hello everyone, I am NEW to this.
amateur photographer and blogger http://whatisbelgium.blogspot.com , living in Brussels
glad to be here and looking forward to what's coming next
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hello everyone, I am NEW to this.
amateur photographer and blogger http://whatisbelgium.blogspot.com , living in Brussels
glad to be here and looking forward to what's coming next
Hi, I'm Tom from Kansas, USA. Looking forward to learning more about photography from this forum. Besides photography, my interests include golf, travel, and spending time with family and friends. I'm phasing into retirement after over 30 years as a consulting actuary, so I'll have more time to pursue my interests.
Oh well - one can be as frustrating as the other!!
Welcome Tom. Thanks for signing on to CiC.
I hope your looking forward to that move into retirement. From where I stand it sounds good.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy being part of the forum. Please do ask any questions and, of course, join in the discussions ans post up some of your pictures for comment. People approach that in a constructive manner and always seek to offer supportive guidance.
Hi members! my name is Lee and I am a beginner in photography. I just to my first DSLR and am having fun using the auto settings. I want to learn how to use the user manual settings to get better photos. This is a great community of photographers and I am glad to be here!!
hi i,m dave ive caught the bug 3 years ago now all my spare time and money is spent on photography
Oh dear. Another one! Don't worry Dave. Your in good company here. Thanks for signing up.
By the way, so that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Hi there folks
My name is Abraham I come from Uganda but I have been living in the UK for the last 25 years. I have been learning photography for the last 8 years but, I have been very unlucky and lost all my equipment worth £6000 to £8000 after my house was bugled. I enjoy photography so much and so I feels very at home here as all of you speak the same language.
Hi my name is Rivka I'm from Anchorage, Alaska where I have lived over 30 years. I was born in northern California, raised in the Sacramento Valley, Chico. I have done photography on and off for ages, but only recently tried to learn more about my camera and using photoshop, or other software programs. I love learning, I have a lot to learn and hope to be able to utilize this site and all the more advanced photographers that give advice here to my advantage. Thanks!
Just joined the forum. I have been using digital still cameras myself for 12 years progressing from a 1meg Kodak via Minolta 2meg then Kodak DX6490 4meg and Kodak C643 6meg. The DX6490 with 10x zoom is still my favourite and I have taken thousands of pictures with it. I now also have a Canon EOS 1000D with 18-55 kit lens and 75-300mm telephoto I got very, very cheaply just a couple of weeks ago, brand new, old stock in a tatty box. I am starting the exciting learning process with a new camera.
I was impressed by the website and its tutorials. So I joined the forum.
Consider myself an enthusiastic beginner and want to do landscape photography to start.
The area where I live (Southern New York State) gives plenty of opportunities to do that.
My equipment consists of Panasonic GH1 (micro four third), 14-140 mm and 20mm lenses.
Excited to learn from other members of the forum.
Hi Guys
Im Gary from Whitehaven in west Cumbria on the edge of the lake district with a beautiful historic harbour/marina.
Im married to Louise who is a published fictional author.
I reckon its now time to get involved with some decent photographic equipment as theres so much to see in our lovely part of UK.
Im really looking to buy the canon eos 500D, its the older model canon compared to the 110D but i just feel its got the edge in build and spec. happy to be convinced otherwise.
Good to see a number of folks joining up over the last 24 hours., welcome to each of you
Abraham - That is awful news. I am so sorry. I hope you had insurance that will properly cover this.
I hope you enjoy being part of CiC and I look forward to reading your posts.
Rivka - I think you are the only current active member from Alaska. So a particular warm welcome to you. I certainly hope that you find CiC is a forum that will help you learn. You'll find many people on here who are very willing to share their knowledge adn experience.
Hello Keith. Good to have you here. And welcome to the world of Digital SLRs, although the principles of making a good image remain the same no matter what kind of box you're using to capture the light. But I'm sure you'll find that the 1000D does make more options available to you.
Anyway, one of the best ways of learning is to post up some images and invite some constructive comment and criticism. You'll find people on here do try and be helpful and not just criticise for the sake of it.
Welcome Kurt. Glad that you like what you've seen so far. As I've written above, people on here are always willing to offer and advice and guidance when asked. So please do join in with comments questions etc.
Gary - Now you have yourself a very nice location there. No excuses for not producing the spectacular landscapes!
On the camera - I think you are maybe meaning the 1100D. You should post up a question in the Digital Cameras & Equipment section of the forum, asking people if they have any information to help a comparison of the two.
Hello folks !
My name is Jose' , I was born in Dominican Republic , but I have been living in the Ny/NJ area for the last 22 yrs. I consider myself fairly new in photography ; even though I've used photography for a very long time as support for my other passion , Painting !
I hope I could learn and contribute to this community of photographers & enthusiast.
I'll see you around.
Hi my name is Kate, but I usually use b00kish. I am very new to digital photography and have not found my Canon instruction booklet to be very helpful! I hope the other members will be understanding of my complete ignorance and be able to answer some of my questions.
Hello Jose' and welcome to CiC.
I hope you enjoy being part of the forum. I think almost everyone on here considers photography to be an artistic activity that is supported by technical knowledge of modern equipment. So the crossover from painting to photography is well understood and one where you knowledge will be of benefit to others on here.
Hello Kate.
You can, of course, use whatever name you want. Most of us tend to use our real name on here. If you want to do that, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
One of the good things about this forum, I hope you'll find, is the acceptance that everybody has got to start at the beginning (we all did). So there is no such thing as a dumb question on CiC. However, at the same time, there are good guidelines contained within the user manual and it is worth persevering. Depending on what camera you've got, you might also find that there are independently published books about them. These can be useful as well.
I hope you enjoy being part of this forum and that it does help your development as a photographer.
Hi I am totally new to photography. I am currently taking an online course. But seem to be looking everywhere else for my answers. I want to take portrait photos of pets and people. I look forward to learning as much as I can.
Teresa - CiC is certainly about learning, so I hope that between this forum and the tutorials, that you can get a few steps along the learning curve.
It can all seem a bit overwhelming at first, with so many things apparently needing answers. But, take it one step at a time. Eventually it all begins to make sense.
I hope you enjoy being part of the forum.