Hi! I'm Juliana, from Singapore. Feel that I should learn the basics of photography instead as I have always been stumped by all the terms like depth of field, figuring what aperture or speed to use. Chanced upon this site when i googled DSLRs vs compacts; the tutorials here are really useful!
I enjoy taking pictures but have mostly relied on auto-focus features. Love macro photography. Used to have a Canon EOS1000FN and some dinosaurs. Recently bought a Nikon 3100D but wondering if I should have gone for the Sony Nex7 instead. Grrrr!
Last edited by Aurora; 29th April 2012 at 04:46 PM.
Juliana - Welcome to CiC. I hope you will enjoy being part of the forum and that being here does help you learn some of the, firstly, basics, but then the more advanced stuff.
In addition to the tutorials, you will find lots of people very willing to offer you support and advice.
By the way, which name would you wish to be addressed by, as we do tend to address each other by proper names on here? If you want to change CJ to Juliana so that this is what appears in the sidebar decide your posts, you can do that by editing your profile via the Forum Actions tab on the menu bar.
Thanks, Donald! Looking forward to a great learning experience and sharing the photography passion with like-minded people!
Hi all, I'm Jay from Tennessee, US. I would say I'm a amateur in photography and still have much to learnI wanted to join this forum because of all the fantastic advice, discussions, and creative ideas. It really is inspiring and refreshing to see. My niche is definitely horses and most all horse related events. Though, this has created several interesting problems that I look forward to hopefully solving here.
Looks like someone is about to get a very sore backside.
Welcome Jay. Great to have you aboard. I hope you enjoy being part of the forum and that it does help you develop your photographic knowledge and skills. There are always people on here very willing to try and help. So, don't hold back on asking the questions.
By the way, if you wish, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your location so that it shows up alongside all your posts, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Hi all,
I'm very pleased to be a part of this community of photo lovers, these seems to be a great platform wherein new and upadated techniques and ideas can be generated. Looking forward for a great suggestions and views.
Potrait and Model head shots NY
Shirley - Hello and welcome.
Not sure what the relevance of the link to somebody else's website is.
Hello all,
My name is Warney, I am from Perth Western Australia and was born and have always lived here.
I have had an interest in photography for some time now and never really took the time to fuel that interest, until about 2 years ago when I went traveling through the south west of W.A and took some photos and now the fire is raging and I am keen to learn.
I have been looking for a forum or group to join that I can get feedback and invite criticism on any of my work, I wish to better my ability and go from the most basic beginner to maybe starting my own business as a photographer.
I have been looking at some of the photos on this forum and may I say you guys are very good at what you do, some awesome photos. Now my photos may not be of the same quality of the photos on here but hope to be as good one day soon.
That's pretty much me in a nutshell, so looking forward to sharing and conversing over some of the great photos on here.
So may your cameras work in the best of moments and happiness shine on your life, ( not sure where I got that from haha made it up )
Hello Warney, from just outside Perth, Scotland. Thanks for signing up to be part of CiC. I hope it lives up to your expectations and does help you along the photographic learning curve.
Having the passion to learn is, as far as I'm concerned, the single most important requirement. If that passion is there, learning becomes a lot easier. And so far as your pictures being as good as the best you see on here, then keep reminding yourself that everyone on here was once exactly where you are right now in your development. If others can do it, so can you.
You've probably already seen enough to know how CiC works. But if you have any questions, then please do call out.
If you're unclear on forum etiquette; there is a Code of Conduct in the FAQ here. And a couple of threads that might come in useful are:
HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?
How to Get Effective Feedback for your Posted Images
Hi, I'm Jane from Somerset. I have been a proper photographer for over 30 years but really started over 40 years ago with a Kodak 126 at the age of 9! I scratch a living with my camera which is really tough at the moment. Although my work is now in photography it took me a very long time to realise it was what I should be doing. The stress of a high pressured career in sales eventually made me see the light, so to speak and I got out to start a photographic business with a friend. Mostly weddings and portraits we also specialise in producing books for clients. One thing about photography is that you never stop learning!
