Hello, my name is Rosy and I love photography. Looking forward to the wonderful company.
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Hello, my name is Rosy and I love photography. Looking forward to the wonderful company.
Hello there! My name is Natalie and I am a new member here. I have been doing portrait photography for about a year and a half but still feel that I have quite a bit to learn from what lenses I should be using to lighting (which I checked out the first tutorial on that today) and so much more. I can not wait to start posting images to get some feed back and I can not wait to dive deeper into the tutorials offered here. Glad I found this site!! :)
My name is David And i go by Shooters. I have been involved in photography for a while heavily as far as learning, Going out and shooting every opertunity i get.
The one thing i work @ the most is good composition. which is and always will be a challange to me. I learned of this group from IMUPC in Indianapolis, IN. Where i live @ presently for the last 17 years. ( just thyink i use to llive in Florida) lol
I converted to Sony because i like the I S in the camera and the tilt lcd screen although i hate the TEch Support. I joined this group and forum with the hope of bettering my sskills in photography and helping out others as well. Here's my photostream http://www.flickr.com/photos/52097330@N05/sets/
Given the number of photos you have up on Flickr I think "Shooters" is appropriate! You're obviously a very keen photographer with a lot of experience (although I have to question your sanity if you're one of the people that did that polar run through the no doubt icy waters of a lake in winter!). I'm sure that you'll be able to offer a lot of us as much tips and tricks as we'll be able to offer you going by the quality of your work. I have to say though, it's not often I come across someone who's migrated from one of the big brands to one of the smaller ones.
As for my favourite photo out of your 2011 shots, some of your landscape shots are fantastic but I have to go with the simplicity of the "The Dance".
I'm Bill and a new member. I really enjoy photography and it has changed the way I look at the world. I have been making pictures for 4 years and am at a point where I know what I don't know. This site is exactly the right place.
Welcome Bill. It's great to hear that CiC can help out someone with your level of experience as well. I look forward to seeing some of your photos.
So you don't have to introduce yourself to others later on, it would be good if you could update your profile so that it includes your real name as well.
My name is Jerry and I found this site by accident. I was writing a handout on camera tradeoff for the photo class I teach at a local college and was hunting for the specific size of a 2/3 inch sensor when I found you. Seems like an interesting site. I was "thumbing" through and glancing at some tutorials when I came across one on Hand Held Camera Shake.
It is probably not good form to question a statement, but, then again, I have never been noted as one to stick to proper form. My students have not found it to be to awful, I hope I can get the same reception here.
The statement that had problems with was "Use lenses with image stabilization (IS) or vibration reduction (VR), or cameras with shake reduction (SR). These features can greatly reduce camera movement — especially with telephoto lenses. This often enables hand-held shots at shutter speeds which are 5-10X+ slower than otherwise possible. However, such features cannot work miracles, and they usually work best only in conjunction with proper hand-held technique."
5-10x slower shutter speed? I can not recall any lens or camera claiming a 5-10x+ slower shutter speed. Most claim 2, some even push and say 4x and sometimes they even reach that much but I have yet to see 10x+
Hi Jerry,
Generation 3 Canon IS units offer up to a 4 stop reduction in shutter speed for a given focal length when being hand held. So case in point, a 200mm lens on a 1.6x crop factor camera without IS would need a recommended shutterspeed of 1/320th without IS. With IS this would drop to 1/20th, which is 16 times slower. Generation 2 IS units were limited to 3 Stops, which is of course 8x slower, and generation 1 units 2 stops (4x slower) ... so the article appears accurate to me. Possibly you're confusing stops with "times slower"?
hi, i am Dr Manik from Punjab India. i started started clicking pics last year. i have a small compact camera. i like to click nature, plants and flowers. i find the tutorials nice. thanks http://i40.tinypic.com/2ryik2h.jpg
I arrived here from the Uglyhedgehog photo forum. A member of that forum gave the link to this site . I'm glad to be here mainly to learn as much as I can.
Hi everone, Pedro here , just found your group by accident while searching for info, such as : Assuming that whatever size photo is selected in the menu , L, M, or S the lens will still use the whole sensor area ? Does that mean that by selecting Small size photo the pixels at sensor level will be much larger ? That is cramming 16mp onto the same size sensor will be smaller pixels than electing the 12mp size ? I find this particular issue a little confusing, maybe I'm thick LOL ...
No matter the journey, it's the arriving that's important. Well , that's not true, but you know what I mean!
Great to have you here, Kevin. I hope you enjoy it. As it says at the top of the page, CiC is very much about learning and here on the forum you will find lots of people very willing to share their knowledge and experience. All you have to do is ask.
Pedro - A very warm welcome to you. I am very glad that you found CiC and decided to join.
I am going to copy your message into a new thread in the Digital Cameras & Equipment section of the forum. I think more members will see it there and be able to help address your confusion.
Hi all - I've been lurking here for a few weeks and figured it was time to introduce myself and, hopefully, become a contributor to the site. Until recently, I considered myself a writer who also does photography - mostly nature and travel. Then, last year I was asked to contribute images to a gallery in Boston, Masschusetts and since then have had several other gallery shows, both in Boston and in other area galleries. I'm very much a learner, still figuring out all the possibilities presented by digital photography and still struggling to master Photoshop and Lightroom. I look forward to sharing and learning on this great site.
My equipment: Canon 5D-II and Canon 5D; various lenses, tripods, filters, flash and other goodies.
Hello everyone, I'm Shelly. Almost 30 years ago, I got my first camera (a Canon Snappy) as a junior high graduation present and took exactly zero pictures at the dance because I couldn't figure out how to turn it on (i.e., open the lens cover). I've been improving ever since. My strength is composition and aside from waiting for the actual shutter movement after pressing the button and looking, on the road, for places to buy more batteries, I had been happy with my compact cameras. A couple years ago, my then-fiance and parents bought me a Canon Rebel (with battery extension) for my birthday so I would have something to fret over besides his deployment to Qatar. I am still growing into this camera, and usually when someone sees it and approaches me to talk about it, they know more about it than I do. I teach adult education by day, and I have recently started a student/staff photography club at work so I can learn more while encouraging others. I'm looking forward to learning from people on this site, too.
I sincerely hope you will become a contributor and that the forum proves interesting enough to you to keep you doing so for a long time to come. I hope that your lurking has shown you that this is a friendly, informal and serious forum where those wishing to advance their photographic learning find enough to stretch and stimulate them.
You may wish to add your name and location. You can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
The good thing, Shelly, is that there's only one way to go on the learning curve from there! And I hope you find that CiC is the place to help you progress along and up that curve.
I hope too that this forum reflects the club you have started in that you learn whilst, at the same time, helping others to learn.
You don't say where you are. If you wish, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your location so that it shows up alongside all your posts, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Thanks for joining. And don't forget to post up some of your work.