Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
You never stop learning and thats what make life so interesting.
Welcome Dave. Thanks for your comments about CiC.
With that philosophy, you'll fit in very well here at CiC. I have a passion about learning and the ability to keep learning is, I think, the greatest gift that humankind possesses. And I get so angry at the fact that so many people, for oh so many reasons, are denied that opportunity.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi my name is Ade,
I have just become a member.
I am a beginner in photography and taking a course.
I got a Sunporlite 160w Flash light recently. It has a blue dial at the rare which is marked 1/6 to Full. I need help understanding the functionof this dial
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi my name is Ade,
I have just become a member.
I am a beginner in photography and taking a course.
I got a Sunporlite 160w Flash light recently. It has a blue dial at the rare which is marked 1/6 to Full. I need help understanding the functionof this dial
Hello Ade and a very warm welcome to you. I hope you enjoy being part of CiC.
Re your post:
- Your should put your question about the flash unit into a New Thread in the Digital Cameras & Equipment section of the forum. More people who can make suggestions are likely to see it there
- So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
- And, finally, CiC is very much a resource for learning. So please do keep asking questions. There are lots of people on here who will be very willing to help.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello Everyone!,
I am totally new to photography (started six months ago) and I am looking to improve dramatically in the next year or so. I joined up to receive tips and critiques from all of you and I am looking forward to helping others as well! The camera that i use currently is a Cannon T2i (yes I am a Cannon fan, no offense to those who use other brands, its purely nostalgic purposes.) I am very excited to try out some of the competitions, but I am even more excited to learn and improve any way I can!
God bless,
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello Everyone!,
I am totally new to photography (started six months ago) and I am looking to improve dramatically in the next year or so.
Great to have you signing up to CiC, Jake.
Learning and improving is what CiC is about, so I hope you enjoy being here and that the forum does help you develop your skills. Please ask any questions that you may have and, of course, join in the competitions. But don't forget to also post images up and ask for comment and criticism. That's a good way of learning.
And, so that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi everyone,
my name is Alex and I am a 22 year old Biology-Student (third semester, B.Sc.) from Dortmund, Germany. My first camera was a simple Rollei RCP-S8 I bought in March '09 for a vacation. Since then I moved forward to a Canon Powershot G11 (as a "always with me" camera) and a Nikon D7000. My lenses so far are the 18-105mm 1:3,5-5,6; the 55-300mm 1:4,5-5,6 and the 85mm 1:1,8 (all Nikkor). My main intrests are Portrait (which I really want to improve) and Makro, but I also enjoy Luminography and 'those weird (most architecture) pictures that let you wonder what it is'.
Although I learned english for ten years in school (and got a decent grade), I already feel quite rusty, so please don't mind occasional mistakes. I am really trying to avoid them :o
I joined this forum because CIC has provided me with a lot of explanations and advice, and after some hours of reading different helpful threads in here, I found myself filling in the registration-form. :)
Best wishes from germany,
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
my name is Alex and I am a 22 year old Biology-Student (third semester, B.Sc.) from Dortmund, Germany.
First of all, Alex, welcome to CiC. And may I say that you're written English is excellent.
Thank you for joining the forum.
You refer to wishing to develop your skills in portraiture. Can I recommend that you read this thread. This is the introduction to series of 'workshops' that were developed by Colin Southern, one of the Administrators here on CiC. Colin is highly knowledgeable and skilled in portraiture and this series is a very special 'free' learning opportunity.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, my name is Mikos living in Hungary. I 've been making photos for tens of years but only recently started to learn more about my new Nikon D700 camera and editing softwares. Currently I use Photoshop CS5 and most of my photos are in RAW format edited by Camera Raw in DNG. I've purchased and read a few top level books on Color Management and Photoshop,but can not say that everything is fully understood.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here name is Dick Dixon and I live in Mobile, Alabama, USA, which is located along the northern Gulf of Mexico. I've owned cameras since I was 16 (now 58) and in my early years took wedding photos using a Yashica Mat 124G, which I still own. Through the years I have owned a variety of 35mm film cameras; I now own three Canons with assorted lens, which I use to shoot sailing and wildlife images. Although not my main profession, I'm a writer and photographer, mainly selling stories and images to three sailing related magazines. I sail my 37' sailboat named CD EXPRESS along the gulf coast, which provides an excellent platform for photography. I recently returned from an 11 day visit to Jamaica where I stayed on a friend's 50' sailboat docked in Montego Bay. While there I had an excellent opportunity to sail and travel the island....taking photos along the way. I want to expand my travel opportunities where I might enhance my photography and writing skills to the level of a full time career. I would like to photograph and write about higher profile sailing competitions as well as wildlife opportunities. Photography has been a major influence in my life and my hope is to expand it to even higher levels. My favorite photographer since I was a kid was Victor Keppler, who was a famous advertising photograher in New York in the 30's, 40's and 50's. I just learned about this site today and am very excited to expand my skills from others.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
First of all, Alex, welcome to CiC. And may I say that you're written English is excellent.
