Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Well i think i should have introduced myself before posting my biology questions, but i hope it`s not too late. My real name is Blagojevic Milos, and i work as teaching-assistant and PhD student at the Faculty of science, Institute for biology and ecology in the city of Kragujevac, located in Serbia. I have just finished my biology studies and currently am in pursue of academic career :rolleyes: (hooray). Because subject of my PhD stdies, and the stuff that i teach also, is chordate/vertebrate morphology my scientific work is concerned with it too. More specifically animals that i deal with are mammals, mostly from my own country (:eek: strange?). Primary focus of my fledgling research is skull and vertebral morphology. Skeletal specimens are hard to come by, but that is a different story. On the other side one of my major problems is a large surplus of interests, especially computer-oriented ones. Programming, photoshop, corel draw and video games mostly, though (openSolaris lately occupies my time). Photography was never in my focus, and sadly i miss that now. I was truly amazed with all the activity here, it is unlike most forums i have ever seen. Keep up the good work!
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Just joined and just purchased my first DSLR a Sony a200. Have used the point and shoot cameras for many years. I have found the tutorials contain very good info. I hope that I can learn a lot from everyone.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Blagojevic,
Great to have you join us, and thanks for coming over to this thread with the intro, it's never too late for an introduction.
So, you are not so dumb afterall, eh? more of a professor with a PhD, congratulations on your graduation and securing a job like that.
Getting out in the fresh air with a camera is better for you than sitting at a computer screen, but I am probably just as guilty as you on how long I spend in front of one ;)
I think we are fairly unique, with a friendly and active community feel, I hope you enjoy your time with us and we can tempt you into photography as a hobby - to add to the list :)
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Stan,
We have a few Sony shooters here, so you are not alone.
By all means ask away if you have any questions and do post some pictures to get the most out of us. It's good to see new DSLR starters develop and improve over the weeks and months.
Welcome to CiC from ....
1 Attachment(s)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Well first a welcome to everybody above me :). My name is Dirk, I am a man of 44 years of age that started with film at 12 years, but awoke the hobby since 2007 with digital:D
I am a Nikocanion or Canonikion , a rare species that must be handled with care:)
I shoot Nikon and Canon stuff, my most two used bought digitals are a Canon EOS 300D and a Nikon D70.
Some (not all) of my work is to be seen on the website with "the wrong name" :
You a welcome to leave a comment on the pictures. I will be able to help some but my knowledge of photograpy is still limited so don't shoot me if I make a error, but educate me :)
Oh yeah I am a Dutch bloke so English is not my primairy language so errors a likely to occur please read over them.
I hope that everyone now has a slight idea of who I am - I've attached a photo of me made by a friend.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi CiC Forum members,
Just registered and look forward to contributing.
Most of my work can be found on my web site but here is a taster (and to test for uploading image!)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Dirk,
Hi, I see you're already well into the swing of things and done a good intro so I'll skip most of formalities.
Your English looks good to me.
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Cat, or should that be Paul?
Nice image, and you've passed the image post test :)
Good pictures on the website too, somehow I doubt you'll be asking us questions.
Hope you enjoy contributing as much as I do!
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
I just entered the forum, I've been just reading, but now I think is time to contribute a little.
Normally a shoot film actually most B&W or chrome since the disappearance of direct negative enlargement in Brazil. I've been postponing the use of digital, but I receive a compact digital camera as a Christmas gift and start using then. Most of the time I am a Canon guy, but for some years I'm using most of the time rangefinders. Now I've been having fun whit digital cameras, if you want to see my pictures they are on:
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hello everyone,
I hope this finds all in good health and happiness.
First time I've done this and it feels comfortable. I'm am American citizen living currently in India at a place called Prashanthi Nilayam. I have been doing photography a short time using a D200 with Tamron lens 28/300 ... and a 500. Sooooooo many questions - would welcome tips and directions my photos can be seen at ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Alex and Dennis,
Welcome to CiC Forums - great to have you with us :)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hello Everyone: My name is Amber, and I have been shooting for 7 years. I've leisurely learned and am now shooting weddings for a studio and the rest on my own as I have small children and want to wait until they're in school to take on bigger commitments. I look forward to learning new things, as well as sharing what I know with you.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Alex,
You're already up to 9 posts, so you have worked most things by now, I'll just say that it's good to have you join us and contribute, so welcome from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Dennis,
We have soooo many answers, you'd better start asking :)
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Amber,
Where abouts do you hail from, if I may be so bold as to ask?
What sort of 'the rest' do you shoot?
Anyway, great to have you aboard the CiC forums, look forward to seeing more from you.
Welcome from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hello all,
This is me writing and saying greatings from Istanbul. I just wanted to say a quick hi to all forum mates.
I'm 26 y/o and into photgraphy just for 2 years. I think I'm the one is newbie in amateur photography. I'm mostly interested in technical issues on it becouse of I'm an engineer.:)
C ya
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Phobos,
Great to have you join us.
An engineer, heh? - I used to be one of them :)
Given it up now, unless you call be an intranet content and data engineer!
What sort of things do you like to photograph and what are you using?
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Through one of the CiC tutorials I discovered I've probably clipped the highlights in many of the files I've processed. Since that light came on I thought I'd join the forums in quest of further enlightenment.
I've spent thirty years or so chasing politicians and fire trucks but now that's all behind me. I enjoy making photographs of birds and revisiting images from my archives with digital tools.
The last year I've been shooting digital in earnest, trying to get as comfortable with Photoshop as I was with Tri-X and D-76 1:1 in my 'analog' days. It's been a struggle but I'm getting there I think. Sometimes a somewhat differently worded article helps me understand some digital photography concept that I've been struggling to grasp. My thanks to the authors of the CiC tutorials.
I shoot Olympus digital gear (E-3) but I really miss the wide angle lenses I used with my F-1's when I shot film. That's one reason I still keep the lenses even though I rarely shoot film these days. It's really hard to get used to the concept of a zoom lens being 'good.' Yep! Times and technology have changed!
You can see some of my pictures here. With any luck I'll be able to help that light come on for someone else!
George Jones
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi everyone. I found this forum whilst browsing for info on HDR photography. Read some threads and decided it was a great place to get info and feedback.
Anyway, my name is Keith, 23, mostly self taught photographer for the past 8 years or so. I have a Nikon D70s with a growing collection of accessories. I'm trying to weasel my way into a job using photography and have been shooting a lot more and learning everything I can. I'm naturally inclined to nature, landscapes and wildlife; and my work reflects that. Can't seem to find how to get a signature going so I'll just post the link to my flickr stream for now.
I'm going to ask questions here so I can be pointed in the right direction. I found the HDR thread so I'm good there. I'm also looking to upgrade my D70s to something equivalent in terms of features and level of camera as when it was new. I'd like to stick to Nikon since that's the lens system i have now. Ok the only other question i have is about bracketing.
So see everyone around and good shooting!
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Through one of the CiC tutorials I discovered I've probably clipped the highlights in many of the files I've processed. Since that light came on I thought I'd join the forums in quest of further enlightenment.
Hi George,
Great to have you with us.
Film has a lot more lattitude for highlight exposure than digital, thus the old film saying was "expose for the shadows & develop for the highlights". With digital it's "expose for the highlights & post-process for the shadows".
The highlight warning feature is a great "warning flag" for blown highlights - and histograms are great at indicating any degree of under-exposure.
We've discussed it recently if this helps at all ...
Exposure / Histograms and more here and still more here