Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Batman44 is actually from my husband - at the racetrack...his nickname is Batman and his number is 44..... I use it alot! I thought of BatGirl...But....
Like I said...I will get some pictures on here soon....I'm not afraid of being torn apart on my pictures.... I need lots of help - and love the help!!! :)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Batman44 is actually from my husband - at the racetrack...his nickname is Batman and his number is 44..... I use it alot! I thought of BatGirl...But....
Ah - and there was me thinking it's probably because you're a Christian Bale fan ;)
Like I said...I will get some pictures on here soon....I'm not afraid of being torn apart on my pictures.... I need lots of help - and love the help!!! :)
I'm sure we'll all look forward to seeing them - what types of photography do you enjoy?
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
I actually like it all...No favorite to tell you the truth! If I can take a picture of it I will! :)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
I'm Will from South Australia. Photography is a hobby that's grown on me gradually for the last few years. Somehow I stumbled across the CinC tutorials a while ago and found them very informative and well put together. Both the general photography techniques and the technical details are interesting to me. My gear is a Canon DSLR (40D) with a few primes and assorted other bits and pieces.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Will,
Welcome to the CiC forums, if you have any questions, or an image to show us, just start a new thread in the most appropriate forum.
As you probably know by now, judging from your join date; we're BIG on being helpful and constructive comment.
Equally, if you have anything to add to an ongoing thread discussion, just dive in and add a post; the more, the merrier.
If you get stuck on anything forum-wise (e.g. inline pictures) drop either myself or Colin Southern a Personal Message (PM), and/or post anyway you can, then Colin or I will sort it out.
Regards from,
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
I have been taking photos since Viet Nam, which is where I started with a Pentax Spotmatic. Then I went to a Minolta with an auto focus and now have a Sony A-700. I am trying to learn what I should have learned 40 years ago about Photography. My favorite type is wildlife (from insects to bears and beyond) and landscapes. I am still trying to get the perfect shot.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Jackmac,
Welcome to the forums.
We're all after that perfect one!
As per my post to Will earlier today; if you have any questions, or an image to show us, just start a new thread in the most appropriate forum. We're BIG on being helpful and constructive comment.
If you have anything to add to an ongoing thread, just add your post to the discussion.
Any problems forum-wise (e.g. inline pictures) drop either myself or Colin Southern a Personal Message (PM), and/or post anyway you can, then Colin or I will sort it out.
Tell me (well, us), where are you living now?
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Welcome to CiC Jackmac.
Looking forward to diving in...
My name is Martin Ley. I live near Cambridge, UK, and periodically drop in on the Cambridge in Colour site (which I found by accident last year! :)
I'm a Canon EOS 40D/17-55 user, and am getting variable results. Initially, on moving to the Canon from my excellent Kodak Z700 point and shoot, I was disappointed, and swapped the kit 17-85 lens for the wildly expensive 17-55 (expecting, in that ever-hopeful newbie way, that my results would improve immediately). Probably 50% common schoolboy errors and 50% camera-front-focussing errors. After having the camera/lens calibrated at Canon, I'm starting to learn, and have sufficient information to be able to confuse myself on a regular basis! I seem to get some stunning shots, and some real no-hopers, but I'm not experienced enough to predict which is which.
Whether it's my style of shooting, my lack of experience, or something else, I'm having the most trouble with landscapes/large DOF. Can't seen to replicate those wonderful vistas with pin-sharp foreground interest and acceptable sharpness out to infinity. I use a tripod (Manfrotto), mirror lock-up, live view, and a remote shutter release, but I suspect the problem is where I'm focussing for a given scene/aperture. I'm guessing wildly, but reading the excellent tutorials it seems that the point of focus is extremely critical. My degree in Physics was so long ago that I don't retain enough brain cells to be able to fully understand the tutorials, although I find them really interesting. The technical author in me really appreciates the work that has gone into them, both from a technical content point of view, and an information design point of view.
Too many words in this - it's more of a fully-fledged post than an introduction - sorry! I'll move into the other forums and dive in! I need to learn more on colour management now, before my NEC monitor arrives tomorrow...
Re: Looking forward to diving in...
Originally Posted by
I'll move into the other forums and dive in! I need to learn more on colour management now, before my NEC monitor arrives tomorrow...
Hi Martin,
By all means do dive in with queries or photos for comments.
Good to have you aboard and I hope you are pleased with the new monitor - let us know how you get on.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
I'm Will from South Australia.
Hi Will, from a fellow Canon shooter - great to have you with us :) What primes do you have for your 40D?
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
I have been taking photos since Viet Nam, which is where I started with a Pentax Spotmatic. Then I went to a Minolta with an auto focus and now have a Sony A-700. I am trying to learn what I should have learned 40 years ago about Photography. My favorite type is wildlife (from insects to bears and beyond) and landscapes. I am still trying to get the perfect shot.
Hi Jackmac,
Great to have you with us - I assume your first name is Jack? Be sure to let us know what we can help with ... hope to see some of those wildlife shots in the near future!
