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Thanks for the welcome... hope it wasn't a mistake posting about PS...
tell me about the long lens? what is a 12 g?
not heard of that one before.
Rose Mary
Hi Rose Mary,
Welcome to the CiC Forums - it's great to have you with us :)
Bill's reference to 12g is no-doubt a reference to a 12 guage shot-gun (shooting birds - shot-gun - get it? ;) (as bird lovers all over the world silently prepare to burn Bill at the stake!) - perish the thought (or the bird if your names Bill) :eek: (as you can tell, we're a light-hearted bunch around here) :)
If there's anything we can do to help, or make you feel more welcome, you only need to ask.
Colin -
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Rose Mary, I'm a bird shooter myself so our little feathered friends have nothing to fear from me.
With reference to Photoshop, as Colin said, many people here use it, and I was afraid that you may be inundated with questions.
BTW I think I qualify as the class clown.:o
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi Rose Mary, I'm a bird shooter myself so our little feathered friends have nothing to fear from me.
Ah yes Bill - but what do you shoot them with is what we'd all like to know! ;)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Colin Southern
Ah yes Bill - but what do you shoot them with is what we'd all like to know! ;)
See my sig. The reason I use a 300mm lens is to keep my stalking skills up to scratch:D......................................... .and I cant afford anything longer.:o
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Breno and Rose Mary,
I'd just like to add my "welcome" to those of Colin and Bill.
I learn a lot round here - that's not hard for me, because if Bill's the clown*, I'm the "village idiot" ;)
Anyway good to have you both join us all and I look forward to helping with any probs you may encounter.
* he's not really
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Breno and Rose Mary, welcome to the forum, as Colin and Bill showed you, here we also have good sense of humor, so you'll never get bored ;)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hello All... thanks for your warm welcome and HUMOR ... something we all need a little more of.... I'm English though, and many times it just goes over my head, so be patient with me.
I've a 70-200 2.8 vr lens with a 1.4 conveter added, but still don't seem to get close enough, I did get a remote, which helps, now I can set up my camera and shoot, but still not getting the results I would like, so will have to work on those skills... I've mostly been shooting families, babies, brides, so the nature thing is pretty new to me.
Looking forward to learning more.
Rose Mary
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hello everyone.
I just signed up today and am very new!!!!! I bought a Nikon D40 last year and love to take pictures! It's only been since about September that I really started learning what this camera can do and buying books about photography. I'm learning a lot...not as quick as I would like however!
I work as a Certified Medical Assistant full time in a Women's Health Clinic, have two sons: 18 and 15, and a wonderful husband.
We (He) races late-model street stock cars from May-August. We love to go 4 wheeling and hang out at our little (camp) as we call it here in the UP of Michigan! I keep busy, but try to get online a few times a week to read forums!
I've learned that it takes a lot of practice and many many mistakes - and man.....all the remembering - think I was back in school!
Anyway - thanks for reading and I look forward to interacting with many of you soon!
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Kori,
Glad to have you join us and we look forward to seeing some shots of your hubby in action.
Are your sons showing any interest in that I wonder?
Does "4 wheeling" mean you live out of a winnebago (motorhome) or similar while at 'camp'?
I know what you mean about the remembering, but it does get easier the more you do it, so the only option is to do it some more!
Don't be shy to start a thread with a question, or a picture for critique - we're good on constructive comments here at CiC.
So I'll sign off for now with a welcome from,
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hello All... thanks for your warm welcome and HUMOR ... something we all need a little more of.... I'm English though, and many times it just goes over my head, so be patient with me.
Hi Rose Mary,
Quite a few Brits here, so I'm sure you'll fit right in - lots of others from all "four corners" of the globe too; I've been meaning to get a world map and start sticking coloured pins in it to remind me of where people are.
I was born and bred in New Zealand, but both of my parents were born and raised in England, so I've got both passports :)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hello everyone.
I just signed up today and am very new!!!!!
Hi Kori,
Welcome to the CiC Forums. Seems like "Batman" is really a "Bat Girl"!
By the way, if you ever decide that you'd like to change your username to something radical (like "Kori"), just let me know - it only takes a few seconds to change :)
Good to see another Nikon shooter here - they need all the help they can get in the weekly challenges :p (I'm allowed to say that 'cause I'm a Canon shooter and we have bragging rights for the week!) (again!)
I've found that the best way to take the shots you want is to simply "get involved" (as you are by the sound of it); Take shots - think about things that aren't up to standard - think about how they could be improved next time - post them here - get our opinions on how to improve - analyse the photos of others and look at what they did wrong and think about how they got the things right that you like. And of course read lots of good books (we can recommend some good ones). Lather and repeat!
Colin -
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
HI again...
4 wheel'n is with our 4 wheelers...ATV.... ha ha
Camp is a little cabin on 40 acres with a gorgeous hardwood ridge!
The boys love the race'n - but I don't think they will become a racer! My husband is their StepFather. The boys are part of the pit crew and rarely miss a race, but it's a lot of work and we have sponsorships to help with the cost! Not sure if we could afford another racer in the family...BUT ya never know what the future may hold!
I'll get some picts up soon!