Photography eh?
Thanks Jan :)
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Hello and thanks so much for working so hard to make such a fantastic site available to everyone! It really is impressive and very technically advanced. :)
Hi chebba,
It would be great to have you join in the fun too, the more the merrier.
Why not tell us a little about yourself; what you like to photograph, what sort of camera (and lenses?) you use, etc.
If you have any questions, ask away and maybe show us a picture or two.
Welcome to the CiC forums from,
I've known of this forum from reading the tutorial pages, but since a recent google search returned a thread with the specific answer that I was looking for, I decided to join.
I've been into photography since the 1970's, done B&W and color wet chemical film/photo processing, and very comfortable shooting with everything manual. I have a small collection of antiques and my present active equipment consists of a Sigma SD14 dSLR with a Sigma 28mm f1.8 EX DG, a Sigma 18-50mm f2.8 EX DC, and an Orion 90mm Ø Maksutov Cassegrain, Focal Length 1250mm @ f13.9. I also use a Voigtländer Vitoret RM6.0 point and shoot for snaps.
To give everyone a little something to look at, and an idea of what I like to do, here is my latest time lapse:
A Nice Day
(I hope the Admins/Moderators don't mind the link, I could not figure out how to embed the video)
Hi Steaphany,
Welcome to the forums, I see you're well into the swing of things and I've already learnt something from your other post - thanks!
I don't think we've had anyone put their location quite like that either, great to have new ideas.
Of course, I just had to look it up on google earth.
Nope, we don't mind links like yours, so what can I say about "A Nice Day"? - brilliant, you've learnt quickly from the earlier ones posted not that much before. Already watched it twice (hint to others; go full screen) and I envisage watching again (and again) - quite mesmerising, and a good choice of music too.
The usual applies of course, if we can help you, just post a question.
So I'll sign off with a cheery; "welcome from Dave"
I refined my location, so Google will not tag my location as being in a neighbors pasture ;)
I'm glad you're enjoying "A Nice Day". If you want to see it at it's optimal resolution, I have vimeo configured to allow down loading my original AVI file. Just look to the lower right of the page.
I'm happy to hear the information I've posted was helpful.
Ah, the brown roofed building just north of Momument Rd (Have google spelt that right?)?
I joined Vimeo and downloaded avi, but seems to be xvid and can't figure what to do with the codec :(
Media player just thinks it's music, not video!
QuickTime doesn't know what to do either.
The Xvid Codec is an open source MPEG-4 video codec compatible with the free DivX player bundled with this download.
The spelling supposed to be Monument Rd.
Thanks Steaphany,
I'll have a go with those links this evening and if no luck, I'll try postng a query over at Vimeo, or with Xvid rather than drag you into the detail.
PS I had a feeling about Monument Rd. :)
Hi everyone, My name is Tony and I live in California. I wish I had more time for photography but I have job that takes up too much time. Still getting started in this hobby and love to learn more about it. Still having trouble with what mode to use,ISO and the basics. Looking forward to hearing from others.
Hi Tony,
If there's any niggling little question(s) in your mind, just ask away and we'll do our best to answer. We all benefit from people asking new questions, not just you, so don't be shy.
If you have a picture where you tried to emulate someone else's photograph, but it didn't quite work as intended for you; just post it in one of the two critique forums and again, we'll get back with some helpful advice on what might be going wrong for you.
It would be handy to know what sort of camera you have though, although we might guess which sorta car you have (or maybe would like to) :)
So, it only remains for me to say "welcome to the CiC forums" from,
Welcome Tony
Re your statement:
This is definitely the place to find the encouragement and support that will help you discover what works for you. Through searching the threads and using the tutorials you'll find explanations and you'll learn what does what, and why. I did.
I'm Pam, living in Indiana (USA), sort of retired, spent previous many years in Oregon and New Mexico, feel odd in the Midwest, but like the old houses, river, and wild weather. Have been snapping pictures forever, but only recently got a good camera and decided to actually read the manual (slowly). Still shooting from the hip, though. Love this site, feel it is very generous in information and opportunity. Seems very friendly.
Thanks to all who provide it.
Hi Pam,
Here's a proper welcome from me, good to have another member.
If you have any questions, don't be shy and since you've already got the hang of posting pics, I don't need to say too much more on that, except maybe...
Regarding places to host pics; PBase, Photobucket or Flickr are probably the three most popular among members, for most you have to pay a 20-odd USD a year for the right to 'direct link' pictures. There's lots more on this topic in the Site Suggestions & Feedback forum, so I won't go on and on here.
To round off, great to have you here and see Twig, welcome and enjoy,
Hi all!! My name is Teresa Russell, I have been a member for a while but have only edited my pages today!! :) I am a new serious photographer but have been photographing for a couple of years now. I am quite confused when it comes to all the photographic terms and jargon but I can compose a pretty cool shot! I will be sure to ask as many questions so as to excell my knowledge in photography to make my new business move onward and upward!! If you like you can check it out at Hope you like.....Onwards and upwards I say!! BRING IT ON!! :)
Thanks so much for this site!! I would sit and read all day if I could!! :):)
Ok first Question of the night! :) I have just posted a couple of photos in the pets and people thread but they are only thumbnails? How do i make them bigger? Is this where I am ment to post questions?? ha ha Please direct me to the right place if not :)
Hi Teresa,
That's a nice site with some great pictures, and having read the bio, I now know the secret of how to be successful photographing children!
If you've been looking around, or read the other welcome's, you'll know how these forums work and as you're at 5 posts already (I haven't found them all yet), it looks like you don't need the 'don't be shy' speech!
Anyways, welcome to the forum and BRING IT WITH YOU :) :)
Hi Teresa,
Where they are thread-wise is fine, in terms of where the pictures are is also ok for now, although you'll run out of attachment limit before too long.
The (secret) missing step to get them to display inline, like I have just done for you, is that after posting;
1) Open the attachment, right click and 'copy shortcut', or 'copy image location' to clipboard
2) Close the attachments 'fade up'
3) Click the 'Edit Post' button
4) Click the Insert Image icon
5) Ctrl+V to paste in the shortcut from clipboard
6) Click OK to close pop up that opened in step 4
(This places the URL between 'IMG' tags)
7) Click 'Save' to save post changes, job done, or ...
8) Repeat all steps for any further attached images
It takes far longer to explain than do, which is why Colin and I just do it for everyone without being asked when we see posts with attachments in, for a single pic it's done in <15 seconds!
In the long term, you can probably just direct link to images you upload (unpublished) on your website space, or rent space from PBase, flickr or Photobucket, to name but 3 popular ones.