Hello everyone!
My name is Ricardo and I'm from Chile.
I'm new in photography but I'm really glad I found this community and I expect to learn a lot from all of you.
I hope we'll be seen each other soon in the forums :D
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Hello everyone!
My name is Ricardo and I'm from Chile.
I'm new in photography but I'm really glad I found this community and I expect to learn a lot from all of you.
I hope we'll be seen each other soon in the forums :D
Hello everyone. I'm new here obviously, but I love what I see so far. My name is Mike and I'm new to photography and SLR cameras but I'm looking to learn.
I want to take pictures of my daughter playing softball but I don't want to be too close to the action. I'm using an Canon XSI and I am looking for a nice, fairly inexpensive lens to accomplish what I'm trying to do. Any suggestions are welcome. Remember I'm a novice at best. Dumb it down for me.
hello. my name is Datin and im from Indonesia. i love taking nature photos such as sky, sun, flowers, etc. or what photographer says a Landscape photos. i dont use SLR or DSLR camera. im using Olympus T-100 compact camera and sometimes my cellphone camera. now im learning how to take macro photos with my compact camera.
i wish i could get a DSLR or SLR camera soon. and im glad if u could give advice how to maximizing my compact camera to get nice photos.
i like to learn about photography from others.
nice to join here (:
I'm Sarah and I live in Southern California. I found this website when I was looking for information on lens filters. I've been interested in photography for a few years but haven't taken it too seriously until recently. Diane Arbus originally sparked my interest in photography. My latest inspirations have been from the Ballerina Project :)
Hello Mike. Welcome to CiC. Great to have you here.
First up - You've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. Did you know you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
On the question of your lens - I'm not sure just how far away from the action you will be during a game of softball (I don't know the sport). Do you live somewhere where you might be able to hire/rent a lens for a day so that you could try out one to see if it is the rigth length. You'll be wanting, I guess, a mix of close up and more medium distance shots. That means getting a zoom lens that can deal with both situations. Something like a 70-200mm zoom might be what you're looking at. Or if you're further away, you might need to think about something as long as 300mm. It is either a case of finding out what other people shoot softball with or experimenting to find out what works.
Once you decide upon the zoom range that you need, you can start looking at different lenses within that zoom range at the price point that you are thinking about.
Datin - Hello and thank you for joining CiC.
As I wrote to another new member just a few posts above in this this thread: "Your ability to develop a vision and to apply creative ability to making images that express that vision, is not limited by technology. High technology can assist you to achieve your aim, but it is not necessary to have a whole lot of technology in order to be able to do that."
I hope that one day you will be able to buy a DSLR if that is your wish, but just because you do not have one does not mean you cannot make very good pictures. Members on here will be very glad to offer support and advice to help with your learning.
Hello Sarah. I'm very glad you found CiC and decided to 'sign-in'. I hope you found the information useful and that you continue to do so. Between the tutorials and the support offered here on the forum, the aim is to encourage and support people in their photographic learning and development. So, if you have any questions, please do ask them.
If you wish, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your location so that it shows up alongside all your posts, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Hi Everyone,
My name is Shaun. I am not exactly new to photography, but have decided to get back in to it just recently after purchasing an Olympus OMD E-M5.
I live in Perth, Australia and have been mainly interested in Landscape Photography but wish to pursue other areas.
Although I have just joined this website, I have used Cambridge in Colour extensively in the past and find ths website very informative, especially in the Photography Tutorial areas.
Shaun - You're the second person to join from the 'other' Perth in just a short time. Welcome from just outside Perth, Scotland.
I'm glad that you've found CiC a useful resource in the past. Hopefully being part of the forum will only add to the pleasure! Great to have you here.
Thank you for the welcome and for the advice. As I said I'm new and was unaware of the protocal. I fixed my profile so hopefully everyone can see who I am now. :)
Softball is similar to baseball but with a slightly larger ball and its usually played by girls(my daughters play). I plan to be about 200 feet away from the main action and have been looking at the CANON EF 70-300mm F4-5.6 F/4-5.6 IS USM LENS 4 5DII 7d 60d. I believe from what people are telling me, this lens should do what I'm looking for. Any feedback on this lens?
