Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hello, My name is Dave. I'm a 42 y.o. diesel mechanic. I love spending time with my wife, kids, and our Beasties. We currently have 1 dog, 2 cats and 2 horses. I love taking pictures of my wife and kids while they are riding. They love it! And I love the looks on their faces as they are doing it!
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Sushi,
Great to have you join us, welcome.
You're lucky to have those travel opportunities.
I've just become a proper Nikon DSLR user to and am still getting used to the optical viewfinder after relying almost exclusively on the LCD too.
As I'm new to Nikon, I'll leave the lens advice to the more experienced people here, but knowing what lens you have now, presumably a kit short zoom, plus what sort of AF-S DX VR you were thinking of; wide (e.g. 12-24), telephoto (70-300) or superzoom (18-200) would help us.
One thing I'd say is that a new lens alone may not lead to an immediate improvement in composition, at least, not unless you know exactly what you're after and just don't have the range currently.
Do post some pictures for critique if you're not sure why your compositions aren't working, it's a good way to learn a lot here.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Dave Humphries
One thing I'd say is that a new lens alone may not lead to an immediate improvement in composition, at least, not unless you know exactly what you're after and just don't have the range currently.
I was actually thinking the same thing... I'm still putting that plan on hold. I don't wanna spend money until I have improved on my composition techniques.
Originally Posted by
Dave Humphries
Do post some pictures for critique if you're not sure why your compositions aren't working, it's a good way to learn a lot here.
I will, sir! :-) The critiques will be able to help me find out my strengths and weaknesses which will help me work them out.
Thanks for the welcome. I just got in here last night and I've already learned a lot by reading and browsing through the posts here. :-)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
My name is Laarni by the way. :)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hello, My name is Dave. I'm a 42 y.o. diesel mechanic. I love spending time with my wife, kids, and our Beasties. We currently have 1 dog, 2 cats and 2 horses. I love taking pictures of my wife and kids while they are riding. They love it! And I love the looks on their faces as they are doing it!
Hi Dave,
A big welcome to you & your family!
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
My name is Laarni by the way. :)
Hi Laarni,
A big welcome from me also :)
Looking forward to seeing those first images so that we can get stuck on to helping you with your compositions.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hello, My name is Dave. I'm a 42 y.o. diesel mechanic. I love spending time with my wife, kids, and our Beasties. We currently have 1 dog, 2 cats and 2 horses. I love taking pictures of my wife and kids while they are riding. They love it! And I love the looks on their faces as they are doing it!
Hi Dave,
Welcome from me too (great name BTW).
What sort of camera and lens(es) are you shooting the family with?
We have a bit of a menagere (sure I haven't spelt that right) too; 2 dogs, 4 cats, some horses - I don't get involved and as the horses don't live at home, I forget how many my wife and daughter have!
Do post some pics, we're good with animals here.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Everyone,
My name is Raps...25 years of age. I have Nikon D-80 now days...and i love it..i used also Nikon D-40, D-70...and i m thinking, nikon's camera's are such a user friendly.
coool...Photography is my proffesion..i m doing photography last 3 years but still i m thinking that i m new in this field becasue there is no end. I Hope, here i can improve my skills with the help of everyone here in this forum...thanks, Raps
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Raps,
Great to have you join our community here at the CiC forums.
What sort of photo work do you shoot?
There's certainly lots to learn in this hobby or profession.
Have you got a web gallery we can take a peek at?
Welcome from ....
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
I just joined this forum. I am very impressed with the photos of Cambridge by Sean HcHugh. Does he moderate this forum or just sell his photos here. Also, does this forum have a gallery where members post photos? I would be interested in seeing other members photographs.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
I just found this site tonight because a tutorial on depth of field was referenced by a member on the Photo_Chat Yahoo Group. I joined right away and look forward to going through the tutorials and see what I can absorb! My first camera was an Olympus DLX and I got good pictures on automatic, but decided to join the digital age with an Olympus E-520 this past December. There is so much to learn and this group appears to have a lot to offer. I take pictures for our local rose society and my grandchildren and pets, particularly the Siamese cats who are always snuggled together in picturesque poses. My fledgling attempts so far can be seen at
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
I just joined this forum. I am very impressed with the photos of Cambridge by Sean HcHugh. Does he moderate this forum or just sell his photos here. Also, does this forum have a gallery where members post photos? I would be interested in seeing other members photographs.
