Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello Everyone,
My name's Mike, I've been taking photos for longer than I care to remember,
Mike - Does the username give us a clue to your other interests in life?
Welcome to CiC and thanks for joining. By the way, where are you? You can go to Edit Profile and enter your location so that it appears alongside all your posts, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
I hope you find that CiC is very much about about supporting learning and not a forum of egos where people make you feel ashamed if your image is not perfect or your comments terribly clever. I'm told there are forums like that. Folk on here are more than willing to share knowledge and experience. All you have to do is ask.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi guys, my name is Wendy and I live on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. I have long had a passion for taking photos, but have recently decided (after having children) to turn my interest into something more and have picked up my very first Dslr (a Nikon D7000) and am now studying to become a professional.
CiC looks like a great place to learn more and post some of my work. I look forward to reading and posting in the forums.
Cheers, Wendy;)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Mike - Does the username give us a clue to your other interests in life?
Donald, I'm impressed by the quick response, thank you.
Yes, I have a motorbike, but I shouldn't really call myself a "biker", I'm not an enthusiast in that sense, but I prefer using it to any other form of transport. I tend to put it away in bad weather though, a real biker wouldn't do that!
Regards, Mike
(Edit) P.S. I live in Sussex
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi guys, my name is Wendy and I live on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. ....
Hello Wendy and a warm welcome onto CiC.
The aim of the site is indeed to help people develop knowledge and skills. So I hope CiC can help you achieve what you want from photography. Please do get involved through asking questions, joining discussion and, of course, posting up images for comment and criticism ... and competitions & challenges.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello everyone! I'm Kristiina and I live in Turku, Finland. Originally I'm from Estonia. My story is pretty similar to Wendy's. I've got two little boys (7 months & 1,5 years old). Just bought my very first DSRL (a used Pentax K10D) in the beginning of this month, so I'm fairly new to this. My goal is to get into local university to study photography and one day be a professional.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello everyone! I'm Kristiina and I live in Turku, Finland.
Hello Kristiina. I very much that, in the same way as Wendy, you too can use CiC achieve your objectives.
I think you are the only current active member from Finland.
I look rroward to seeing some of your images.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Thank you, Donald, for the warm welcome! :) Here's my "photo blog" - nothing special there yet as I'm still learning and discovering. Subjects are mainly my own kids and husband, I've actually tried to get some other people in front of my camera but with a poor luck so far. I really don't know why some people do not want being photographed. I would.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello and Goodevening, I would like your input. I am having a hard time with Aperture, and Shutter Speed when taking
a picture. What can i do about this? So what should i set first? Also i have a Canon Rebel XTnw EF-S 18-55mm 1:3.5-5.6
58mm. I'am a newbie Thanks.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello and Goodevening, I would like your input. I am having a hard time with Aperture, and Shutter Speed when taking
a picture. What can i do about this? So what should i set first? Also i have a Canon Rebel XTnw EF-S 18-55mm 1:3.5-5.6
58mm. I'am a newbie Thanks.
Hello there and welcome to CiC.
First of all, So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
In response to your question, I would strongly advise that you read this tutorial on CiC. It will help you understand the concepts and master the skills associated with exposure.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello Tim.
My name is Ron Alverson. I am also like you retired, and also enjoy the simiar type hobbies. But as it relates to photograghy issues I been taking pictures for about 15 years now. I am using a Canon A-1 with a Canon both 28mm and 50mm lense as my primary. I enjoy taking of sunrises, sunsets, waterfalls, and just about anything that catches my eye. And like you, I almost always have my camera with me all the time. I would be interested in learning more about your film photograghy equipment and techniques. :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
My name is Ron Alverson.
A warm welcome to CiC, Ron.
I had a quick look back to find the post number that you've obviously replied to, but couldn't see it. But I'm sue it's there.
