Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi! My name is Patricia and I'm new here.
Welcome Patricia. Great to have you here.
First of all, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
I hope you do enjoy being part of CiC and that by being involved, you can develop your photographic knowledge and skills. You are absolutely right when you write about learning from your mistakes. And the good thing about CiC is that it's okay to post up images that not perfect so that you can learn, through the constructive comments of others, how you might want to improve on them.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Jerry Soto
Hello Jerry. That's a pretty impressive start to life on CiC. Thanks for posting it.
I'm glad that you've liked what you've seen so far here on CiC. Hopefully it gets even better now that you are part of it all.
If you wish, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your location so that it shows up alongside all your posts, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Donald and everyone,
My name is Sophie, from Singapore. I started photography about 2.5 years ago but this is the first time for me to join an online forum like this. Everyone seems friendly :) and I cant wait to participate in the mini-challenge series.
My first camera was canon 450d but after i lost my equipments in San Francisco (still hurting), i took the chance to try Nikon and have a great fun with Nikon old AIS lenses. I also have a Lomo Diana F+ and still feel very frustrated with it.
I'm sure i will learn a lot from everyone here and many thanks for the tutorials, I've enjoyed them very much :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
My name is Sophie, from Singapore.
Sophie - We'll forgive you for switching from Canon to Nikon (a lot of people on here will say you were very sensible)!
Thank you for signing up to CiC. I hope you do find that it was the right thing to do and that being part of the forum does help your photography. If you do have any questions, then please just do ask them.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
My name is Antonio, from a little town in the south of Italy. I just joined this site. I am a novice photographer with a desire to become more knowledgeable about digital photography. My current intrests are Landscape, Seascape and a lot of other subjects.
You can see some photos of mine al the following address:
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
My name is Venu and I live in Chicago area. I am new to photography and I found experts advice/comments. I am looking forward to improve my skills in digital photography.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
My name is Antonio, from a little town in the south of Italy. I just joined this site. I am a novice photographer with a desire to become more knowledgeable about digital photography. My current intrests are Landscape, Seascape and a lot of other subjects.
You can see some photos of mine al the following address:
Antonio - Welcome to CiC and thank you for joining.
You say you are a novice, but you have very nice pictures on your Flickr page. I do like Alimini sandy beach, although I think the vignette is maybe a bit too heavy and obvious. Also Otranto - Near the castle.
I hope you find this site useful. People on here will always be prepared to offer advice and guidance, and answer any questions that you may have.
You've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. Did you know you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
My name is Venu and I live in Chicago area. I am new to photography and I found experts advice/comments. I am looking forward to improve my skills in digital photography.
Venu - Great to have you here. Hello and welcome.
CiC was established as a site to help people learn. The tutorials are for you to study. This forum is for you to be involved with other people in discussing topics, asking questions and, of course, posting some pictures and inviting people to help you by commenting upon them. I hope you enjoy being part of the group.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi everyone, my name is Pam. I live in Kansas and love taking pictures. My husband bought me a new camera about 4yrs ago. It's a Rebel XT, I know they don't make them anymore!! :) I'm wanting to get off the auto mode an into the creativity mode. I'm taking a digital photography class at our community college. I'm in my mid 50"s and going back to school isn't all that easy! Looking forward to checking it out.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
P Williams
My husband bought me a new camera about 4yrs ago.
What a nice husband!
Hello Pam and a very warm welcome to CiC. This is a resource that aims to help you learn and one of the things that people will tell you first on here is 'Yes, get off Auto' Using that is not going to help your development. Another question - Do you shoot RAW or JPEGs? If JPEGS, you'll also have us telling you to change that.
Originally Posted by
P Williams
I'm in my mid 50"s and going back to school isn't all that easy! Looking forward to checking it out.
Just keep think about as the joy of learning and discovering new things.
I hope you enjoy being involved in the forum. People on here are more than willing to share their knowledge, so please do pitch in with your questions and queries.
And, by the way, although you've given us your name in this introductory post, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Thanks Donald, I'm shooting in both JPEG & RAW. How can I turn a Jpeg into a raw format? I ask because I have pictures that I would love to try in photoshop.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
P Williams
Thanks Donald, I'm shooting in both JPEG & RAW. How can I turn a Jpeg into a raw format? I ask because I have pictures that I would love to try in photoshop.
