Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
G'day from down under!
I'm Deb and i'm slowly entering into the digital world of photography. Really love portraiture but still trying to find my niche:cool: Would love some advice on my pics when i finally get some up. ohh yeh i love to chat too! so hit me up!
Deb xx
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
am new, yet old...i have eyes meant only to behold lens is my eyes, my eyes are my lens
am femi johnson
i intend to make sense
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi im Nikki, I am a photography student form the UK and i am hoping to become a portrait or landscpe photographer. Hopking to learn alot from the forum!:)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, I'm David, living in Fife, though originally from Glasgow. I am currently studying Creative Technologies at college and slowly getting to grips with the computer. I am often out and about with my camera, an Olympus E510. My main interest in photography is street shots, though when able I am an avid snapper of tattoos and marching bands. Please feel free to comment on my photographs, also seen under the name "Olympus1872" on flickr. Hopefully I'll enjoy a fruitful relationship with "Cambridge in Colour.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Goodness me. You go to work for a day and all these people join up. Wonderful.
So, can i extend a collective welcome to:
David (I'm just along the road from you)
Great to have you all here. Hopefully you've seen that CiC is very much a learning resource. So, please do use it by asking questions, posting images fro comment and, of course, joining in discussions.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hey, everyone. I'm in Canada and very new to photography. I am loving it. My favourite technique involves shooting in black & white. I've been reading a lot about RAW and this may be a dumb question it on the camera already? I have a Fuji digital and cannot figure out how to use RAW. I know websites talk a lot about shooting in RAW and using the software afterwards to refine the image. Can anyone help me out with this one? Thanks...happy to be a part of the group!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I took up photography shortly before I retired,interested in photographing landscapes,wildlife and sport, recently
Became very interested in HDR photography so I am very keen to learn more on the subject.
Look forward to showing my images and learning from HDR workers.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hey, everyone. I'm in Canada and very new to photography. I am loving it. My favourite technique involves shooting in black & white. I've been reading a lot about RAW and this may be a dumb question it on the camera already? I have a Fuji digital and cannot figure out how to use RAW. I know websites talk a lot about shooting in RAW and using the software afterwards to refine the image. Can anyone help me out with this one? Thanks...happy to be a part of the group!
Hello Watson and welcome to CiC. Thanks for signing up.
I don't know anything about Fuji cameras I'm afraid, but I strongly suspect that your camera will not be able to shoot in RAW. If it can, it will be referred to in the user manual.
RAW is a setting that you choose on the camera, if it is an available option. I think your camera will only be allowing you to shoot JPEG images.
The difference between the two is that, with JPEGS, the camera is actually doing the post-processing work for you. So what you get onto your computer screen and/or what you print out, is already processed. You can do some more tweaking with post-processing software on your computer. But you can't do very much or you'd end up with over processed images. Also, jpeg files out of your camera are much smaller than RAW files and can't take as much post-processing work.
RAW files are just that - Raw. It's the raw data with no post-processing done at all. Once you get a RAW file out of the camera and onto your computer, you are then in total control of what the final image is going to look like. You can convert it to B & W or keep the colour data on teh image. You can sharpen it (in fact you always have to sharpen a RAW file). And do 101 other things to create the image that you want.
I hope that helps.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Became very interested in HDR photography so I am very keen to learn more on the subject.
Look forward to showing my images and learning from HDR workers.
There are quite a few of them on here, so you'll have plenty of opportunity to compare images and join discussions.
Welcome to CiC. I hope you find that it helps your learning and development. If you have any questions - just ask.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I too, am new to this site. I am a middle aged mother of 3 young men with a love for photography. I love to photograph my boys when they play lacrosse. I am also the family historian. My real love it to use my funky creative eye to create art. I currently am looking for a upgrade in equipment. I currently shoot with an rebel xti and kit lense + 75-300. I took photography while a student at the University of Kansas. Loved the experience with black and white and continued to take pictures with film until about 5 years ago. I am obviously not using the right camera, becuase I often am dissappointed with the pictures produced by my camera. I look forward to reading the threads to learn. :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I too, am new to this site. I am a middle aged mother of 3 young men with a love for photography.
Hello and welcome.
First off, you've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. Did you know you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
I hope you enjoy being part of CiC. The reason for its existence is learning. There are lots of people with huge amounts of knowledge and experience that they are very willing to share. As well as learning from them, I hope your knowledge and experience will be shared with others seeking to learn.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Dave Humphries
Hi Len (?),
I think we have a couple of other NEX users here already, so you're not alone :)
Could you Edit your profile and put your first name into the Real Name field and a Location ("Cambridge, UK" will do and save going back to update later) - thanks.