Re: Looking forward to diving in...
Originally Posted by
My name is Martin Ley. I live near Cambridge, UK, and periodically drop in on the Cambridge in Colour site (which I found by accident last year! :)
Hi Martin,
I shoot a fair bit of landscape - glad to help in any way that I can. In terms of focusing, it's not particularly critical if you're shooting at vastly stopped down apertures like F16 or F22 - it's more likely that you're becoming diffraction limited, and careful sharpening also plays a vital part. I normally focus about 1/4 to 1/3 into the scene. Post some shots along with your workflow and we'll see if we can help you out :)
In terms of colour management, make sure you have a copy of "Real World Color Management" by Bruce Fraser, Chris Murphy, and Fred Bunting - it's the industry-standard text on learning colour management - you'll also need (at a minimum) a monitor calibration & profile device like a Spyder III (or other brand).
Hope this helps!
Colin -
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Colin Southern
Hi Will, from a fellow Canon shooter - great to have you with us :) What primes do you have for your 40D?
Hello Colin,
I use a 50/1.4 mainly for available light indoors, a 60/2.8 macro for general use and macro, and a 100/2 when there's enough space, which is less often but it works wonderfully well when I get the chance to use it. The first lens I bought a few years ago was a 50/1.8 II which I still have (it did a pretty reasonable job at the time too, all things considered). I'd like to get a wider lens as well, maybe a 28/1.8 (I'd always be interested to hear any suggestions of course). Anyway I'm looking forward to participating in the forums.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi again Will,
It's beginning to sound like you have a 'no zooms' policy.
What led you to that (if I'm right)?
Also fairly rare to have nothing longer than 100mm for outdoor shots, or am I reading too much into your reply to Colin's question?
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
My name is Yonatan and I am a Canadian living in Israel. I have been taking photos for 40 years and since the advent of digital photography I often miss my Nikon F and my Rollicord twin lens reflex and my darkroom. Things seemed so much simpler then. I now have a Nikon D80 and a computer (Kit lens 18-70mm and the 70-210mm that I had with my Nikon 801s). When I can afford one, I would like to purchace the new Tamron 18-270 mm (if anyone has experience with this lens, I would like to hear about it) and a Nikkor 60mm macro. I sometimes hike in the desert here and having one lens like the Tamron would help to lighten my pack.
I take photos of lots of different things, my family, landscapes and birds/animals. I am a carpenter/woodworker/woodturner and I like to also take photos of my work for display.
I have thousands of slides and I wish that there was a cheap easy way to digitalize them.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Yonatan, welcome! Great to have you join. There's a lot of members here who are just dipping their feet into the digital world. Pretty soon you'll be swimming the butterfly in no time :).
Would be interested to see some shots and hear some questions if you have any.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Yonatan,
My thanks for posting this.
I know the slide problem from my own (much) earlier dabble with film, got a large box full of them.
Keep thinking I'll get myself a scanner that can take them so at least the best could be digitised, I ought to check their condition first as they may be all 'furry' by now!
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Welcome Yonatan - looking forward to seeing your pics of the deserts (there was a guy on another forum who used to post them and I miss them). Also welcome to another D80 owner. Slight caution for ex film folks, digital cameras do justify really good lenses, not saying that that Tamron isn't, wouldn't know, just exercise caution and read ALL the reviews of a shortlist. For what its worth, I can get my D80 with the Nikkor 80-400 on it in the body of a LowePro TLZ2 bag and the kit lens (18-135) in the front pocket (and a Canon 500 close up ring at a pinch) for geriatric hiking. Though if I know the weather is going to be foul, I may just take the 18-135; in your case the fine sand will be the enemy, there are lens sleeves and customised poly bags to keep it out.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hay all, hows it going? Im from the United States and my first camera was a Pentax K 1000 (well not if you count the Fisher Price 110 camera I had when I was five or so). Speaking of which if any of you have one or know somebody with one, I want to buy it (the K1000). I gave mine away to someone and I wish I would of kept it. Now I have a broken Canon with a wide, normal and telephoto lenses. This is film of course, and well a good film camera repair man is not cheap.
I have been in photo hibernation for the last several years and am now waking up. Over the last several years I been slowly acquiring old cameras and such for my own personal collection and maybe when Im 80 or 90 Ill donate them to a museum.
I love and hate digital photography (let me explain). I love it for all the cool things you can do and dream of having my own digital dark room with Mac computers and Photoshop. But....but I hate it because it takes less skill to push a button than to make a good photograph. Someone could appear to be a better photographer than they are and that takes away from the ones who truly are.
Now that I said all that, Im planing on getting a Nikon D 300, Im thinking about stock photography to help me get the ball rolling, I see myself owning my own studio and/or doing weddings. I dont know what excites me more, the thought of going to get nature photos or capturing a truly great nature photo. There's more but this is plenty for now.
One more thing, Im glade to be here. C ya.