Hi Dan,
Taking your last question first, the signature option becomes available at 10 posts, so keep enjoying the forums and you'll soon get there :)
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
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Hi everyone. My name is Regina. I have just recently purchased my Canon Rebel T2i for recreational use and it is my first DSLR. Im hoping this forum will help me with photography pointers as well as the overall camera usage. I want to take a photography class or 2 to really familiarize myself with all aspects of photography but online chats will have to do for now. I am from New Orleans so I hope to capture some great pics over time. I look forward to chatting with you all. :)
Hello everyone!
My name is Renato and I have just joined in. I am really passionate about photography, but I have been taking photos for a only 3 years now. I love travelling, particularly in South America.
here is my website in case you are curious about myself www.renatogranieri.com
Hello everyone. My name is Ken Noll. I live in Seattle, WA, USA. I'm retired, formerly Information Systems-Data Network Engineer. Have been into photography forever. Currently a Nikon user: D300s, Nikkor 16-85mm, 70-300mm and other lenses and stuff. For software I primarily use Adobe Lightroom 4, Nikon Capture NX2, and Nikon View NX2. I have PSE 9 but rarely use it. I would say I'm a serious amateur.
With more time on my hands, photography is becoming the thing that I do now. My intro to digital photography was with the purchase of a Nikon D200 and Nikkor 18-200mm zoom lens a few years ago. What an eye opener. Isn't digital technology great? We don't have to wait until the film is processed and returned to see results. We can shoot, check, re-shoot, re-check..... until it is right. I've had darkrooms for B&W and color was mostly Kodachrome 64. Film is now a distant, good memory. Now, digital suits my "gotta see it now" need.
I have reviewed the CiC site and see there is a lot of excellent information here as well as talented photographers. I'm looking forward to being a part of this group and for your help in making me a better photographer. I can also pass along some knowledge and/or experiences I've had that may help someone out.
Hello all,
My name is Izzy and I am a photo enthusiast/amateur photographer from Maryland, USA. I enjoy photography and am always interested in learning more and meeting other photographers. Presently, I am using Canon T3i with Sigma 17-70 mm, Tamron 70-300 mm, or Canon 18-200 mm lenses. For post processing I use Lightroom 4, Nik Software Complete Collection, and OnOne Software Perfect Suite 6.1. I mostly take landscape, nature, travel, and architecture photos. I have two photo websites:
I welcome any comments on any of my photos.
Hi to all of you out there - My name is Terri. I live in northeast New Jersey, USA - I have been into photography for about 3 years now - strictly amateur and ready to get more serious. I seem to gravitate to landscape, wildlife and fine art/still life. I live in Hunterdon County which is a rural area but only about one hour to New York City and the Shore so I have quite a bit of diversity in the area I live in. I love to travel and recently took a cruise to Alaska - gorgeous part of the world. I am hoping to get a lot of information from this site and from what I have seen so far - WOW is all I can say!
Hey there everybody :) , my name's hasan mahameed, i'am palestinian, studying civil engineering, i liked photoing ;), and still like it, my fund is too limited, so i use my phone's camera to shot photos, and i'am now saving for a new camera, am sure u would help me finding good one :).
and hope to meet some friends here :D.
if u liked to see what am doing here is my link at flikr :P:
Hi Regina,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us.
Don't be shy asking questions, or posting images for critique, that way you'll get the best from us.
You will find us very friendly and to that end it would be useful if you could Edit your Profile and add "Regina" and "New Orleans, USA" into the Real Name and Location fields, so they come out in left column, as you'll see mine does.
What lens(es) did you get with the T2i?
Best regards,
Hi Renato,
Glad to have you join us - what are you shooting with?
Wish I had travelled more when younger, these days, not being able to afford 1st/business, cattle class makes flying such a bad experience that the thought of more than a 5 hour flight (e.g. to South America) puts me off. Look forward to seeing some pictures here.
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Hi Ken,
You will find us very friendly and to that end it would be useful if you could Edit your Profile and add "Ken" and "Seattle, WA, USA" into the Real Name and Location fields, so they come out in left column, as you'll see mine does.
I see you have reached 3 posts as I type this reply, so hopefully you are finding your way around CiC ok, but just ask if you have any questions.
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Hi Hasan,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us.
I had a quick look at your Flickr and I definitely see good photos by someone that has reached the limit of their technology (your camera phone), because with more control, I'm sure you'll do much better.
As I have said to a couple of people earlier, it helps if your name and Location are visible on the left, so it would be useful if you could Edit your Profile and add "Hasan" and "Palestine" into the Real Name and Location fields.
Regarding the choice of a good camera, you need to work out what are the most limiting factors with what you have, then post these, together with an idea of your budget, in the Digital Cameras & Equipment forum as a new thread. It will also help to say what you want to photograph, if that's not obvious from whatever else you say.
All the best,
I'm Dave, living in the UK. I've been photographing for more years than I care to remember(50 or so!), so have seen lots of changes in that time. My main interests are travel and wildlife (especially "safari") photography. I hope to learn from and even contribute to the forums. My current kit is fairly new, having had my bag stolen last Christmas, and mainly comprises Canon 600D, Sigma 17-70 f2.8 to 4, Tamron 70-300 f4 to 5.6.
I am Gary. live in the UK near Torquay. Been hooked on photography for 6 months.
My kit consists of a Canon EOS 550D with kit 18-55mm lens. Also just splashed out on a Sigma 18-250 f3.6 - 6.3. Never really been bothered before about photographs but I love every minute of it and it has truly opened my eyes. Very fortunate to live in Sunny Devon.
Looking forward to this journey!
Small background on what I've done photographically. I started with my parents' Kodak Brownie (when they weren't looking) and bought my first 35 mm camera, a Ricoh, with my first serious paycheque back in 1953. I've never looked back - nor stopped buying cameras since.
Now that I'm fully retired (ran out of people who would pay me) I can devote more time in my attempting to capture images that satisfy me. The kind of cameras and lenses that I own are immaterial (I always put black tape over the names), as they are just tools anyway. Digitally repeating what I thought I saw, is the big challenge.
Hi, I'm a newbie to photography. I got my first DSLR earlier in the year and I've just completed my first course (OU) but still feel a bit unsure about the whole thing! I'm hoping to pick up where I feel the course lacked through this forum and it's amazing looking tutorials.