Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello all.. I'm Jake from Austin Texas. I've been shooting since 2008. I use a Canon 40D and various lenses. I shoot portraits, but what I really enjoy is nature/wildlife. I also enjoy shooting photos while diving and of coral and fish in aquariums. There is a ton of information on this site, which is why I joined. Here is an example of what I like to shoot.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
My apologies to all the good folks who have signed up over the last 24 hours. I'm working pretty long hours at the moment and not getting in here to say 'Hello' as frequently as I'd like.
So, let me collectively wish a warn welcome to:
And jusy a note to you guys - Most us use our real names on here. You can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
I hope you enjoy being part of CiC and that you do benefit from the culture of learning which is what the site is all about.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello All,
I'm a watch collector and therefore mainly interested in macro-photography at the bench. I'm a bit of a geek. For example I notice that, before this post, the post count said "Results 1 to 20 of 255" at the top. So, I'll the one that pushes this thread into 16-bit territory, geddit? ;)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello All,
I'm a watch collector and therefore mainly interested in macro-photography at the bench. I'm a bit of a geek. For example I notice that, before this post, the post count said "Results 1 to 20 of 255" at the top. So, I'll the one that pushes this thread into 16-bit territory, geddit? ;)
Welcome to CiC Ted - and yes, having had a stint in the IT industry I got it :) There are a few people who have an interest in macro photography here, my wife included so you're in good company. I've seen a few interesting watch pieces posted here so we'll be looking forward to seeing some of you work.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, my name is Ciaran and I'm from Ireland. I've been interested in photography since I was a child and have spent much of my time using photography as a hobby. I have justed started a business and hope to be launching my website soon. I have learned more in the last 24 hours from your site and the many contributions than I have in months. :-)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello, I'm a new member and delighted to join.
I am a Nikon DLSR user and a lover of landscape photography - with occasional excursions into macro. I am also much too interested in all technical aspects of photography :)
I also have a leica M3 which I still use occasionally.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi, my name is Ciaran and I'm from Ireland. I've been interested in photography since I was a child and have spent much of my time using photography as a hobby. I have justed started a business and hope to be launching my website soon. I have learned more in the last 24 hours from your site and the many contributions than I have in months. :-)
Ciaran - Thanks for that compliment. It's always nice to read that people find CiC useful. Now that you're signed up to the forum, I also hope you find it a friendly place, where significant knowledge and experience is willingly shared, but always with a twist of fun and humour.
By the way, so that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I also have a leica M3 which I still use occasionally.
I'm envious!
Hello Charlie and welcome to CiC. That equipment list hints at someone with perhaps a bit of experience under his belt? If so, I hope very much that you'll feel able to enter the spirit of the forum and make that knowledge and experience available to others through your contributions, thereby continuing the cycle of sharing in order to help others learn.
Great to have you here. I hope you enjoy it.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
How do you like the D7000 ? I am total beginner so it is a lot to learn. I know a woman from Wading River who sells Shih Tzu. Small world. I mostly lurk on here trying to figure it all out!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Good evening everyone!
I am Aniyan from Kerala, India. 54 years old, ex-sailor. I have been using SLR camera for quite some time as an amature, photographing mainly landscapes, flowers and kids. Recently I took up photography as a profession and started taking
wedding photographs. I find it quite challenging as I have to cope with various customs, crowds, changing light conditions and so on. But I have decided to work hard and overcome the challenges. Hope this forum will help me clear my doubts as and when they arise.
Thank you for welcoming me here. See you tomorrow.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I am Aniyan from Kerala, India.
Aniyan - A very warm welcome to you. You come from one of the places in the world that I would dearly love to visit.
I hope you do find that being part of CiC does help you with your photographic development and that you enjoy being a member of the forum.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello! I am Gloria. I live in the Bay Area, California. This site is fantastic and very helpful amongst everything I can get my hands on about photography. I am self-taught when it comes to photography. The pictures on this site are very inspiring. So far I am using a Nikon D5000 w/a 18-270 Tamron. I am dreaming of one of the new Nikon D4 or D800. I also would like to start on one project I envisioned for this year. However, I am still thrilled to find the simple beauty in my immediate surroundings.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello! I am Gloria. I live in the Bay Area, California. This site is fantastic and very helpful amongst everything I can get my hands on about photography.
Thank you for your comments about the site, Gloria and welcome to the forum.
I hope you enjoy being part of it and find that it does help your learning and development.
Although you say where you are in your message, that won't be visible in future posts. If you wish, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your location so that it shows up alongside all your posts, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I've read loads of the articles on this site, it's certainly one of the best resources out there. I've bought a number of books, but mainly about great photographers. I haven't seen many technical books which are not too basic. I did get "Perfect exposure, but it's actually too advanced. This site has a great balance.
Also - I LOVE the new design. I honestly didn't even use the forum before. Lately, I found I was interested to see the conversations, so I thought I would join up :) I'm a bit of a noob, but glad to help others.
I recently bought a DSLR (Nikon d5100) upgrading from a series of point and shoots... I'm teaching myself, but also taking a night class. I had a Pentax K1000 ages ago, so much of the mechanical basics are familiar to me. The post-processing and information about how sensors work is all new. Sometimes I find the class a bit slow, I'm learning so much online more quickly. I also learn on too, but this moderated forum seems like a really friendly place.
Thanks for the great articles!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello everybody
I'm Fabio, and I am Italian but I live in London (UK). I recently started taking pictures with a Canon 1000d. I still read the manual and I look forward to learning more and more and more
please judge my photos and give me advice:)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi guys
Thought i would intro my self, i am Geordie from n east England i have been into photography for a few years with Pentax film camera,s with a large gap of a few years in between. I got a couple of Pentax dslr's over a year ago and just enjoy using them,hoping to pick up a few tips from here.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi all
I am Ray and I live in North Devon , UK. I have dabbled in photography for a years but it is only since retiring early that I have had the time to commit more seriously. Since retirement I have completed a basic Open Univerity Course on photography, including sessions using PSElements 6, invested in a new camera and now want to start shooting in RAW - and yes I know I have to upgrade to PSElements10 or Lightroom....advice on which one to spend my cash on / which one is best for photo-editing would be appreciated.
Thanks Ray
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Just catching up with myself and happily see that more people have joined up to CiC over the last 24 hours.
Welcome Heather, Fabio, George, Ray. I hope each of enjoys being part of the forum and that it delivers for you what you want from such a resource. CiC is very much about supporting people with their learning and that applies as much to the forum as to the tutorials. So, please dop use the forum to ask questions, seek comment and criticism on images or just to soak up the knowledge of others. But, of course, don't forget to give your own views and give your comments when requested by others.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Kaye here and I have just joined. I am really new to cameras and taking pictures.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
kaye leggett
Hi Kaye here and I have just joined. I am really new to cameras and taking pictures.
Welcome to CiC Kaye. You're in the right place - there's a diverse range of people here from people just learning to experienced photographers who will be able to help you with most questions that you have.
Incidentally, if you have any problems posting photos have a look at HELP THREAD: How can I post images here? Look forward to seeing some of your photos!