Hi, just joined this site. Look forward to sharing some tips.
I recently signed up for an online diploma with the Photographic Institute in New Zealand.
Finding the change from film to digital a bit stretching.
Not only the myriad new camera functions but the computer editing as well.
Hope I can get some tips and hints from other members here.
cheers, Nick.
Re: Puzzled Over Blown Highlights
Originally Posted by
Hello. I'm going to take a stab and guess it's Peter. But I don't know where you are.
Anyway, it's great to be able to welcome you onto CiC.
If you wish you you can enter your location by going to Forum Actions/Edit Profile. The where you are in the world will be visible to everyone, just as in my details alongside this message. .
Re: Hi, just joined this site. Look forward to sharing some tips.
Originally Posted by
I recently signed up for an online diploma with the Photographic Institute in New Zealand.
Finding the change from film to digital a bit stretching.
Not only the myriad new camera functions but the computer editing as well.
Hope I can get some tips and hints from other members here.
Nick - Hello and welcome. This is certainly the place to be to get the tips and hints that you seek. As it says at the top of the page, CiC is very much a learning community. The whole ethos and culture of the site is about sharing knowledge adn experience. So, please pitch in with your questions.
Re: Hi, just joined this site. Look forward to sharing some tips.
Just joined. New camera--Nikon D300s-- Lots to learn. I suspect that I can't contribute much in the technical sense, at least not yet.
Look forward to getting used to the idea and the site.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello to all.
I'm Kenny from the N.E. Okla area. I'm a newbie, amateur; enthusiast of photography (since 11/28/2011). However you want to word it " I'm green".
I have recently purchased a Canon EOS DSLR T3i.
My intent here is to learn all I can of taking quality pictures and understanding how to use my camera and lenses without having to set it on auto mode every time I want to take pictures.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, All,
My name is Galina from London. I am new-new to photography, complete beginner and I am here to learn from you all.
Thank you in advance for your patience and help
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Carl, Kenny and Galina,
Welcome to CiC. Carl, I'm a D300s user myself so feel free to ask questions. Same to you Kenny and Galina. You'll find us a friendly bunch so always feel free to post new questions here.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, My name is Ian and I am from Sydney Australia. I enjoy macro and night photography with landscapes a close second. I would love to learn and practice portrait photography but haven't yet found an easy way around the unflattering detail that digital photography produces (without photoshop etc).
I hope that I can learn a lot from this group and if possible give something back.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi, My name is Ian and I am from Sydney Australia. I enjoy macro and night photography with landscapes a close second. I would love to learn and practice portrait photography but haven't yet found an easy way around the unflattering detail that digital photography produces (without photoshop etc).
I hope that I can learn a lot from this group and if possible give something back.
Hello, Ian. Welcome to CiC.
On the subject of portraiture, Colin Southern (one of the forum Admins) did a series of portraiture lessons. Click here to access them.
I hope you enjoy being part of the forum.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi, My name is Ian and I am from Sydney Australia. I enjoy macro and night photography with landscapes a close second. I would love to learn and practice portrait photography but haven't yet found an easy way around the unflattering detail that digital photography produces (without photoshop etc).
I hope that I can learn a lot from this group and if possible give something back.
Hi Ian,
Welcome to CiC - its great to have you with us.
I think the great thing about digital is the amount of information captured; yes, it can be unflattering, but part of the process is for us to define the level of detail we wish to retain. Perhaps this photo of a mermaid that I captured during a dream a couple of months ago is a good illustration of what I mean (yes, I sleep with my camera -- sad, I know!)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello from South Coast UK I bought a Nikon D40 in 2006 to take photos of our garden for my hospitalised Mrs to cheer her up then I noticed that one or two were quite pleasing to the eye now having spent inordinate sums of hard earned I am more passionate by the day. I am going away now to convert some files to jpeg and then I will let them do the talking
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
numb skull
Hello from South Coast UK I bought a Nikon D40 in 2006 to take photos of our garden for my hospitalised Mrs to cheer her up then I noticed that one or two were quite pleasing to the eye now having spent inordinate sums of hard earned I am more passionate by the day. I am going away now to convert some files to jpeg and then I will let them do the talking
Hello 'H' and welcome to CiC. I hope you enjoy what you see and that you're encouraged to stick around for a while.
CiC is very much about learning - about people with significant and not-so-significant amounts of knowledge and experience, being willing to share that in oder to help others learn. So I hope it appeals to you.
I look forward to seeing some of your images. If you have any questions, please do just call out.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I'm April from Missississippi. I'm a student and right now I'm part of a photography class! I love it and I want to be a professional photographer someday! :D
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I'm April from Missississippi. I'm a student and right now I'm part of a photography class! I love it and I want to be a professional photographer someday! :D
Hello April. Great to have you here on CiC.
That step from being an enthusiastic amateur to professional is a big one. But if you have the ambition and the drive, then anything is possible. I hope CiC can help you on the journey.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
My name is Luis, from El Salvador Central America living in New Jersey USA.
Amazing how much knowledge and experience you guys share here. I think am in the right place to learn. I have been taking pictures to everything for long time ago, just like a enthusiast no professional. but in the last days one of my dreams come true. I just bought a used Sony DSC F828. I remember in 2003 this camera cost $999.00 I never have the money to get new but now I paid $300.00 in ebay. and my plan is get the most out this beauty. and
Looking forward to learn from you all friends.
thank you very much.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I think am in the right place to learn.
Luis - I certainly hope so.
Congratulations on getting the camera. Getting the most out of it is very much about practice, practice and more practice. And i hope and think that you will get all the support that you may seek here on CiC.
Some people on here make some money from photography, but almost everyone is like you - an enthusiast. So, please do join in.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi i am pradeep . Not much interested in photography but very much interested in knowing technical concepts behind photography . I am a software engineer , currently working on image processing. Joined this forum to get some technical knowledge in image processing.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi I'm Shun from Tokyo, Japan.
My main interest is in movie and cinematography and that's why I got my hands on DSLR in the first place, but then I started shooting time lapse videos, I got much more interested in photography.
I'm really new to photography so I'm looking forward to getting some advice from you guys.
My recent photo.
LineUp by ShunEndoPhotos, on Flickr
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi! I'm just a newbie. This site/forum was introduced to us in DEVC140. I'll try joining mini contests and hope to win and get some bonuses in class! hahaha! cheers!
i'm thinking of buying a DSLR soon. i'm interested in photo editing. subjects? anything that interests me. hope to learn a lot from you guys!
\m/ >_< \m/