Pam - Well done for getting your name into the side bar.
If you're shooting in RAW & JPEG, then you don't need to worry about getting a RAW file. You already have it. And one you've shot as a JPEG, you cannot turn it into a RAW. That's why I asked. If you had just been shooting JPEG, then your options for post processing in Photoshop or any other post-processing package, would be severely curtailed.
So, the JPEG you shoot is fine. You can save it, have it printed or whatever. Personally, I've never shot anything in JPEG. Just don't see the point.
As I've written on here before, "Pressing the shutter is the end of the first part of making an image. The second part starts when you begin processing in the darkroom (if you're shooting film) or on computer (if you're shooting digitally)". And to do that you need a RAW file, which you've got.
So, think of your RAW file as a negative (in olde fashioned speak!).
To get a really good explanation of file types, go to the tutorials section of the site and look under 'Photo Editing and Post Processing'. The section you want is 'Image Files'. That should give you the information you need to understand the difference between files.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello Everyone,
This is Allan from sunny Queensland, Australia. I am a keen photographer who suffers from a lack of time and but still very much enjoy the world of photography. As I am always wanting to learn I like the focus that CiC has on helpful critique and the friendly atmosphere on this website. Looking to forward to making acquaintances online and improving my skills.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I like the focus that CiC has on helpful critique and the friendly atmosphere on this website.
Very glad that that aspect of it appeals to you Allan. It certainly is what everyone tries to foster on here.
Also very glad that you've decided to jump on board. I hope you enjoy it.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
hi i,am luisb.from staten island please bear whit me i,am a newbie (just born) to this matters in compu and photo i,just recentlie
joind NYIP and very entusiast about learning photogra, rigth now i,am learning to use my camera so you gays bear whit me very
excited to join and be part of a community that could teach people like me that dont NO DIDLE DO to learn from your well intention,and expertice.:rolleyes:
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Pam,
I live in New York state. I am also in my 50's and taking my first photigraphy class. This is a really great group.
I know my memory isnt what it use to be. Lol!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi my name is Dave but must people call me Fletche. I come from Kingston upon Hull in Yorkshire England but moved up to the north east about 6 years ago. We came up for a holiday and liked so much we decided to move. Then about 5 years I gave up smoking and with the spare money I took up Photography. At the moment I have a Nikon D200 which is my main camera but I also have 2 film cameras a Nikon F65 and a Praktica MTL 5. The film cameras are for star trails I fancy having ago at that.
I think I have rattled on enough now so it’s nice to be aboard.
I also am a Clive Cussler addict.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello to all, I feel this program will become so useful, along with all its members, thhis will be so much Fun, Thanks, George in South Jersey
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
hello my name is Adriano, always eager to learn.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
A rush of people joining up since I last looked this morning, which is wonderful
Originally Posted by
hi i,am luisb.from staten island please bear whit me i,am a newbie (just born) to this matters in compu and photo i,just recentlie
joind NYIP and very entusiast about learning photogra, rigth now i,am learning to use my camera so you gays bear whit me very
excited to join and be part of a community that could teach people like me that dont NO DIDLE DO to learn from your well intention,and expertice.:rolleyes:
Originally Posted by
Hi my name is Dave but must people call me Fletche. I come from Kingston upon Hull in Yorkshire England but moved up to the north east about 6 years ago. We came up for a holiday and liked so much we decided to move. Then about 5 years I gave up smoking and with the spare money I took up Photography. At the moment I have a Nikon D200 which is my main camera but I also have 2 film cameras a Nikon F65 and a Praktica MTL 5. The film cameras are for star trails I fancy having ago at that.
I think I have rattled on enough now so it’s nice to be aboard.
I also am a Clive Cussler addict.
Originally Posted by
george mcbride
Hello to all, I feel this program will become so useful, along with all its members, thhis will be so much Fun, Thanks, George in South Jersey
Originally Posted by
hello my name is Adriano, always eager to learn.
Must highlight Fletche's comment about smoking. That's exactly how I got back in. It was part of the deal with herself - Use money saved from stopping smoking to buy camera gear.
Anyway, each of you is very welcome and I hope you enjoy being part of CiC.