Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi everyone. I'm Tom and I just joined this forum. Photography has been my hobby for over 30+ years. I love learning new things. I use Nikon equipment, but I never believed that really made a difference. It's only what I started with and kept using over the years. I want to expand my knowledge of this ever challenging hobby and move it to the next level. Looking forward to becoming active in this forum. Thanks for having me.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Looking forward to becoming active in this forum.
I certainly hope so, Tom. As well as, hopefully benefiting from the knowledge and experience that's on here, your significant body of experience will indeed be made available to others to help them with their learning.
So, a very warm welcome. I hope you enjoy being part of this community.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Thank you Donald. I'm checking out all the directions for uploading photos and browsing the other threads now.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi -- I've been lurking for some time and decided it is time to try the post processing contest. Mostly shoot abstract, slow shutter, and landscape images. Have been focusing on the macro abstract for a few months. Water drop collisions are also fun. Would love to discuss drops and drop collision photography with others.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi -- I've been lurking for some time and decided it is time to try the post processing contest.
I'm delighted that we've tempted you out of the shadows and into the limelight. A very warm welcome to you.
There was a bid discussion used to take place fairly recently on water droplet photography. It would be good to see it resurrected as it brought some amazing images to our attention.
I hope you enjoy being involved with CiC.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello you all...
I'm not sure if I'm posting this introductory posting in the right place. Nothing happens when I select the "Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here" as instructed on the new member homepage.
I'm Geo from Hawaii and am interested in all areas of digital photography... especially in editing and utilization of all the available applications to improve my photos. I am interested in the use of white balance, histograms as well as layering and transposing one photo subject into a different background photo to give a half decent final product. Looking forward to learning also from the tutorials you offer. Thank you.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello you all...
I'm not sure if I'm posting this introductory posting in the right place.
You're doing just fine. Welcome to CiC, Geo. I hope you enjoy being part of this learning community.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi all. I'm Ray from Middlesbrough in the NE of England. Coast, countryside, North York moors and plenty of industry all just minutes away so plenty of photo opportunities. Very much an amateur but plenty of enthusiasm.
See you later
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello everyone from Louisiana, my name is Carl. I just purchased a Canon 60D with the 50mm f/1.4 lens. I love it and the pictures I am able to get with it. It will take me some time to get to a level with a lot of you all, maybe never, but I do look forward to learning. I have read most all of the tutorials and looked thru the forum a good deal. Awesome pictures and forum! I have owned several cameras over the years but my first DSLR and she is a real beauty to me. I look forward to posting pictures in the near future to get help in learning the art a little better.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello. My name is Ted and I'm a Canadian living in Michigan for the past 15 years. I took up photography somewhat seriously in late 2009 with the purchase of my first DSLR. I now have a Canon 60D with a growing collection of lenses and enjoy everything from capturing the cardinals in my back yard, to macros of flowers and the colours of sunset. As an engineer, I enjoy the technical aspects and aspire to some artistic merit. I hope to learn why some people can take shots of a boat in a harbour and it is captivating, while my photos are just a boat in a harbour ... composition, I guess.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Greetings, I'm Dwayne from New Jersey. I've been shooting photos for a little over a year now. I was told by some local photographers that I should continue pursuing my interests in the ARTs because i have the "EYE" for shooting. I now own the T2i & 7D. I'm open and willing to learn as much as I can from others about composing my images. I look forward to learning some new ideas & techniques, and the always needed positive feedback from those willing to share their thoughts, opinions, and expertise.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I rekindled my interest in photography a couple of years ago. Am enjoying my Nikon D90 and, so far, my only lens - Nikkor 18-200mm. So much to learn; might have been easier to take up Mandarin. Looking forward to plenty of interactions with all of you.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, my name is Steve I'm from LA, CA. I have done Photo on and off since 70's. My main job is professional video editor for US Network News for 30+ years, travel around the world work as TV news journalist, but my love is photography I did publish a cook book using Hasselblad with 120 mako lens and soft box. Now I am using Canon 5D mk2 with Zeiss lens and Canon lens. It my expensive retirement hobby and I need to learn a lot more. Since i been Video editor for 30+ year I do understand composition and lighting, but it's moving pictures. At the end, it's the picture to tell the story, Thanks for your help to make me better in stills.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi there
My name is Adi and I am 81 years old.
I started taking photos when I was 15 years old and build my own portable darkroom 3 years later.
My first SLR camera was an Exacta and my last analog camera was a Canon slr, i still have an old Leica and an Rolleiflex.
In 1998 I bought my first digital camera and now I am using a Panasonic Lumix zs8.
I see beautiful pictures all the time but generally am to slow to capture them.
I will upload some I did.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Another rush of folks joining up whilst I've been off line. Wonderful ... and a very warm welcome to each of you.
By the way, before I continue, for those of you that hevn'e posted up your actual name, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Originally Posted by
Hi all. I'm Ray from Middlesbrough in the NE of England. Very much an amateur but plenty of enthusiasm.