Are you moving far? (within UK, or from further afield)
Welcome to the CiC forums from ....
Hi Dave,
Thanks for the warm welcome - it seems your inundated just now! :) I am moving from Glasgow so not really too far (although my family think otherwise). Glad to hear there are some other NEX users - hopefully they'll have some tips. Got to say, I love this camera - it's low-light photography is really excellent (certainly when compared to my old point and click). Anyway, I'll update my details. Len is fine - I tend to use "Lenford" for my online correspondence and most other users default to "Len" for me. Jen is also fine.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello everybody. My name is fro. I live smack dab in the middle of the great midwest. I have only begun to take on photography and am very wet behind the horns. I got a panasonic Lumix zs5 for a starter and would like to upgrade after learning the terminology and some tricks. I will probably being asking alot of questions. I look forward to hanging around and absorbig as much as possible
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Greetings from NorCal.
I'm Josh, I've been photoclubbing for roughly 2 years now. I've got a Canon Rebel T2i, and I do some cinematography on the side when I get the chance. I'm ecstatic about being part of a community that fosters creativity in a way that inspires me. Happy to be part of something bigger than me as well. I'm 16, still in high school, nice to meet you
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi CiC! I'm Alex. I'm at school doing my A Levels (I'm almost 17), but I'm also studying early for my research masters in mathematical physics.
I have a Nikon D100 which my granddad gave me. It's old, and probably worst than even the cheapest DSLRs available now, but it was a cost effective entry into the world of DSLR photography for me. I have a 24-85mm f/3.5-4.5 and also a 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 VR. I'm not really sure what my particular photographic interests are. I used to love macro shots, but that's not been very convenient since upgrading from my Fujifilm compact, though I'm hoping to get extension tubes soon. I've not done much portrait work, if only due to a general lack of subjects...
I'm also into computers and programming, as well as physics. I've been reading this site's tutorials for some time, but I only just noticed there was a forum. It looks like a friendly community so hopefully I'll get to know all you guys better soon! :D
PS: Oh, and I don't know if this site's operators are actually based in Cambridge, United Kingdom, but it's where I hope to do my doctorate :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello everybody. ... I will probably being asking a lot of questions.
Good! That's what CiC is for. It exists to help people learn.
Hello, Fro and welcome to the forum. I hope you do enjoy it and are around for a long time to come.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Greetings from NorCal.
I'm Josh, I've been photoclubbing for roughly 2 years now. I've got a Canon Rebel T2i, and I do some cinematography on the side when I get the chance. I'm ecstatic about being part of a community that fosters creativity in a way that inspires me. Happy to be part of something bigger than me as well. I'm 16, still in high school, nice to meet you
Great to have you here. Thank you for joining. And I hope CiC will inspire you, particularly in terms of your photographic learning and development.
I look forward to seeing some of you work posted up.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi to all from the Netherlands.
My name is Franklin. I am a projectleader for profession and I like to make photo's as a hobby.
Shooting with a Nikon D7000 with a acceptable bunch of lenses. I always shoot in RAW, so I will always process my RAW files afterwards. For that purpose I use mainly Nikon Capture NX2 and Photoshop CS5.
I still want to learn more about photography and digital post processing. And from what I see and read here, that will be no problem.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi CiC! I'm Alex. I'm at school doing my A Levels (I'm almost 17),
PS: Oh, and I don't know if this site's operators are actually based in Cambridge, United Kingdom, but it's where I hope to do my doctorate :)
The second young person in a row to sign up. That is wonderful. Welcome Alex.
Just keep remebering that although a higher spec camera can give you more options fro picture-making, the ability to create great images doesn't lie with any of the equipment, but with the person behind the camera. So, the D100 might be a bit older, but in the right hands, it will still produce the goods.
Re the Cambridge link - Sean (McQ) whose site this is, studied at Cambridge and conceived the site whilst there. He's now back in California, but the name of the site has stayed the same.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi to all from the Netherlands.
My name is Franklin. I am a projectleader for profession and I like to make photo's as a hobby.
Shooting with a Nikon D7000 with a acceptable bunch of lenses. I always shoot in RAW, so I will always process my RAW files afterwards. For that purpose I use mainly Nikon Capture NX2 and Photoshop CS5.
I still want to learn more about photography and digital post processing. And from what I see and read here, that will be no problem.
Hello Franklin and welcome to CiC.
Delighted to read that you are already into shooting RAW. And I am very glad that, already, you think that CiC will help you develop your knowledge and skills. Please do post up any questions that you may have. There are many people on here very willing to share their experience.