Thank you for joining the forum.
You refer to wishing to develop your skills in portraiture. Can I recommend that you read this thread. This is the introduction to series of '
workshops' that were developed by Colin Southern, one of the Administrators here on CiC. Colin is highly knowledgeable and skilled in portraiture and this series is a very special 'free' learning opportunity.
Thank you very much for the fast reply and the immediate help :) I know what I'll be reading the next days. The results will be posted here as soon as I have them.
Once again thank you and best wishes from germany,
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi, my name is Mikos living in Hungary. I 've been making photos for tens of years but only recently started to learn more about my new Nikon D700 camera and editing softwares. Currently I use Photoshop CS5 and most of my photos are in RAW format edited by Camera Raw in DNG. I've purchased and read a few top level books on Color Management and Photoshop,but can not say that everything is fully understood.
Hi Mikos and welcome to CiC. It's great to hear your delving into the art of post processing as mastering this process really can help you complete your photographic vision. There are plenty of people here that can help you understand post processing better and assist you with any specifics. If you post some of your photos in the relevant forum areas and pose your questions, other members will respond and be able to help you understand this area better.
Also, we go by first names around here so if you could update your profile to include your real name that would be great :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Dixon name is Dick Dixon and I live in Mobile, Alabama, USA, which is located along the northern Gulf of Mexico. I've owned cameras since I was 16 (now 58) and in my early years took wedding photos using a Yashica Mat 124G, which I still own. Through the years I have owned a variety of 35mm film cameras; I now own three Canons with assorted lens, which I use to shoot sailing and wildlife images. Although not my main profession, I'm a writer and photographer, mainly selling stories and images to three sailing related magazines. I sail my 37' sailboat named CD EXPRESS along the gulf coast, which provides an excellent platform for photography. I recently returned from an 11 day visit to Jamaica where I stayed on a friend's 50' sailboat docked in Montego Bay. While there I had an excellent opportunity to sail and travel the island....taking photos along the way. I want to expand my travel opportunities where I might enhance my photography and writing skills to the level of a full time career. I would like to photograph and write about higher profile sailing competitions as well as wildlife opportunities. Photography has been a major influence in my life and my hope is to expand it to even higher levels. My favorite photographer since I was a kid was Victor Keppler, who was a famous advertising photograher in New York in the 30's, 40's and 50's. I just learned about this site today and am very excited to expand my skills from others.
Wow - it sounds like you have a life that a lot of us would be very envious of! Welcome to CiC Dick. It's great to have someone with your level of expertise and experience here. I hope you're able to get a lot out of being here and equally share your wealth of knowledge with the other members of the forum.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello everyone. My name is Chet and I live in New Mexico, America's best kept secret. I'm new to photography but I'm sort of in with both feet. Landscapes, sunsets/sunrises, grandkids, animals/birds seem to have my interest right now but just love taking photos. Looking forward to your comments, advice, criticisms, etc.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello everyone. My name is Chet and I live in New Mexico, America's best kept secret. I'm new to photography but I'm sort of in with both feet. Landscapes, sunsets/sunrises, grandkids, animals/birds seem to have my interest right now but just love taking photos. Looking forward to your comments, advice, criticisms, etc.
Greetings Chet. Welcome to CiC and after your introduction I am very much looking forward to seeing photos of America's best kept secret :D It's great to hear that you want to dive into the deep end. Passion in photography is a great thing and it sounds like you have a lot of it.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi all!!! Old school photo snapper, thus new to the digital world and Im loving it. I hope to give helpfull feedback as well as to recieve the help I need to grow in this field. Some of the photos I have seen so far, well WOW!!!!!! I see I have a ways to go. Im looking forward to my first comments. Lets begin JimC
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Just saying Hi Goldcoast (saw that you were on) always glad to talk to those down under. I hope you dont hold it against me I drink Fosters : ))))). Looking forward to reviewing your work. JimC
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi all!!! Old school photo snapper, thus new to the digital world and Im loving it. I hope to give helpfull feedback as well as to recieve the help I need to grow in this field. Some of the photos I have seen so far, well WOW!!!!!! I see I have a ways to go. Im looking forward to my first comments. Lets begin JimC
G'day Jim and welcome to CiC. Always great to have another experienced photographer on the forum to share thoughts and experiences with, along with another Queenslander from the South East :D Can't hold the fact that you drink Fosters against you when I'm drinking Coronas! Looking forward to seeing some of your work as well and hearing some of your feedback.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi I am Niranjee from Sri Lanka.My passion for photography is more than clicking a picture.Networking, knowing people and getting to know new friends is all part of photography for me.I work as a company Director but spend most of my free time spending in the wild.I love to travel and see the nature as it is and share my experiences with all my friends through the eye of a camera.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello, I am stephy from Malaysia. I just bought my first DSLR camera in November last year. Since I am a beginner in photography, I wish to learn as much as I can in short period. I am happy to be a member here and hope to learn from all others !
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
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