Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello everyone
I am John from Liverpool but living in Stafford UK at the moment been here for 18 months before that living in Cyprus for 3 years. Am a keen up and coming Photographer I have 3 years experience. I am just finishing a online course which was with The Photography Institute.My main interest is Landscape photography the kit that I use is a Canon7d canon 24/105L Sigma 10/20, canon 70/300 also Cokin p series NDG filter set.Still have lots of kit to get but its a start.Looking forward to getting involved in the forum in the near future
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
john m
Hello everyone
I am John from Liverpool but living in Stafford UK at the moment been here for 18 months before that living in Cyprus for 3 years.
Whenever the urge to spend more starts to take over, just remind yourself that it's all about the person behind the camera, not the equipment in front of it. The gear helps, but it's what's in your head that really makes the image.
Anyway, great to have you here on CiC. I hope you quickly find that CiC provides the opportunity build upon the knowledge gained on your online course. Please ask lots of questions, join in discussions and, of course post up your images
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hallo everyone and please to meet you:)
I am Rick 24year life in the Netherlands (Deventer)
It's been awhile since I been on a english forum So a good exercise for my English lation:)
well I will tell something about me
I shoot for about 4 years now I shoot a little bit of everything but mostly nature, landscapes and portraits.
Together with my trusty companion my canon 50D and some glassware.
You see photography is an outlet for me something to do in my spare time.
A while ago I received the benefit of strobist since I'm a little active model / portrait photography on location.
For a impression of my creations happy to refer you to my website:
So for now I think enough over myself:)
Time to orientate myself on this website and forum.
With regards Rick Treffers
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
just a quick hello from tony everid in snowdonia
will post more pictures soon.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Rick - hello and welcome.
I look forward to seeing some of your images and I hope you will join in the discussions here on the forum.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
just a quick hello from tony everid in snowdonia
will post more pictures soon.
Hello Tony. Good to have you here. What sort of stuff are you shooting?
Whatever your level of experience, I hope you will find that CiC is a forum that meets your needs.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, my name is Audrey and I live near Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. I got seriously interested in photography a couple of years ago. Although I have improved significantly I am eager to learn much more. I have been reading the tutorials on this site for awhile and have found them very helpful indeed.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi - my name is Karl and I am a photoholic :D:D
I live in Rockingham, Western Australia which is south of Perth. I am mainly into underwater photography but I also love topside photography.
For my underwater set up I have a Canon G12 in a Recsea housing with twin YS110Alpha strobes. I shoot mostly macro but I do some wide angle stuff as well. I also enjoy writing and have had a number of articles and photos published in an Australian diving magazine - I hope to go international soon :):)
My topside camera is a Canon 450D with the Sigma 18 - 250mm lens.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi CIC Community Pals,
Glad to see...
Cool Informative Conversation ~on~ Cambridge In Colour !!!
May try to learn & enjoy all, among you being an Artist, Photographer, Poet & Writer.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi, my name is Audrey and I live near Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. I got seriously interested in photography a couple of years ago. Although I have improved significantly I am eager to learn much more. I have been reading the tutorials on this site for awhile and have found them very helpful indeed.
I hope you now find being part of the forum to be as helpful as the tutorials. A primary aim of the forum, as with the tutorials is to help learning. Lots of people, with lots of knowledge and experience are more than willing to share that to help others.
You've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. Did you know you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi - my name is Karl and I am a photoholic :D:D
Your amongst friends. You can share your problems.
Hello, Karl. Welcome to CiC.
You've got a fellow countrywoman who shares your passion for jumping into water and making images, albeit she's a few thousand miles away from you. Have a look here.
If you've been looking into the forum, you'll have seen it's very much a place for sharing, supporting and helping. I hope you'll make your knowledge and experience available to others as well, of course, as continuing to develop your own learning.
Look forward to seeing some of your stuff posted up on the site.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
May try to learn & enjoy all, among you being an Artist, Photographer, Poet & Writer.
Surinder - Hello and welcome.
I certainly hope you will try and learn. CiC is very much about helping people to learn. Good to have you joining up.
If you do have any photography-related questions, please do ask them.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hiya, I am new to dSLR photography and would really appraciate some advice for making the most of my on board flash whilst I am saving for a speedlight. I would really appreciate tips on using it as a fill in flash in harsh light to reduce the shadows in portraits.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hiya, I am new to dSLR photography and would really appraciate some advice for making the most of my on board flash whilst I am saving for a speedlight. I would really appreciate tips on using it as a fill in flash in harsh light to reduce the shadows in portraits.