Anyway, as I say, welcome. I hope you find CiC to be the sort of forum that you enjoy being part of and that you will involve yourself in discussions etc. CiC is very much about helping people to learn and I hope you'll contribute your knowledge and experience that endeavour.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I've been using a camera of some kind since my fifth birthday (really a Brownie camera), moved up to a Hawkeye when I hit my tenth birthday, moved to Mamiya fixed lense SLR when I turned 23, and finally for the big 40, got two Minolta Maxxam SLRs with detachable lenses which are the same lenses I've used on my Sony alpha 700 since I bought it four years ago. For those of you who don't know, Minolta sold its camera business to Konica some years back and Konica sold the lens business to Sony when they were looking for very high quality lenses to use in their alpha series cameras about 5-7 years ago.
My favorite themes are:
1. outdoors photography which I've long been pretty good at because I was a geography professor for a very long time and you can't give a geography lecture without some illustrations!
2. architectural photography where I emphasize macro photography because I find looking at a building as an art form gives me some ideas about what architects think about when they're designing a building!
3. tabletop photography which I'm just starting to learn about. The upcoming holiday season should be kind of entertaining for my relatives if they don't get ticked off because dinners are delayed by photography. ;~)
I first found this site's tutorials when I decided to integrate what photographic knowledge I had with the missing pieces when I found a reference to the site in an email. So, I'm counting on the tutorials to fill in the blanks.
Finally, I'm known as drjuice because my graduate students nicknamed me drVH (my initials) which became drV8 and it became drjuice. A senior professor had told them they couldn't call me by my first name.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello, I can not tell you how I have enjoyed this site and have shared it with a number of my friends.
I have enjoyed veiwing all the great photos that are submitted.
Learning a lot, hopefully, I can put into my photos what I have learned.
Sal Germano
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I've been using a camera of some kind since my fifth birthday
I hope all that knowledge and experience will be shared with others on here as part of the learning community. Wonderful to have you, so a big hello and welcome.
I hope you enjoy being part of CiC for a long time to come.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello, I can not tell you how I have enjoyed this site and have shared it with a number of my friends.
Hello and welcome.
CiC is very much about learning so I hope you do continue to benefit from being part of the forum.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Thank you MacKenzie it's a pleasure to hear there is such a site which is loaded with professional photographers. I will definately start having my part in discussions and post more of my photos.
I was curious about one thing. I am looking to purchasing a 2nd camera, as I sold one and have only the Canon, do people here have the privledge to sell any of their unwanted cameras? I've purchased my very first actually from my wedding photographer, so I don't mind buying one from somebody who is on here and has an extra? Is that something I can ask around here?
lmk, thanks.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I was curious about one thing. ~ do people here have the privledge to sell any of their unwanted cameras? I've purchased my very first actually from my wedding photographer, so I don't mind buying one from somebody who is on here and has an extra? Is that something I can ask around here?
Hi Anna,
We don't have a dedicated section to handle items for sale here at CiC, I'm afraid.
I guess you could ask in the Community Lounge for e-mails from anyone with something suitable, but any deal struck would be strictly between yourself and the other person, not something the site would liable for.
To be honest, I think you'd have a wider selection at one of the online auction sites, although they have their risks.
Another option for Canon is a refurbished one, I believe Canon and/or certain US dealers sell them.
You will find more good advice reviewing posts under the Camera purchase tag in our Tag cloud. or post a question in the Digital Cameras & Equipment forum.
Good luck (and welcome from me too),
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Dave Humphries
Another option for Canon is a refurbished one, I believe Canon and/or certain US dealers sell them.
Thanks Dave, I will check out the tags, posts and see what i find. Appreciate the help!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I am Trisha from India. I am a media student in Mumbai and i aspire to be a screenwriter. I took up the camera for an assignment, now i can hardly keep it down. Wherever i go , my SLR trots along. I hope to connect to people through my photos .
This website is a great companion for amateur photographers like me.:)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I am Catalina, I just finished my first semester of photography and my subjectis pictures of elderly people I do not know if I should present this picture.[IMG]Copia - DSC_0626.JPG[/IMG]