Hi Kevin,
Sponge away - we'll help if we can.:)
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Hello CIC! I live in SW GA. My first love is not photography. I am a sculptor, WC artist and photographer. They all overlap of course. I take a lot of reference photos for my other arts. My main reason for being here is to get better shots of my sculptures and paintings. So close up shots, lighting and camera settings are important to me. I am working with a new transparent paper for Watercolors and need assistance shooting them in the correct lighting. I'll ask my questions in the appropriate threads. See you there. S
Hello. Whatever your reasons for joining CiC, you are very welcome.
There are certainly people on here very willing to share their knowledge and experience and who will, I am sure, be able to answer the questions you might ask. So, please do join in.
Is Scout your real name? If not, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Hello to all,
My name is Jim. Live near Philadelphia but was raised in Ohio. Photography is a passion that gets me more "can you do me a favor" work than I ever expected. I love to shoot in b/w but I would love to improve. I am going back to my hometown to photograph my brother's wedding. First wedding for me to photograph. A little nervous. I could use any and all advice.
Hello Gary and welcome.
Where are you? As well as having your real name in your profile, you can also enter your location so that it appears as well, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Anyway, good to have you on the forum and I hope all those years of experience will be shared with others who are learning. CiC is very much all about that.
Please go right ahead and post up any and all questions in whatever section of the forum seems most appropriate. CiC is very much about learning and in supporting others to improve knowledge and skills.
By the way, you've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. Did you know you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Greeting from the Philippines,
This is Richard, a 25 year old amateur photographer. I thrive to be the best in this field, but still am looking for better ways to harness my skills. I'm looking for friends to teach me the essentials and techniques to be a skilled photographer.
Magandan Araw Po sa Inyong Lahat...
Hi Richard,
CiC seem to have quite a following in Cebu City :)
Word of mouth, or may be it is just a large city with a lot of internet connected photographers, either way, may I extend a warm welcome to you from the CiC forums from me.
We are a great place to learn, so dive in and ask questions and post images for critique and constructive feedback
These may be helpful;
HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?
HELP THREAD: Guide to posting images for comment
What are you shooting with?
Best regards,
Hi, my name is Lynn and I live in Montreal, Canada. I joined because I am planning on buying a digital camera and do not know the first thing about them, I don't know a pixel from a pixie:( and I am hoping to pick your brains because when it comes to photography, I have none:confused: I am a senior and am on a fixed income so have to watch my pennies. Have been checking out eBay and they seem to have some pretty good deals there but I want to know all I can before I buy. Hope someone can help me. Thank you for reading my post.
Just stick around here for a while Lynn and you'll be discussing 'depth-of-field', 'local contrast enhancement', 'dodging & burning', etc, etc., as if you've grown up with them all your life.
Delighted that you've found you're way here to CiC. This is a learning community and one of the best ways of learning to to ask questions. So, as well as pouring over all the tutorials, please use the forum to tap into all the knowledge and experience that is on here.
By the way, you've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. So that people see it on all your posts, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Hi All,
Greetings from Canada.
I have been taking pictures since my Dad got me interested photography about 50 some odd years ago but I have been trying to make photographs for the last year or so - much more time now with retirement. I have a Canon 7D which I am very happy with and find myself trying to take advantage of any learning opportunity that presents itself so that I was delighted to stumble upon the CIC site and forum. I am a member of our local camera club and that may be my biggest source of learning and inspiration. If you have a camera club in your area I'd recommend that you consider joining. I kind of like messing with the computer so this marriage of digital photography and the computer works for me, but Photoshop, Lightroom . . . what a huge learning curve.
I have attached a recent picture that is pretty typical of my area of Canada this time of year.
Cheers, David Manuel
I've inserted your image into your post, rather than just have it as thumbnail. Tiy can check the help thread on posting images via the HELP/Rules tab up at the top of the page. If you have any further problems, please just call out.
And I'm delighted you found us.Quote:
I was delighted to stumble upon the CIC site and forum
The site is very much about helping develop skills and to that end there are many people on here willing to answer questions and offer advice and guidance. So, please just ask.
I look forward to seeing many more images such as that in your introductory post. You've got that one beautifully.
Hi everyone
My name is Kim Collins and I am a novice photographer from Sooke BC Canada ( located on the southern tip of Vancouver Island. I purchased my first Digital SLR in March of this year and I have since discovered the world of photography and have been focused ( no pun intended ) on roses and other treasures of the gardens in my area including my own. I am also working on constructed art shots using the local subjects found on the beaches in my area. My Flickr photo stream can be found at http://www.flickr.com/ I look forward to participating in this forum as I am eager to learn for others and hopefully one day share some of my experiences.
Hi Lynn,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me too.
Unless you're a seasoned e-Bayer, I would not recommend going there for a first purchase of something you don't know too much about.
Those pennies are precious and I'd hate to see/hear of you getting ripped off, 'switched', sold something without warranty in your country, etc.
If you do find something that is irresistible, please resist until you have shown us.
All the best,
hello everyone,
wonderful web site with excellent information which I try too emulate.
Pointed a camera in the right direction for about 30 years, with the odd success every now and again.
Lean toward lanscapes but also like buildings with character so enjoy visiting Oxford and Cambridge and surronding counrtyside but also enjoy the New Forest on the south coast of England near to home.
Tutorials are excellent so learning more each day.
Gallery is a great inspiration and would love to know more about the surrondings at that time and moment and camera details/settings...keep up the wonderful work, again thank you for all your help
Kenneth - Hello and welcome.
I'm glad you've found CiC and decided to 'sign up'. And I hope you continue to find both the tutorials and this forum interesting and helpful. Both together amount to the learning community that is CiC. So please use it for your own learning, but I also hope that those 30 years of experience will be shared with others who have joined the great journey more recently.
Hi my name is Jamie Austin,
Im from the UK and have just started getting into photography, i have a canon 550d and love taking pictures of landscapes, i also like taking shots of animals and human photography :) if anyone has any tips for me let me know! Thanks.
Hi everyone,
Having spent a lifetime in the RAF serving in many places abroad and photographing all and sundry, I now find myself in Brisbane, retired from public service and very happy! I run a pet portraits business here doing the things I love best - photographing birds and animals and keeping fit running around Forest Lake. The lake presents me with wonderful opportunities to improve my self taught skills. I'd like to learn more from you guys here at Cambridge in Colour.
You'll find lots of people very able and willing to give you all sorts of advice and guidance. All you have to do is ask.
If you're just starting out on the learning curve, then have a look at the full list of tutorials on the site. Not only are they wonderful, but the list of contents gives you an idea of the sorts of subjects/topics that you will want to learn about over the next weeks and months. As well as then reading them, that will give you ideas on the sorts of questions you might want to ask here, on the forum.
So, I hope you enjoy being on here.