Vicky - Hello and welcome. Delighted you've decided to join CiC. I hope you enjoy being part of this online community for a long time to come.
I'm going to copy your post into the Deneral Photography Discussion section of the forum. Often a specific question like this gets lost if it's just left in here, as some people don't come in to this area of the forum as often as they visit other sections.
Thank you for asking a question straight off. That's what CiC is very much about.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi. My name is Gary from South Africa. I have just invested in my very first DSLR and I am slowly getting the hang of it. Hopefully I will receive a lot of guidance from you guys at CIC. :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi. My name is Gary from South Africa. I have just invested in my very first DSLR and I am slowly getting the hang of it. Hopefully I will receive a lot of guidance from you guys at CIC. :)
Gary - I certainly hope you will get all the support and guidance that you ask for. It's what CiC is very much about. What camera and lens is it that you've got?
Obviously, I don't know what sort of person you are. But if you fall into the same pattern as most of us, you'll be desperate to understand everything quickly and just get out there and shoot. But I hope you're taking your time to study the manual. Get to know your camera inside out. I'd suggest your goal is to get to the stage where you can find and operate all the controls without having to look at them - it becomes second nature. And then when you are out there shooting, you are concentrating on what you are seeing and not on what button you have to press or dial you have to turn.
It will feel as if you'll never achieve that objective. But, if you stick at it, you will. One day it will fall into place and you'll realise you're doing it.
Great to have you here. Please do ask whatever questions you have. There's no such thing as a dumb question on CiC.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello to all
I found this site while browsing for techniques to improve my picture-taking and post-processing skills with a newly-acquired D700. I am the proverbial prodigal that stoutly stuck with film for years, the advent of popular digital cameras notwithstanding. My first digital camera was the Sony Cybershot 505V in early 2000. I veered away from it because of problems with battery life and storage capacity difficulties.
I then acquired the FM3a, subsequently an FE2 and an M6. I bought the 'pancake' 45/2.8 (which was touted as mated to the FM3a) at the time. Over time I gathered a few more lenses: 24/2.8, 35/2.8, 50/1.4, 85/1.4, 105/2.5, 180/2.8 and also a Tamron 17-35/2.8-4 which was going cheap in a store that was closing down in Sydney. The M6 was an ebay acquisition which came with two Voigtlander lenses: a 28 and a 50. To this, I later added a Zeiss 25/2.8.
Staying with film was now getting really uphill with finding developing, scanning and printing labs in the places I have lived.
Since I already had the Nikon lenses, I bit the bullet and bought the D700 body to use with them. Back to digital now.
I currently live in Mieussy, France. Getting to here has been a veritable odyssey ... Malaysia, India, New Zealand, Australia: not all the above places are easy to practise film photography! Unfortunately, neither is Mieussy.
Hence, the D700. I hope to glean good techniques from this website as I go. Thus far, it has provided really useful reading, but I have much to learn through sharing.
Good wishes to all.
I'll try and attach a picture taken on a recent walk in the Rhone-Alpes region. Sorry, if it doesn't show up but I'll try. It's taken with the D700 and 35/2.8. The snow-covered peak in the background is the Mont Blanc.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello to all
I found this site while browsing for techniques to improve my picture-taking and post-processing skills with a newly-acquired D700.
Pritam - Hello. Welcome to the digital world. And welcome particularly to CiC. As well as the tutorials, this forum was set up as a learning resource - a place where people can share knowledge, experience and skills. So I hope you enjoy being part of it.
And well done on getting the image posted first time. Some people sometimes struggle to master what's involved.
I spent time in Beaujolais this year at the top of which you could look over to Mont Blanc - 100 miles away. Nice to see it slightly closer here.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello, I'm Anne and I'm a beginner excited to be learning something new. Obviously there is much talent on this sight, which will hopefully challenge and inspire me to become a better photgrapher....I have much to learn.:)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello, I'm Anne and I'm a beginner excited to be learning something new.
And that is what's so wonderful about photography. There is so much to explore and to learn.
Hello, Anne and welcome. First of all, you've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. Did you know you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
The one great thing about this forum and the reason I stay on it, is that it's a forum genuinely concerned to help people learn. The vast body of knowledge and experience of members is always freely and willingly available to people wanting to develop their skills.
The important thing to remember is that if you have a question, don't wait and wonder whether you should post a message asking it. Just do it. Unlike, I understand, some other forums, nobody is going to criticise you for asking a question that you might think is simplistic or naive. And, of course, a great way to learn is to post up your images and ask for comments and criticism. It can feel scary at first, but you learn so much by doing it.