deep south of the Mainland, Otago :) Too far from Central to go out every day and make the most of the wonderful photographic opportunities there :( but not too far from Dunedin.
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Hello, I'm living an half hour north of Cambridge but across the pond in Canada. I've read a few tutorials and found the pictures of Cambridge wonderful. I just purchased a Canon 5d mk ii with a couple of nice lenses. I have always been interested in portrait and macro (super) photography but am expanding to include sports. In the last year I have been learning photoshop CS5V and am endlessly inspired to create new images and also to repair old BW photos.
Hello and welcome to CiC.
Is Lavender your real name or just a username? You've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. Did you know you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Anyway, it's good to have you here and I hope you enjoy being part of the forum. I look forward to seeing some more of your work and to your involvement in discussions.
I'm new here. Hope this is the place for introductions. I'm Ginny, retired, 63 years young. I live in Clarkston, WA. I have always been interested in photography since I was still in school. I've always said "someday one of my pictures would be famous" Still working on it. I'm hoping to learn a lot more from all of you and maybe get that famous picture before I leave this world.:)
Ginny - It is. And you are very, very welcome.
Given that CiC is very much a learning community, then certainly all the help and support you might need to make that 'famous' picture is available here on the forum and in the tutorials. The rest is then up to you!
But don't wait for the famous one. Post up lots more in the meantime.
Hello fellow members
Bought a digital SLR recently, the first time for a SLR. Then I stumbled across this web site / forum. Looks like I got lucky this time, a very good site / forum. I am learning at a rapid rate. :) Thank you.
I'm glad you like the look of CiC, Marius. A very warm welcome to you.
What camera did you get? Getting to learn the camera inside-out is one of the best things, I think you can do. Once you are able to press buttons, turn dials, etc automatically without having to think about it, the camera is like am extension of your hands. You can then give all your conscious attention to composing the image that you have in the viewfinder.
Please do use CiC to help with your learning - Ask lots of questions and post up some of your images for comment.
My name is Jean-Philippe, I live in France, near Brest, western Brittany. I love photography and have been practicing it for many years, but I only started digital photography about 6 years ago. I also occasionally use a medium format camera, certainly not as often as I would like. Though I love my DSLR, I find that using a completely mechanical camera is something much more magical. I attach a photo I took not far from home with my digital camera.;d=1318170691
Bonjour, Jean-Philippe and welcome to CiC. I am very glad that you have decide to join the forum.
So that everyone will know your name when you post further messages, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts.
Thank you, also, for posting up one of your images. You will see that I have edited the post to insert the image into the message and not only have it as a thumbnail. You may wish to study the help thread here on the forum that provides assistance in posting images. Click here to access it.
I look forward to seeing many more pictures made by you.
Hello, I'm Steve from Greece. I would like to say thanks for all the support and encouragement you give to new members. Photography became a passion for me just recently, after reading the book "Image makers, image takers" by Anne-Celine Jaeger. I particularly like portrait and street photography. Cheers!
Steve - thank you for your comments.The very reason for CiC is to support learning and the exchange of knowledge and skills. That's the lovely thing about the forum - people on here are not 'precious' about sharing their knowledge.
What are you shooting with? Do you have a DSLR?
I hope you feel able to ask lots of questions and, of course, post up your images for comment. Good to have you here.
Donald, thank you for your welcoming reply. A DSLR is not an option for me yet, I shoot with an old and very, very noisy digital compact (Canon Powershot S2). Questions? Yes, I have quite a few :) Greetings from Greece!
Hi, I'm 40 years old. I live in southern Spain, in Malaga exactly. I like photography a lot and I discovered this page like a month ago and the tutorials and the rest of the stuff seem wonderful for me. Thanks for the page to the creators and moderators. I will keep on learning... even asking. Greetings, Elbaduj
I hope you will keep asking. That is what CiC is for.
Hello and welcome to the forum. I'm very glad you are enjoying the site and finding it useful.
As well as using your real name, you can also enter your location if you go to Edit Profile, so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Thanks Donald for the information, I added my real name to my profile. I am eagerly awaiting enough hours in my life to get involved in the forums. If only the light wasn't so fantastic, the colours so intense and the camera so new then there would be more time for this activity. :)