Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I am not a photographer... I started drawing as a therapy. Then a friend Doctor offered me the works, photoshop, Corel draw, a cintiq tablet.
I certainly hope the photography bug takes hold and that your enthusiasm grows as your skills develop.
Thanks for joining CiC. You are very welcome.
As well as the information available from the tutorials, much of the discussion on here is aimed at helping people increase theri knowledge and develop those skills. So, please do join in.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Greetings to all. My photography credo goes to Ansel Addams' concept of f64. In the beginning, I only took pictures to feed my desire for B&W darkroom work. To me digital is both scary and challenging. I am starting over with the purchase of my first digital camera.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
To me digital is both scary and challenging. I am starting over with the purchase of my first digital camera.
Hello and welcome, John. I hope you find that this online forum, with its aim of being a learning community, is a resource that can help overcome those fears and challenges! What you will find on here is a community of experienced and not-so-experienced photographers who share a passion for learning and for sharing knowledge and skills.
And even although you're just starting down the digital road, the principles behind making a good image remain the same and I hope that you will share your knowledge and experience to help others.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello. I am Fergus and an amateur at photography with a keen interest in doing better.
I started doing the Art seriously about 8 years ago, joined a Club, and within 18 months found myself Chairman!! Bringing the Club up-to-date has not been easy. But things are improving but I need to develop my Knowledge and capabilities much more.
Looked at CiC in my early days and was most impressed but seemed rather out of my league. Now recognise the convenience and expertise of CiC should not be missed any longer.
I look forward to a stimulating time together.
Aye Fergus
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Aye Fergus
With that name and that salutation, you've got to be in Scotland somewhere!!
If you wish, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your location so that it shows up alongside all your posts, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Anyway, welcome Fergus. Good to have you here. I hope, now that your part of CiC, that it lives up to your hopes hopes and expectations. As you've hopefully seen before, it is populated by a bunch of people whose interest is in the beauty of photography rather than discussing how much gear they have, and who are always willing to share knowledge and experience in a constructive and, hopefully, helpful way.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
WOW Beautiful pictures Marty!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Greetings everyone from Ottawa :)
My name is Kristin and I was introduced to this website from one of my friends. I have always loved taking pictures but have never really had much time to develope my photography skills. Currently, I have a Canon Rebel Xi DSLR. I haven't used it to it's full potential yet but I hope that I can do that after spending time interacting in this online community. From what I have seen so far, I look forward to receiving feedback from such a creative and supportive virtual community :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Greetings everyone from Ottawa :)
My name is Kristin and I was introduced to this website from one of my friends.
What a nice friend!
Hello Kristin and welcome to CiC. I hope that being part of the forum lives up to your hopes. I think it will. The wonderful thing about it is that so many people are willing to share knowledge and experience and to take part in what is very much a community of learning.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi - I am a new person to CIC. This is the first time I have ever been part of an online forum such as this. I joined at the recommendation of a friend of mine who has benefitted from the site and really enjoys being part of it.
As a photographer I am very much a learner and hope to develop my skills and techniques in the future. I recently purchased a Nikon D7000 and am gradually getting used to it. I purchased the Nikon as it seemed to have excellent reviews and I also have a soft spot for my old Nikon SLR that was an awesome little camera. This is my first DSLR having previously been using a Panasonic Lumix FZ8 which at least gave me some nice shots and had sufficient adjustability.. not in the same league though obviously as my shiny new Nikon.
Anyway I hope to become more familiar with CIC and trust that everyone will have patience with me as I feel my way around this new world.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Anyway I hope to become more familiar with CIC and trust that everyone will have patience with me as I feel my way around this new world.
Hellop Craig and a very warm welcome. I think (and certainly hope) that you will find people onm here very patient. One of the nice things about this forum is that everyone remembers that they were once in exactly the same position as you now are; i.e. the start. I believe that there are forums out there where people tend to forget that they one didn't know anything and where people just learning can be treated rather dismissively.
Anyway, congratulations on the D7000. It's a bit of a cliche to say it, but the whole learning process - the technical bits about your camera etc as well as the aesthetic bits about creating good images - is best taken one step at a time. Don't try to do it all at once.
And whenever you feel it is appropriate, please do ask questions etc on here.
And ................ enjoy it!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi I am very new to the photography. This site looked awesome for the beginners as well as professional
Looking forward to the great experience.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I'm Bob from Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire, UK. I have been interested in photography for 48 years. My first camera was a folding Kodak camera. On my 21st Birthday I was given a present of a Zenit B 35mm SLR by my then girlfriend, now my wife. I used to develop and enlarge my own pictures, but with the purchase of my first digital camera, my darkroom has had no further use. I am not a great photographer and any good shots I take seem to be by good luck not skill. I aim to improve this situation by membership of this group. By the way I am a horder and still own all of my old cameras and equipment. I think I could open up a museum.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello CiC!
I am always exploring. Photography offers such breadth and depth of possibilities. I want to learn and improve. It definitely seems that this site can help. I look forward to some C&C. Since I don't have my own site or a flickr account yet, is it best to just post photos here (appropriate threads) or set up something somewhere else?
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello Mohammed.
Originally Posted by
This site looked awesome for the beginners as well as professional
We like to think so. And I hoe that once you become more involved in the forum, you continue to think that also.
I hope you enjoy being part of CiC and I look forward to seeing some of your images.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I'm Bob from Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire, UK. I have been interested in photography for 48 years.
Bob - A warm welcome to you. 'Zenit B' ... aaahhh, the memories!!
I certainly hope being part of CiC does help you improve skills, although with 48 years worth of experience, I'm sure you'll be able to help others on here as well.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello CiC!
I am always exploring. Photography offers such breadth and depth of possibilities. I want to learn and improve. It definitely seems that this site can help. I look forward to some C&C.
Hello and welcome. You can set up galleries here on CiC and post from them. For a run through on how to post images, have a read of this thread.
I hope you enjoy being part of the forum and you find that it does help you learn and improve.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, I am a new member and new to digital photography, I am also not a very techy individual! This leads me onto my first enquiry - can anyone suggest any free or cheap software for photograph management. I had been using Picaso but now have a new operating system for my laptop called Linux which is not compatible with Picaso. Is anyone able to help me?
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi, I am a new member and new to digital photography, I am also not a very techy individual!
That makes two of us.
Welcome Wendy. Great to have you here. I hope you find that CiC is a good place to help you learn.
As to your question:
Originally Posted by
This leads me onto my first enquiry - can anyone suggest any free or cheap software for photograph management. I had been using Picaso but now have a new operating system for my laptop called Linux which is not compatible with Picaso. Is anyone able to help me?
I'm going to post that into a new thread in the 'Image Post-Processing & Printing' section of the forum. That way, more people who might be able to give you suggestions will see it.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello fellow shutterbugs, my name is Jerry. I was born just outside NY (yes, Im from Jersey) but now live south of Sydney, Australia and I love photography. I work full time doing school photography and the majority of my free time I have a camera close by. Although I have thousands of finished photos in my arsenal, I am new to sites like this so posting/resizing is a bit of a chore. Maybe someday I will figure it out!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Wendy. If you would like a good editing software that isnt too expensive, try Corelpaint X4. It is heaps cheaper than photoshop and more versatile than picassa. It offers all my needs for editing while being only a fraction slower than CS5, and you can pick it up for around $100Au. Hope that helps