Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi all,
Fairly new to the photography game, been practicing for about a year and a half so far. Keen to keep learning and see where it takes me. Been following the site for a while now and decided to drop into the forums and join in.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Fairly new to the photography game, been practicing for about a year and a half so far. Keen to keep learning and see where it takes me. Been following the site for a while now and decided to drop into the forums and join in.
David - Very glad you decided to stick a toe in the water and sign up. Most of the people on here are fairly normal !!!
I hope you enjoy it and that it does contribute to your learning and development. If there are any questions, please just shout.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, I'm Shari from Vancouver, Canada. I came across this site when researching info on wide angle photography. Decided to join as it looks like I can learn here. Been at photography for about seven years but there is so so much to learn. This is a hobby for me but I am loving it.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Decided to join as it looks like I can learn here.
I certainly hope so, Shari. Thank you for joining and a very warm welcome to you.
What I hope you'll find are lots of people who will be very willing to share their knowledge and experience and who will, hopefully, support you in your learning. So, please do get involved with posts and images and questions.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Greetings from Southern California! My name is John Gravelle, and have been schlinking around CiC forums for about a month now. Usually, I'm the guy that just looks at these types of forums, but does not participate. However, the energy, enthusiasm, and respect I've found on this forum has driven me to take a more invested role. I'm excited to be a part of it.
A little bit about me and my history with photography. My wife gave me my first DSLR a couple of years ago as a Christmas gift, and I've used it sparingly on all the "auto" modes. Over the past 4 months, however, I've taken more interest in learning about the art and science of photography, venturing away from the safe auto modes and towards a better understanding of capabilities of both the camera and the photographer. My curiosity led me here, where both the tutorials and the forum have given me a wealth of resources to start untangling the "mystery" of photography.
I look forward to learning from all of you!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, my name is Bruno and I'm an advanced amateur photographer. I am from Brazil and found this site which seems to be very useful to improve my photography. I also saw some beautiful pictures and it is an honor to join this community. I hope I can help everybody too in this wonderful world of photography. My personal web site is Thanks a lot to everybody. Best regards
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello everyone. I'm Ken Carpenter. I live in the Central Okanagan.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi there! I'm a newbie here, from Los Angeles, California. :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
That a nice mini-rush of folks signing up whilst I've been off line overnight.
Welcome to you all
Originally Posted by
Greetings from Southern California! My name is John Gravelle, and have been schlinking around CiC forums for about a month now. Usually, I'm the guy that just looks at these types of forums, but does not participate. However, the energy, enthusiasm, and respect I've found on this forum has driven me to take a more invested role. I'm excited to be a part of it.
Glad you like what you've seen on CiC, John. I hope it continues to be your firum of choice fro ongoing learning and development.
Originally Posted by
I hope I can help everybody too in this wonderful world of photography.
Thta's what CiC is very much about, Bruno - people helping each other. We don't really go for those who just want to show off their own knowledge without making that available to others so that they can grow their photographic skills
Originally Posted by
Kenneth D
Hello everyone. I'm Ken Carpenter. I live in the Central Okanagan.
Welcome Ken. I hope CiC proves to be a useful resource
Originally Posted by
Hi there! I'm a newbie here, from Los Angeles, California. :)
I hope that you, too, enjoy being part of the forum. And I hope that, like the others, you will be posting up some of your stuff for comment and/or in the competition threads.
To each of you I'd add - If you wish, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your location so that it shows up alongside all your posts, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi All
I'm Jas from Beccles in Suffolk, UK. I consider myself to be an avide novice with a reasonable eye and a lucky shutter. Like Munners above i also wish to master the art of manual photography. I thoughly enjoy the challenge of not only capturing an interesting image, but also manipulating it afterwards.
There are some truly outstanding nay AMAZING photographs here as posted by the members of CiC. You have all set a standard to which I hope one day to be equal with. Thank you for the inspiration.
Regards to you all
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello Jas and welcome to CiC.
First thing - So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Originally Posted by
Like Munners above i also wish to master the art of manual photography.
Well, I hope you find that this is the resource that can help you with that and many other aspects of photography. There are lots of people on here always willing to offer advice and assistance.
On that specific topic, you might like to have a read of this thread that has been running over the last few days.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello folks. I have seen this site grow and become one of the most respected in the photographic community, and therefore thought it about time I joined up and introduced myself. My name is Graham Serretta and I ocassionally write articles for websites such as Camera_ I have been passionate about imaging since God was a boy, and will remain so as long as I am able to create a photograph. Over the past 50 years (yes, I am no rookie) I have made my living from just about every discipline of the visual arts. Now I am semi-retired, I have even more time to enjoy my photography and talk to other like minded enthusiasts. I hope that I can make a positive contribution to Cambridge In Colour forums. I am sure that I will enjoy chatting to you all, as there is a great deal of expertise and knowledge here.
I live in Hertfordshire, U.K. At present I use a Canon Eos 7D and a Nikon D7k. My interest is food photography, travel photography, portraits and occasionally, landscapes. Thank you for allowing me to participate.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello folks. I have seen this site grow and become one of the most respected in the photographic community,
That is nice to hear.
Welcome Graham. Great to have you on board.
As you will probably be aware, CiC bills itself as a learning resource. On that basis and with your knowledge and experience, I hope that you will feel able to help and support others along the learning curve.
I always think that one of the good things, maybe the best thing, about CiC is that nobody is made to feel to feel stupid or inadequate because they don't already know the answer. It is about about helping people grow and develop.
So, I hope you enjoy the forum and will be involved for a long time to come.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Thanks for the warm welcome, Donald.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello Shooter Friends,
I am Amit, native of India. These days working and living in Seoul.
I am an owner of Canon 60D and 28-200mm lens.
I love pictures alot and trying to be a good Photographer.
But way to go... i hope you guys will help me.
This is one of the finest blogs i have came across in last one year.
Glad to be a part of it.
See you guys Arouns
Cheers !!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
amit jeed
Hello Shooter Friends,
I am Amit, native of India. These days working and living in Seoul.
Hello Amit. Welcome to CiC. I am very glad that you have signed up and hope that you enjoy being part of the forum and find it helpful.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi everyone, I'm Richard, a new member. I was impressed by your site and its tutorials and decided to join.Hobbyist photographer best describes me,my main interests are landscape,macro and wildlife.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Richard,
welcome to CiC, it's great to have you with us.
I look forward to seeing your pictures and speaking to you further over the coming weeks.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello I'm Ivor from Letchworth Garden City in the UK
I found this website by accident, however I was so impressed by all tutorials and "help" posts, I thought this is exactly what I need to improve my photography, albeit I have been a keen amateur for many years. I am looking forward not only to learn from the tutorials etc, but hopefully taking part in the forums and submitting images for viewing and help from all the members of the forum.
This is my test image
Image taken the Botanical Gardens, Cambridge, ENGLAND
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Delighted that you found us, Ivor and that you liked what you saw.
One of the things about the forum that continues to hold me is the spirit of co-operation and sharing of knowledge that exists. It makes you realise what a vast pool of skill and experience that you are tapping into.
I hope you enjoy being involved.