Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Y'all -
Well, I put the cart before the horse by posting first and then introducting myself. I'm from Louisiana, USA. Earn my living as a medical transcriptionist with photography being my hobby. I am tired of being a point-and-shoot photographer and want to learn how to get the results I want. I just love this forum...have already learned so much. Thanks to all who make this such a wonderful place to learn.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Well, I put the cart before the horse by posting first and then introducting myself. I'm from Louisiana, USA. Earn my living as a medical transcriptionist with photography being my hobby. I am tired of being a point-and-shoot photographer and want to learn how to get the results I want. I just love this forum...have already learned so much. Thanks to all who make this such a wonderful place to learn.
Jeannie - Carts before horses are just as welcome on here as those who get it the other way round! Hopefully, you'll soon find out that CiC is more concerned with people feeling part of this online learning community and enjoying it, than with processes and 'rules' about how the site is meant to operate. The important thing is to be discussing photography with others and sharing comments about images.
So, as you set out on the learning curve, please do ask questions. There will always be someone here able to provide and answer.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello everyone, my name is Heather. I live in Bedfordshire, Uk. I have been interested in photography for about 6 years, and there is so much I want to learn ! I don't have a particular genre, I like to try everything (although my macro lens tends to be attached to my camera more than any other). I would quite like photographing people, but don't have the confidence.....
I'm looking forward to learning as much as possible and chating to people with the photography bug :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello everyone, my name is Heather. I live in Bedfordshire, Uk.
Heather - I know what you mean about the photographing people thing. I suffer from that complex too. There's a very good article in the October edition of 'Black & White Photography' magazine here in the UK about this.
Anyway - a very warm welcome to CiC, a resource that can, hopefully, demystify all the seemingly impenetrable problems and answer all the questions. All you have to do is ask. And don't forget to post up your images, either for criticism and comment or in the competition threads.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, my name is Sam and I've just joined after learning about this website at my introduction to digital photography evening class. Although I've been a keen photographer for a long long time I only just got what I would call a 'good' camera in March 2011 and my passion has escalated from there. I have always been artistic and feel that I have got a good 'eye' but want to learn lots more about my camera and photography in general to help me improve so I'm looking forward to learning and sharing with you all.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi, my name is Sam and I've just joined after learning about this website at my introduction to digital photography evening class. Although I've been a keen photographer for a long long time I only just got what I would call a 'good' camera in March 2011 and my passion has escalated from there. I have always been artistic and feel that I have got a good 'eye' but want to learn lots more about my camera and photography in general to help me improve so I'm looking forward to learning and sharing with you all.
Sam - Hello. Whoever referred you here to CiC must be a very, very nice person! Good to hear that others are enjoying the site and find it a useful resource.
I hope you, too, quickly find out that it's the sort of place where you find help and support, both through thie forum but also via the tutorials. Certainly, a primary aim of CiC is to help people learn and develop knowledge and skills and there are many people on here very willing to share their experience.
So, please don't feel shy about getting right in here with questions and, of course, posting up your images.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I certainly won't, thanks Donald
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
MOD EDIT - PM sent re-posting in Nature & Architecture section
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
MOD EDIT - Pm sent regarding re-post in People & Pets section
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I am pixelens and I live in Lyndhurst, Ohio. I have been involved with photography for 65 years, evolving from 35mm and 220 film to my current Nikon D700. :cool:
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I am pixelens and I live in Lyndhurst, Ohio. I have been involved with photography for 65 years, evolving from 35mm and 220 film to my current Nikon D700. :cool:
Gayne - Welcome to CiC. I usually say in these welcome notes that there are lots of people on here willing to share experience. Well, you gain immediate membership to the pool of the very experienced. I hope you are willing to share that knowledge with others on here.
As I hope you've seen, CiC is all about learning - about extending our knowledge and skills and about helping others to develop their abilities in photography. I hope you also find that it's a very friendly place populated by people who want to share their enthusiasm rather than waste time boasting about the equipment they own or how much better a photographer they are than other people. Such people usually don't stick around for too long.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello all,
My name is Carl and I've been lurking for quite awhile. Cambridge in Colour has some amazing tutorials. I haven't visited the forum nearly as much as I should. Then today there was a note saying you've never posted, start at the Welcome Thread. I finally gave in!
I'm an engineer that dabbles in photography. I'm currently trying to figure out the best ways to utilize the equipment I already have while saving up for some better stuff.
Nikon D50
Nikon N4004s
Lenses & Accessories:
Nikkor 35-70mm f3.5-4.6
Nikkor 50mm f1.8
Sigma 30mm f1.4
lots of different filters meant mostly for film photography
Sony DSC-WX5
Look forward to meeting/conversing with you!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Forgot to mention:
Located in Germantown, MD, USA and Atlanta, GA, USA (depending on the week...)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
:eek:New member from Maryland. Glad to be here..Novice in photography, but excited to keep learning. Thanks in advance for any help. :o
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
:eek:New member from Maryland. Glad to be here..Novice in photography, but excited to keep learning. Thanks in advance for any help. :o
Welcome, Marcia! What part of Maryland?
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi I'm Beth. Tyring to figure out how to use this site. Can't find where to submit a pic to contest. Or where to go to introduce myself. HELP!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi! I am a retired soldier living in the American South and enjoying photo ops at every opportunity.
My interest in photography started when my parents gave me a Brownie box camera. A few years later, after my maternal grandfather died, Grandma gave his 1950s Leica rangefinder to my Dad, who once looked at some Ansel Adams photos and said "Gee, these are nice. Too bad they're not in color." The rest of the family snickered behind Dad's back for decades.
I recently started reading Adams' book "The Camera". In one caption, he wrote "Although I like this photograph as a black and white image, I believe it would be more effective in color." Adams repeated this opinion throughout his writing.
I called Dad and apologized, telling him that he had the last laugh - Ansel Adams agreed with him.
I am looking forward to learning from every one here.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
My name is Carl and I've been lurking for quite awhile.
Glad you took the plunge and signed up. A very warm welcome.
I hope you find the forum as useful as the tutorials (that's certainly the intention) and that you'll become a regular participant in discussions and in question-asking and question-answering. And, of course, in posting images.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi I'm Beth. Tyring to figure out how to use this site. Can't find where to submit a pic to contest. Or where to go to introduce myself. HELP!
Beth - Well you've found the right place to introduce yourself. You've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. Did you know you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can do the same in respect of your location, just as I have done alongside this message.
As for posting images. Click on the 'Forum' tab above and you'll be able to see a list of the various sections in the forum. If it's the competition threads you're interested in, click on those and you'll be able to go in to current competitions. Have a read of the first post in each thread. That tells you how the different competitions operate. If, after reading that, you have any porblems, then just shout out and soemone will come along with advise and assistance.
But don't forget to also post images up for comment and criticism in either teh Nature & Architecture or People & Pets section. That's a much better way of learning. Other than the competition areas, we only have the two sections for images. Not dozens like some other forums. But nobody minds too much which one you choose (CiC is that sort of forum). The only important thing is getting images posted for the purposes of learning and development.
I hope you enjoy being part of CiC.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Maria Schnell
I called Dad and apologized, telling him that he had the last laugh - Ansel Adams agreed with him.
So, Dad had a good eye for an image after all.
Hello, Maria, and a big welcome to CiC. Great to have you on board. If you started off with a Box Brownie, I think we can take it that there are a few years experience just waiting to be shared with others on here.
I hope you find that CiC is indeed a forum where people are not precious about holding on to their knowledge and skills, but are very willing to share those to help others develop their skills. It's that sort of forum. So, I look forward to your contributions and, of course, to seeing your work.