Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello, Everyone! My name is Lisa, and I'm from Allentown, PA. I, too, have found the tutorials very helpful. I have been interested in photography for many years, but I am only now joining as my passion for photography, which had become a bit stale, was recently rekindled by a "for no specific reason" gift from a wonderful nephew of an Olympus Pen EPL-1. I am so excited and looking forward to learning all I can from the many gifted photographers here!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello, Everyone! My name is Lisa, and I'm from Allentown, PA.
Welcome Lisa
Gorgeous part of the world that you're from. I spent two summers (1989 and 1990) just north of you at Thompson, PA. Wonderful, wonderful place.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy being part of CiC and that involvement in the forum will help keep that re-discovered passion burning and growing.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello, My name is Jackie I am very new to photography but I am loking forward to learning so much from CiC.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi all. My name is Antonio and I'm from Brazil. I photograph for more than 40 years with film cameras and a few years ago I discovered digital cameras. Since then I have tried to learn more about digital photography.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello, My name is Jackie I am very new to photography but I am loking forward to learning so much from CiC.
Hello Jackie and welcome to CiC.
If you prefer people to call you Jackie rather than Jacqueline, you can go into to Edit Profile from Forum Actions on the menu bar and change your 'Real Name' so that 'Jackie' appears alongside all your posts.
Thanks for signing-up. I do hope that you will feel that CiC is a good place to help you learn. There is no such thing as a dumb question on this forum, so please never be nervous about thinking that other people will feel you should already know the answer. Lots of people will be only too happy to answer questions, give advice, etc.
If you need any help about posting images and asking people to comment on your images, have a read of these two threads:
HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?
How to Get Effective Feedback for your Posted Images
I hope you enjoy being part of CiC.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi all. My name is Antonio and I'm from Brazil. I photograph for more than 40 years with film cameras and a few years ago I discovered digital cameras. Since then I have tried to learn more about digital photography.
Antonio - Welcome to the forum.
This is a resource that does seek to help people develop their knowledge and skills and I hope it serves that purpose for you.
I see that you have added a second post into this thread with a specific question. I have moved that into the forum section : 'Digital Cameras and Equipment'. This is the more appropriate section for such a question, as more members are likely to see it and have the opportunity to reply to you
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I'm David, from North West England, and I've just joined the forum today (19 May 2012) after spending sometime viewing and browsing it as a Guest. I've recently returned to photography after a while out of it - back in the day I even used to develop my own pictures!! I'm now all digital, with a DSLR and hoping to learn (and re-learn!) from the members on here, get some critical feedback on my photographic attempts, and also to contribute to this community.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I'm David, from North West England, and I've just joined the forum today (19 May 2012) after spending sometime viewing and browsing it as a Guest. I've recently returned to photography after a while out of it - back in the day I even used to develop my own pictures!! I'm now all digital, with a DSLR and hoping to learn (and re-learn!) from the members on here, get some critical feedback on my photographic attempts, and also to contribute to this community.
David - Very glad you've made the leap from lurker to member.
Like so many of us on here, you're one of that band who've come back to photography after a time away from it. I had a 30+ year gap from about 20 to early 50s.
I hope you enjoy being involved and, as you say, contributing in order to help others as well as learning yourself.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I'm just a casual photographer that probably spent to much on a DSLR and stumbled upon CiC while looking for some suggestions on how to take better pictures. So far, I have not been disappointed.
Most of my photos so far have been of family outings and kids sporting events. I don't have a portfolio of any sorts...yet. So we'll see how things go.
I've appreciated the tutorials, and have really enjoyed the posted pictures.
I reside in Sealy, a small town in Texas, just west of Houston.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I'm just a casual photographer that probably spent to much on a DSLR
Hi Charlie - Great to have you here.
The good thing is that you've now spent it, so no use worrying any more!
I'm glad you're finding CiC useful and I hope you continue to do so.
The one important thing about being on this forum is that if you have a question, please do as it. I believe there are forums where people are made to feel a bit like, 'I think I should have already known that answer'. That's not the case here. There is no such thing as a dumb question.
