You, too, are very very welcome. Glad you like the look of CiC. I hope you find enough of interest to keep you here for a long time to come.
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Hello, my Name is Larry from central California, near Yosemite National Park.
I am a hobby photographer, though I have been photographng since i was 15. I used to do all of my own black and white processing. I currently us a Sony A100 dslr and a Nikon D5000 dslr. I am retired and is 63 years of age.
I enjoy meeting new people and photography as well as othe hobbies. I believe that I may learn new things hre because we never stop learning.
May God Bless :-)
Hi all at CIC.
Just joined today and looking forward to a long and rewarding ( both ways I hope) association with you all.
I have been a professional Photographer all my working life, having spent it exclusively working as a staff photographer on the Daily Mail and Daily Express (UK) and then since my move to Ireland have freelanced for the newspapers here. I am now mainly involved in Teaching photography, both online with Colleges and Universities and in my own run Courses here in spectacular Sligo. I am a City and Guilds Qualified teacher of photography.
Exciting times we live in photographically, the challenge I feel is to retain some of the basic ethos of photography through the blizzard of manipulated images that bombard us daily.
I'm a new member and I want to learn a lot of interesting things here with you.
Thank you a lot.
Hi, I am Tridibesh Indu from New Delhi, India. I am very enthusiastic about photography, read a lot and shoot whenever I find time. I have just joined this forum and hope to learn a lot from all.
I'm John from Devon in the UK.
Have been taking photos all my life but only in the past two years have I been critical in what I see through the view-finder.
During the coming winter I shall concentrate on macro: a big learning curve!: :mad: so I shall be looking for as much help as I can get from CiC.
my name, Bill MacFarlane, I live in Scotland and I mostly photograph historic buildings and landscapes of Scotland.
Hi all Cambridge Colours !
Iam just joining this forum for the first time! The tutorials were the thing that drew my attention to Cambridge in Colours. I am a retired naval architect/marine enginee and amateur photographer for some 20-30 years. From abt. year 2000 with digital photography and image editing I have been studying and practising photography more seriously. This had led to that I have given lessons in basics of photogaphy and digital editing for the Community Collage students and local Photo Club members. Nature photography and my home town, one of the Unesco World Heritage Sites, are my main interests in photography. I use Sony A580 with mainly old Minolta lenses.
There's been a big rush of folks joining up, which is great. A very warn welcome to:
I hope each of you enjoys being part of CiC and wilkl be ana ctive member in the forum. The site (tutorials and forum) is very much about learning and helping people to develop knowledge adn skiils.
So, whether you primarily want to learn from others, or want to help others to learn, or both, then I hope you decide that CiC is the place where you want to do it.
And for those of you who haven't put their name or location into the profile details so that they appear alongside your posts in the sidebar, so that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Hello I am Rogelio from Quezon City, Philippines. I am a photo enthusiast and would like to learn and share photography concepts and techniques with Cambridge in Color group. I find your tutorials very helpful. Thanks.
Hi, I'm Simon from Salt Spring Island, West coast of Canada.
Although I have been in the arts all my life, I've only used photography as my creative expression for the last few years.
Looking forward to sharing the experience on this great website.
Thank you for your comment re CiC and a warm welcome to you.
I look forward to you bringing a wider/broader arts perspective into the discussions. Every time the topic of whether photography is art is aired here on the forum, I think we find that the vast majority clearly see it as having an important role in the artistic environment of our various societies.
If you have any questions about the forum please ask. Otherwise, I hope CiC can contribute to your ongoing learning and development and that your contributions will, in turn, assist others in their growth as photographers.
Hi, my name is Jimlim...glad to join this community with the purpose of learning more new things and knowing more friends. I still remember vividly the first camera i bought in late Dec1979 in Hongkong, a film Nikon EM c/w a 50mm kit lens. As a child, i was really amazed with the b&w square (if not mistaken, the brand that starts with R...) camera that my father always used to look down to take our family shots then in the 60's... During the 80s, i was lucky to have played with minolta srT super & x700 cameras. Some basic lenses such as 50mm rokkor 1.4, third-party Tamron sp 28-80mm f3.5-4.2, a Photax 75-200mm f4.5, a 360-degree rotating starblitz (3200BT-TWIN-S) flahshgun. Later, i even progressed to shoot some slides with canon eos in late 80's. Till to date, i still keep some of those antiques as per my photos attached, with fond memory of those aperture/hyper-focal ft/m distance scale with infinity symbol edged on those lenses. During my varsity days, i learnt by subscribing to PhotoCanada & PhotoLife where some of them still sit neatly on my book selves... well those were the good, old memorable days :)cheers
Jimlim - That's quite a body of experience you have built up there, which I hope will be shared with other people on CiC wishing to learn. I hope, also, that you will find the site a useful resource to help you with your ongoing development of knowledge and skills.
I notice that you refer to attached some sample pictures. Unfortunately these don't appear. I'd suggest you have a read of the 'How to post images' help thread that you can access via the HELP/Rules tab on the menu bar. If you still have any difficulties, just let us know.
And finally, so that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
My name is John McKay. At age 68 I just started Pond House Photography in Mehoopany, PA. I trained in BioMedical Photography at RIT. I look forward to getting and giving photo advise via this forum. One never stops the learning process unless one enjoys stagnation.
Hello! I'm Joe from South Carolina, US, joined a few weeks ago but only today beginning to post. I, too, am retired, and have been taking pictures since a friend let me use his Asahi Pentax Spotmatic F in about 1972 - whereupon I was hooked!
I think I first found CIC while researching cameras to buy a few years ago. and was impressed by the quality of the tutorials I checked out. I like the diversity and general tone of the the forums (fora?) here and look forward to participating.
I hope this isn't treading too close to a self-promotion line that I shouldn't cross and I promise not to mention it again, but I have just begun to offer some (very few so far) of my photos for sale at
Hope that link comes out OK -
I joined because of the email and I see I am not the only one ;) My name is Jakub and I am from Kraków, Poland. I used CiC to learn about issues connected with color management when I was writing final thesis at the university. I am interested in both taking and retouching/editing photos. The former is and always was my hobby, and I hope that the latter will become my full time job. Right now I am a part-time retoucher.
I think I will enjoy this forum because it focuses on both taking and editing pictures, and it is not connected with any manufacturer in particular.
Some of my photos are available at http://www.flickr.com/photos/75227967@N00/ and some works at http://sochacki.info