Hi "zerob4one",
Sean is the site owner (aka "the big boss") - he and I pretty much share administration tasks and also moderate along with Dave Humphries.
We don't operate any galleries per sec (apart from a small user area for attachments) (it would be nice to have, but it would send out bandwidth useage throught the roof), so instead we simply encourage users to host their images with one of the many hosting sites on the web (, etc) and link to the photos from here. Seems to work pretty well for us, once people get the hang of it (which we can help with).
Most regular users simply put a reference to their websites in their signatures. If you'd like to take a look at my work, you can find it at (<-- shameless plug) :)
Great to have you with us - hope you'll be around for a while - ask lots of good questions - and show us some great photos :)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
I just found this site tonight because a tutorial on depth of field was referenced by a member on the Photo_Chat Yahoo Group. I joined right away and look forward to going through the tutorials and see what I can absorb! My first camera was an Olympus DLX and I got good pictures on automatic, but decided to join the digital age with an Olympus E-520 this past December. There is so much to learn and this group appears to have a lot to offer. I take pictures for our local rose society and my grandchildren and pets, particularly the Siamese cats who are always snuggled together in picturesque poses. My fledgling attempts so far can be seen at
Hi "Mudpuppie",
Great to have you with us - be sure to ask if there's anything at all we can help you with ...
... after all, that's what we're here for :)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi Everyone,
My name is Raps
Hi Raps,
Big welcome from me too - great to have you with us :)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Welcome to both Mudpuppie and zerob4one,
Colin's done a good intro to the site, so really all that remains is for me to add my personal "welcome" and re-iterate that we look forward to your posts in future.
Good to have two new members, welcome from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
I would also like to welcome all the new members to the forum, as I am a newer member myself. Everyone knows their stuff here, so you done good on joining us here.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
I am Murali Nair, from kerala, in the southern tip of India. I am a marketing teacher at an Institute for Social Entrepreneurship.
It is really nice to read up on all the articles and posts here...
I have been shooting a bit with my D80 for 2 years now and am looking forward to some advice on buying a D700/D3 or Mark 5D/1D. I would be doing largely street photography and a bit of motor sport. There are many comparisons online, but somehow am not sure if 12.1 Mp of the Nikon would be enough and if they would upgrade the resolution of D3 in the near future.
Looking forward to your views...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Murali,
Good to have another new member join, complete with your first question. :)
I'll leave the answer to the more experienced shooters here, as I have only just moved into DSLR photography myself.
It might be worth restating the question in the Digital SLR Cameras forum. Or if you like, I could copy this post there? Let me know.
Anyway, welcome to the forums from ....
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
I am Murali Nair, from kerala, in the southern tip of India. I am a marketing teacher at an Institute for Social Entrepreneurship.
It is really nice to read up on all the articles and posts here...
Hi Murali,
Great to have you with us :)
I'll move the camera selection part of your post to a new thread for you and we'll see what the group has to say!
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hello all, my name is Michael and I live in Belgium.
I found this website/forum while searching the internet for advice on my future purchase (first DSLR) and I'm happy with my accidental find :)
I've always had love for photography as an art, and in recent months the force has been strong within me (please ignore pun!:p), and the URGE to start some serious photography is proving too hard to resist. Hence my search for the best, or most adequate camera for my needs.
I hope to get tips, hints, and tricks from you all in the nearest future. I'd like to direct you to my first question on this forum regarding choice of camera (click on the link below)...
EOS 5D, 50D, or 5D Mark II?
I apologise if this introduction has taken too long. Best regards.