Mike - Can I suggest two things:
1) Click on the 'Discussion Categories' on the menu bar above and from the list that appears choose 'lenses'. You'll then get a list of threads that have been tagged as being about lenses. I think there may be some discussion about this lens in there.
2) If not (or as well as that), put your question into a new thread in the 'Digital Cameras & Equipment' section of the forum. Not everyone who might be able to give you a comment will come into this section and there's a better chance it will be seen there.
Hi there,
I'm from Costa Rica, a small paradise located in Central America (I don't know if there's anyone from my country in this forum, but I sure am happy that I found it), 24 years old. I have just started to study photography and get into the photography world and I have found your tutorials extremely helpful in understanding how this whole thing works. I recently bought a Nikon D5100 with the regular 18-55mm lens kit and I'm loving it.
I'm looking forward on learning more and more about photography since my wish is to live out of photography eventually and to travel the world doing so.
Hello and welcome to CiC. Thank you for joining up.
I'm glad you like what you've seen on the site and I hope that, now you are in the forum, you find it even more helpful. There are lots of people on here who are very willing to share their knowledge and experience in order to help other people learn and develop skills. So, please do ask questions, post up your pictures and ask for comment and join in the discussions.
These couple of threads might help you get started:
HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?
How to Get Effective Feedback for your Posted Images
You've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. Did you know you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
There have been people from Costa Rica in the past, but I don't think any of them are active at the moment.
Hi Donald,
Thanks for the links and the recommendations, I have updated my Real Name and my Location. As soon as I get home I may as well be uploading a couple images and a profile picture as well. Thank you again!!
Hello everyone,
My name is Mattthew Shane Wilson, I live in Colorado and consider photography to be a very serious hobby. I have been at it seriously for the last few years and am constantly looking to absorb more information in order to advance my ability. This is what brought me to Cambridge in Colour, and I am loving all the tutorials available. It's definitley one of the best sites/forums I have seen on the subject. I'm not sure what my style is at this point as I am constantly trying new subjects and methods, but I would say that I enjoy human subject matter most of all. I think of all subjects, pictures of people seemingly unaware, or very comfortable with the camera are the pictures that truly speak a thousand words.
( http://www.flickr.com/photos/msw1/ )
Hello Mathew and welcome to CiC. I'm very glad you've decided to sign up. That is quite a portfolio you've got on Flickr - highly creative and imaginative stuff. I'm sure people will enjoy seeing more of your work on here.
As well as CiC, hopefully, contributing to your own learning and development, I hope you will make your very obvious skill and experience available to others through your contributions to eeh forum, so that they might learn from you.
Good to have you aboard.
Hello Just joined CIC today. Looking forward to mingling with fellow photographers/enthusiast's.
I am on the perpetual photography learning curve. My equipment includes an OM 10 35mm film camera with various lenses, a Point and Shoot and newest acquisition a Pentax Dslr K-X with a 18mm-55mm f/3.5-5.6 kit lens & a Pentax 80mm-320mm f4.5/f5.6 telephoto zoom lens. Still learning how to use the Dslr correctly.
I have been taken photos for the past several years, at this point in time enjoy sports and landscape topics the most.
CIC website appears to be a place to develop ones creativity and photographic skills
Glad to be “onboard”
Gerald - I think those involved certainly hope so. I hope, too, that you find an atmosphere of sharing and co-operation, where people don't try and score points by attempting to sound smart
You are so correct. The day that we feel we know everything and have nothing to learn is the day that we should pack away the gear and find something else to do.
I hope you enjoy being part of CiC.
Hi Gerald,
Welcome aboard the CiC forums from me, great to have you along with a good intro post.
Sports is a wide topic; does that really mean shooting anything, or do you have a preference for say; ball games, or motor sport, perhaps?
In case you're wondering, I did move your post here from the Help thread on image posting
If youre' submitting images for critique, you may find Frank's post here useful; How to Get Effective Feedback for your Posted Images
All the best,