Jane - Hello & welcome. I hope all that experience will be opened up for access by others on here in order to help them with their learning.
You've maybe seen that CiC is very much set up as a learning forum and one on which we hope those able to will share knowledge and experience to help others along the learning curve. But, I hope you get as much out of it you put in. As you say - we never stop learning.
Hi, Nice to meet you all!
My name is Cindy Richard and I am new to this forum. I have a new, small textile art business. I create quilt art from photos I take all over Israel. My quilts are usually at least 1m x 1m. It gets complicated when I try to photograph the finished product. I just don't seems to be able to capture the texture and dimension of the quilts. I am told my photos do not do justice to my work. So I joined you all to see if I can improve this. I'm glad to hear what you think and how I can fix it. Be kind... :-)
Thanks! Cindy
Cindy - A very warm welcome to CiC. I certainly hope that you will find folk both polite and kind at the same time as being constructive and helpful in the advice, guidance and support that they offer you.
This forum is all about learning and helping people develop knowledge and skills. So, please do post up examples of your work and ask questions and requests comments.
There are two main sections where images can be posted for comment. We don't go too much for protocol and procedure on here. So pick either the Nature & Architecture section or the People & Pets section (even if your work doesn't fit into either category) and post up your images.
A couple of links you might find helpful are:
HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?
How to Get Effective Feedback for your Posted Images
Hi all,
I'm Lyse from Langley, BC. I consider myself a mid-beginner as there is so much to learn and the more I find out, the more there is, but I enjoy learning and I love photography. I'm interested in nature photography, particularly events involving horses and animals in general. I am joining this community because I am impressed with the level of photography on this site and really like having access to tutorials on photography and post processing software. I notice that everyone seems very supportive on the forums, so when my confidence is up a bit, I may work up to asking for some feedback. Look forward to meeting you all
Hi I am so pleased to have found this wonderful site. I am a Beginner when it comes to photography. I always wanted to paint what I saw alas cant paint so have decided to let the camera tell the story of the beauty around us daily. I have a Fuji film S3300 which is new as the snapshot did not really give a clear enough pic. This I guess is my step to step up from in time. I love earth's wild untamed landscapes, oceans and skys not to mention her seasons. I look forward to learning heaps from you all . Thank you
Hello Lyse and welcome to CiC. Thank you for joining.
The one wonderful think about this forum is that there need to be no fear about asking the 'dumb' question. I believe that on some forums, if you ask a 'simplistic' question you are likely to get berated and/or ridiculed for not already knowing the answer. These people tend to forget that there was once upon a time that they didn't know the answer either and had to get it from somewhere. One aim of CiC is to try and help in the process of getting the answers. So, I hope you'll be ready to [ppst up images and ask for feedback very soon.
There is a useful link to asking for feedback. You might want to have a read of this - How to Get Effective Feedback for your Posted Images
If you wish, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your location so that it shows up alongside all your posts, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
I hope you enjoy being involved with CiC.
I'm very glad you found us, Suzanne. I hope that being part of CiC can indeed help you learn and develop new knowledge and skills. Lots of people on here will be very happy to offer advice, guidance and support to help you along the way. All you have to do is ask.
A couple of things to read that might help at the outset are:
HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?
How to Get Effective Feedback for your Posted Image
Hi everyone, my name is Abraham and I'm from México. I'm starting with photography and wehen I stumbled upon CiC I found an endless resource for my new hobby and possible passion. I hope we can be friends to whoever reads this and share our knowledge. I don't have very expensive equipment just a Canon PowerShot SD850 IS but with patience one can get decent shots form it. See you later!![]()
Hello there,
I'm Javier Lobregat, 17, from the Philippines, I came upon this website at a recommendation from a friend, and have found this as probably one of the best resources online. I got into photography 3 years ago, and have been experimenting ever since.
I have a Nikon D7000 and like Still Life, and Landscape photography, and am trying to learn all I can about event, low light, portrait and sports photography. I'm sure there a goldmine of resources here, and I'm very very willing to learn as much as I can. I'm happy I've found this awesome Website. Thank you So much!
if you want to see my work here's my tumblr:
again, thank you so much!![]()