Ray - It's the enthusiasm that's important. All the rest can be learned. But you've got to have that passion to start with.
Originally Posted by
Carl in Louisiana
It will take me some time to get to a level with a lot of you all, maybe never, but I do look forward to learning.
The thing to keep remembering Carl, is that everyone else on here was once at the level of experience and skill that you are at just at this moment. It's all about continuing to learn. And the nice thign about this forum is the willingness of members to help colleagues through sharing knowledge and experience.
Originally Posted by
I hope to learn why some people can take shots of a boat in a harbour and it is captivating, while my photos are just a boat in a harbour ... composition, I guess.
The lovely thing about learning Ted, is that you then start to answer the questions yourself. The you know you've really climbed up the learning curve. Once you're able to identify why your images don't work they way you want them, you're only one small step away from making the sort of pictures that you want.
Originally Posted by
I rekindled my interest in photography a couple of years ago. Am enjoying my Nikon D90 and, so far, my only lens - Nikkor 18-200mm. So much to learn; might have been easier to take up Mandarin. Looking forward to plenty of interactions with all of you.
No - you stick with John. I hope you find that CiC is a good resource to help you with that learning. There will always be someone on here able to offer an answer or opinion on any point you raise or question that you have.
Originally Posted by
Hi, my name is Steve I'm from LA, CA.
Steve - Great to have you sign up. Welcome. Clearly someone with vast experience in the art of making images, albeit moving ones. I'm sure that as well as you benefiting from the knowledge of others on here, your experiences will prove valuable to others. I look forward to seeing you being involved in discussions.
Originally Posted by
Hi there
My name is Adi and I am 81 years old.
I started taking photos when I was 15 years old and build my own portable darkroom 3 years later.
Adi - I look forward to seeing some of your work. And I hope, too, that those few years worth of experience will be shared with others on here so that they can learn from you. Welcome to CiC.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi! My name is Cindy. I live in Memphis, Tennessee, and I'm a teacher with the public school system. I've had my Pentax K10D for a few years, but recently decided it was time to actually learn how to use the controls. I'm committed to picking up the camera every day this year. So far, so good. Of course, it's still January - ha! On the whole, I'm most interested in taking / viewing photos of people. I look forward to being a part of this group and learning as much as I can!
My Flickr photostream:
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi! My name is Cindy.
Hello Cindy, and welcome to CiC. Thanks for deciding to sign-up.
You've got some mighty impressive stuff on those Flickr pages. Even on the first page we see at the moment, 'Chapel in B & W' is a superb image. Your use of light in that is wonderful.
So, whatever you're doing at the moment, you're doing well.
You're also one of a few people from Tennessee who seem to have joined forum recently. There must have been a special offer on!
I hope you enjoy being part of this online learning community and that by being so, you can take your knowledge and skills several steps up the learning ladder.
By the way, So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, my name is Kim. I hail from Barnesville, Georgia (a small town in the middle of the state). I work in IT for a local community bank, and in my spare time, try to work on my photography as much as possible.
My weapon of choice is a Canon Rebel T3i. I have a handful of lenses - 50mm, 18-55, 28-80, and a 75-300.
I typically focus on outdoor/nature photography, especially animals and landscapes, and macro/texture. I'm trying to branch out into more portrait photography, but primarily with outdoor lighting. I've been asked by a friend to photograph her wedding - a very low-key affair - so that will be a very big test of my skills.
My photos are homed on my smugmug account if anyone is interested -
I'm very excited to be here and look forward to learning a lot and expanding my talents!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi, my name is Kim. I hail from Barnesville, Georgia
A very warm welcome, Kim. And I suspect that it is a bit warmer where you are than up here on the northern edge of Europe!
Delighted that you've found CiC. I hope you enjoy it. Please do post up some of your stuff - either in the competition threads of for comment and criticism, where you will be given constructive comments that are aimed to help learning.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
A very warm welcome, Kim. And I suspect that it is a bit warmer where you are than up here on the northern edge of Europe!
Delighted that you've found CiC. I hope you enjoy it. Please do post up some of your stuff - either in the competition threads of for comment and criticism, where you will be given constructive comments that are aimed to help learning.
Hi, my real name is Peter Bond and my username is 'Pinecone', so chosen to disguish myself from others named Peter in the Forum etc. I reside in Cheshire/UK, well past retirement age, and currently getting further interested in photography and using my computer to communicate. My camera is a Lumix FZ18, and I am considering purchasing a Nikon P500 for greater zooming, I also use Photoshop PS3 for messing about, finally just uploaded my 'Bondworld' website for genealogy and photographs, and also have hundreds upload to Flickr.
I have just noticed the challenge in the Process Contest #9, and hope to enter my effort as soon as I figure out how to submit entry. It is a nice challenge picture and my entry will be centred on bringing the subject to life, in other words add some folk fishing and creating a birds-eye view to make it a bit 'busy' and more captivating, I hope you will like it. I am pleased to join your site, it seems very instructive, interesting, and I look forward to participating further given time.
Peter (Pinecone)