Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
My name is Kurt.
I very much like the site. Thank you for welcoming me.
Residing in Southern NY State gives a lot of landscape shooting opportunities
I shoot with a Panasonic lumix gh1 (20mm & 14-140mm)
Looking forward to learning from other members.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I can't keep up with you all! Which, I assure you, is not a complaint. It's great to see such a rush of obviously committed enthusiasts, albeit with very different amounts of experience and knowledge. But that's fine.
CiC is very much a forum for learning and for sharing amongst members. So, those with more knowledge and experience are encouraged to share that with those less experienced. That's the sort of forum this is. It's not the sort of place for someone who wants to tell everyone else how wonderful they are and not be prepared to share that to help others.
So, can I offer a very warm collective welcome to:
Mark (yes the first one did get through okay Mark),
Bruce and,
Hope you enjoy being on the forum guys, and that you'll be around for the long-term.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi photo friends! I'm from Northern California. I have a D90, 3 lenses. I'm just becoming comfortable with dSLR and PhotoShop and loving it. I'd like to pose a question for you. I know I need to get a monitor calibration system and am wondering if some of you would recommend ones with which you have had success and reliability. Reviews of some have been mixed and confusing. Thank you in advance.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi photo friends! I'm from Northern California. I have a D90, 3 lenses. I'm just becoming comfortable with dSLR and PhotoShop and loving it. I'd like to pose a question for you. I know I need to get a monitor calibration system and am wondering if some of you would recommend ones with which you have had success and reliability. Reviews of some have been mixed and confusing. Thank you in advance.
Hello and welcome to CiC. Glad you've decided to join this learning community.
I'm going to copy your question over to a new thread in the Image Post Processing & Printing section of the forum. That way more members are likely to see it and to respond.
In the meantine, I hope you enjoy using the forum.
And ..........So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi guys, my name is Virgil.. I lived in south Florida for 35 years and and now live in north east Alabama... I was a wedding photographer for several years but took about 15 years off and now im back "doing it".... im new to all this digital stuff, so, i'll have lots of questions....
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Everyone , I am Jehan from Sri Lanka
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, greetings from Malaysia,
i've had my eos 550d for more than a year now, but i don't get to get out much, so i end up shooting aroud the house. I dont think that i have improved much. Especially with shutter priority mode. Is there any minimal setting that i should know of since it always turns out dark. i'm hoping somebody can give comments on my images.
[IMG] bfly2 by AmarKolamiyy, on Flickr[/IMG]
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi guys, my name is Virgil.. I lived in south Florida for 35 years and and now live in north east Alabama... I was a wedding photographer for several years but took about 15 years off and now im back "doing it".... im new to all this digital stuff, so, i'll have lots of questions....
Welcome Virgil. Great to have you on board. I hope you enjoy being part of CiC.
There are always people coming on here asking for advice as their friend/cousin, etc has just asked them to shoot their wedding.
Apart from some of us saying don't touch it unless you really know what you're doing, I'm sure your advice and guidance will be very welcome.
I look forward to you taking part in the discussions.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi Everyone , I am Jehan from Sri Lanka
Hello Jehan - You are very welcome.
Where in Sri Lanka are you? It is a country I love very much. Most of the time I have been there has been spent in Kandy.
I look forward to you posting some pictures onto the forum.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi, greetings from Malaysia,
i've had my eos 550d for more than a year now, but i don't get to get out much, so i end up shooting aroud the house. I dont think that i have improved much. Especially with shutter priority mode. Is there any minimal setting that i should know of since it always turns out dark. i'm hoping somebody can give comments on my images.
Hello and welcome to CiC.
If you are shooting in a semi auto mode such as shutter priority, you should not be getting images that are dark. Have you checked the metering mode that your camera is set at? You could be getting that problem if, for example, you metering is set to spot metering, in which case it will be taking the reading from only a very small part of the frame. You need to have it set to matrix mode.
If that is what you have and your pictures are still turning our dark, you maybe need to think about getting the camera checked.
The image you have posted seems to be well exposed.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi My name is Ron ( I add the Z because I have a BMW Z3 my other passion ) I have been interested in photography for as long as I can remember. I still have one of my first cameras a 120 film camera Aico Dacora! I now have a Nikon D60 with an 18-55 and a 55-200mm lens. Plus flash tripod and filters. I must enter one of your competitions soon
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi My name is Ron ( I add the Z because I have a BMW Z3 my other passion ) I have been interested in photography for as long as I can remember.
Welcome Ron, thank you for joining CiC. I hope you enjoy being part of this online community.
On of the nice things about it is the culture of sharing knolwledge and experience that pervades the site. So, I hope that as well as, hopefully, learning something by being on here, you will share with others so that they can benefit from your knowledge.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi ~ I'm Shari in Washington State, USA. I've always enjoyed taking pictures. Just recently decided to get a bit more serious about learning my camera. I have a Canon Power Shot S3 IS. It's not a fancy camera but it works for the pictures I'd like to take. Just for mine and my friends enjoyment. I look forward to learning how to take better pictures from this site. Thanks.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Some of you may know me from other forum sites, such as AP. I have been interested in photography for more years than I care to admit to, but my Club life began about six years ago. I have a wide interest in various subjects, but street photography is one in particular. I use mostly Pentax equipment and own both film and digital slr's.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi ~ I'm Shari in Washington State, USA. I have a Canon Power Shot S3 IS. It's not a fancy camera but it works for the pictures I'd like to take. .
Hello Shari. Welcome to the forum.
One of the nice things about CiC is the commitment to the belief that it's the person that makes the picture, not the camera. So, this is not the sort of forum for folk who want to boast about how much gear they have and the fact that they have the newest version of everything.
It is a place where, I hope, you'll find lots of people willing to share knowledge and experience, all aimed at helping you and others develop their learning and their skills
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Some of you may know me from other forum sites, such as AP.
I'm not sure how many people on here are active in other fora. But I'm very glad you've decided to sign-up to CiC.
I hope you enjoy being part of the community and that you experience will be shared with others in order to help their learning and development - which is what CiC is very much about.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, my name is Daniela I live in Germany. I`m really impressed by your website, the photos, the competitions and the tutorials. So I decided to join this forum. Two years ago I`ve bought my first camera, a Canon EOS 1000 D. I´m very interested in landscape photography but there are so many other fascinating topics as for example: architecture, macro, nature, wildlife..! In this forum I hope to learn a lot and to improve my skills !
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Time Traveler
Hi, my name is Daniela I live in Germany. I`m really impressed by your website, the photos, the competitions and the tutorials. So I decided to join this forum. Two years ago I`ve bought my first camera, a Canon EOS 1000 D. I´m very interested in landscape photography but there are so many other fascinating topics as for example: architecture, macro, nature, wildlife..! In this forum I hope to learn a lot and to improve my skills !
Hello Dani and welcome to CiC.
I am very glad that you like what you have seen and read of the site. And I hope that being part of the forum will help you continue your development of photographic knowledge and skills.
I hope you will post up some of your images in either the competition threads and/or in the 'Nature & Architecture' or 'People and Pets' sections where you can ask for comment and criticism. Please don't be too concerned about which category is the right one fro a comment, question or an image. We don't tend to pay too much attention to that. The important thing is about taking part.