So, if all the talk about RAW versus JPEG, sharpening, levels and curves, etc, is all a bit of a mystery to you at the moment, don't worry. Three years ago they were to me as well. CiC will, I hope, support you in learning just as much as you want to.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi All,
My name is Kerry and I live in the "OC". That is Orange County located in sunny (mostly) Southern California. I've been enjoying photography off and on since I was 10 years old. So, how long ago was that? Well let's just say back then "post image processing" consisted of dodging and burning on an enlarger in my very kind and generous neighbor's darkroom back in the late 60's and early 70s ! I've recently re-kindled my photographic interests and jumped in to the world of digital imaging. I use a Nikon D300 with an old trusty (and AI converted) 55mm f1.2 prime lens, a brand new 24-70mm f2.8 which I LOVE to use. And a 70-300mm f4.5/5.6 telephoto lens. I'm looking forward to getting your feedback...and learning!
Best Regards,
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I live in Somerset West, South Africa and started photography a year ago.Though I find it a diificult, I enjoy macro photography. I have learned that one needs a lot of patience for that.
Be back soon!
1 Attachment(s)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Cape Gannet at Bird Island, Lambert's Bay, West Coast, South Africa
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi All,
My name is Kerry and I live in the "OC". That is Orange County located in sunny (mostly) Southern California.
Kerry - Wonderful to have you here. There are quite a few of us one her who 'pottered' around in darkrooms back in the '60s and '70s and who let photography fall away fro a number of years before re-discovering it. So, you're in good company.
I hope you do enjoy being part of this forum and that you find that it does help your learning and development.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I live in Somerset West, South Africa and started photography a year ago.Though I find it a difficult, I enjoy macro photography. I have learned that one needs a lot of patience for that.
Hello Juliana and welcome to CiC. That's a superb image you've posted up by way of an introduction. Indeed, because a lot of members might miss it in this section of the forum, you should re-post it as a new thread in the Nature & Architecture section and invite comments.
I hope you enjoy being part of CiC and i look forward to seeing more of your work.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi all, My name is wayneleary I am 54 years of age and live in Invercargill New Zealand. Invercargill is at the very bottom of the South Island. It is starting to get cold as winter arrives.Zero last night.But a really nice day today at 13 degrees. I am learning to take photos as a hobby to fill in spare time and enjoy in retirement in a few years. I need to join a club as mainly what I have learnt so far is from what I learn on the web.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello. My name is Frank and I live in the southern part of the state of Georgia, USA. I am a retired university history professor, and photography is one of my hobbies. I shoot landscapes, primarily, with a Canon 7D. I look forward to being a member of Cambridge in Colour and learning from the members.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I need to join a club as mainly what I have learnt so far is from what I learn on the web.
Hello Wayne and welcome to CiC.
I have to confess that I've never joined a club and everything I know has been learned from the web (mainly CiC) and books. I appreciate that some people do learn better in the company of others in a club environment, but you shouldn't take it as an essential part of learning. It all depends, as they say!
Anyway, it's great to have you here and whether you join a club or not, I hope CiC can be a major part of your learning and development
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello. My name is Frank and I live in the southern part of the state of Georgia, USA. I am a retired university history professor, and photography is one of my hobbies. I shoot landscapes, primarily, with a Canon 7D. I look forward to being a member of Cambridge in Colour and learning from the members.
A very warm welcome, Frank. It is a delight to have you here.
What were your particular interest in terms of your professional discipline? My reading, at the moment, is almost exclusively focused on the works of Prof Tom Devine and Dr Jim Hunter in relation to Scottish history. When I was in school, Scottish history was very much brushed over in favour of anglo-centric teaching in which Scottish history was largely ignored. Both Devine and Hunter provide us with an insight into our own history here in Scotland that was hidden from us as young people.
Anyway, so far as photography is concerned, I hope you find this forum and its associated tutorials to be a rich source of learning that help you develop you knowledge and skills.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi everyone,
My name is Neil MacKinnon - originally from Scotland, but now living in Germany.
Finally got into digital photography 2 years ago having enjoyed a number of years using an Olympus OM 10. Now I have a Nikon D3100 and am slowly beginning to understand what possibilities are there for me. Found the site by chance while looking for some tutorials, and I'm looking forward to using the experience of my fellow "photographers!