Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Greetings from the Anacortes / San Juan Islands area of Washington State! I became seriously involved with photography and zeroed in on the scenic/water/heritage structure aspect about 4 years ago after entering retirement from the airlines. Spend a good deal of time along the Puget Sound / ocean shorline or up in the Cascades shooting waterfalls and the like. Use a Canon 5D MKII and a 7D and a variety of lenses including the new Canon TS-E 24mm f/3.5 II tilt shift.
Recieved much of my instruction from local photographic legend, and very good friend, Dick Garvey (unfortunately Dick passed, very unexpectedly, about a year ago), and good friend Jack Lien from Olympia and the Palouse. Darwin Wiggett of "Oopoomo" in Canada has also been invaluable in my t/s education.
Have a dedicated computer for photography and use LR4 and PS CS6 along with Nik, OnOne, and Oleneo (photorealistic HDR) programs for post production work and a Epson large format 3880 printer.
Have finally gotten to the point that, rather than "run in, take 40 shots, and run out" that I want to "walk in, take 4 shots, and walk out" (might have something to do with age). As such I am enjoying the challange of composition, light, working with the 24mm t/s and 24/105, and various filters. and not depending on the software to do all the work.
Have followed this site for some time and am looking forward to gaining a better understanding of photographic challanges through conversations with members.
Bill Swain
Anacortes, WA
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
My name is Gordon Bassett. I live in Burnaby, British Columbia. I've been here for almost 50 years. I have been an amateur photographer since I was 12 or so. Most of my experience in photography has been a kind of photojournalism(taking pictures for school yearbooks).
I have introduced a unit on photography in my IT courses and the tutorials here have been a big help.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Bill Swain
Greetings from the Anacortes / San Juan Islands area of Washington State!
Great to have you here. As well as you hopefully learning as we all continually do, I hope your knowledge and experience will be put at the disposal of others so that they might benefit from your skills.
By the way, if you wish, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your location so that it shows up alongside all your posts, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Gordon Bassett
I've been here for almost 50 years.
Ah, another of these youngsters joining the forum!
Welcome Gordon and thank you for joining CiC.
Glad that you've found the tutorials useful and i hope that being part of the forum adds to the value you get from the site.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
My name is Nick, and live in Central Florida. I have enjoyed and learned much by searching the forums you have here. I am in my late 50's but just learning photography. Traveled around the country 30 years ago with an old 35 mm Yashica some family members gave me. I did not know how to use it. More luck than sense helped me to record my travels and also get a couple of nice pictures. Moved up in the digital age to point and shoot cameras. But I was always intrigued by low light scences, so started saving up some money a couple of years ago bought a dslr camera. I finally seem to be grasping relationships between F stops, shutter speeds, ISO and exposure. Thanks in advace for all your patience.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello Nick and welcome to the forum.
Originally Posted by
I finally seem to be grasping relationships between F stops, shutter speeds, ISO and exposure. Thanks in advace for all your patience.
I think one of the good things about CiC is that people do remember what it was like clambering along the learning curve and trying to get some of this stuff embedded in the brain. With the attitude of wanting to help others learn, I think you'll find folks on here do have lots of patience and are happy to try and help others progress. That's what the forum is very much about.
I hope you enjoy being involved.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I am Mehboobkhan from India. Photography is my hobby. I want know and share my knowledge with other.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I am Mehboobkhan from India. Photography is my hobby. I want know and share my knowledge with other.
Hello, Mekboobkhan and welcome to CiC. If you wish, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your location so that it shows up alongside all your posts, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
I hope you enjoy being part of the forum and that it does give you the chance to both develop your own knowledge and skills, but also that you can share what you already know in order to help others.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, recently joined the site after a friend recommended it to me. Having had a Lumix FZ45 for a couple of years and enjoy taking pictures, decided it was time I got a new camera and got into photography properly so I bought a Nikon D3100 and am trying to learn as much as I can from various tutorials and books.
Having spent the last six months on the auto modes thought it was time to get to grips with the rest, just managing to shoot on Aparature and Shutter settings at the moment and with great difficult Manual mode, not everything sinks in at once (call it my age)
I like near Manchester in the UK and love to shoot Landscape and nature photography, also have a keen love of Tennis which I also love to shoot at, hoping to get as much as I can from here and hope to get to know you all.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Having spent the last six months on the auto modes thought it was time to get to grips with the rest, just managing to shoot on Aparature and Shutter settings at the moment and with great difficult Manual mode, not everything sinks in at once (call it my age)
Hello Karen and a warm welcome onto the forum.
CiC is about learning and you'll find lots of people on here very willing to answer questions, offer advice, etc.
As to the Manual mode thing, yes it's great to get to grips with that as it gives you real feel for the relationship between aperture, shutter and ISO setting and time spent in that mode will not be wasted. But Av and Tv are modes that still put you in control .... and that's the crucial point - you make the decisions, not the camera.
With respect to those who never move from the auto modes, but that is never going to offer you the chance to grow and develop as a photographer. Whereas the likes of Av and Tv do put you in the driving seat. That's the big difference.
So, I hope you enjoy being here and I hope you'll post up some images for comment etc.
By the way, if you wish, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your location so that it shows up alongside all your posts, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi! I live in South Central Kentucky and I bought my first digital camera about a month ago. It's a Fujiflim S4250. I made the switch from film after I paid too much to have my last 4 rolls of film developed. :) I'm very new to all the settings of digital cameras, especially aperture, ISO and shutter speeds. I've taken 500- 600 images so far, and I'm finding that I really like the macro aspect of photography. I happened onto this site while looking up information about the above settings. I look forward to reading about those and much more here. Thanks for having me!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I happened onto this site while looking up information about the above settings. I look forward to reading about those and much more here. Thanks for having me!
Thank you for signing up to CiC, Donnie.
That's the name I get called by all the folks back at home who knew my dad, grandad, etc., who were also 'Donnie'.
Great to have you here. I hope you enjoy being part of CiC and that, for you, it lives up to its name of being a leading learning resource.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Guys ,
I'm Natalie im a cyclist as well as a photographer . My goal is to Learn How to Shoot In Manual Settings and get great pictures
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Natalie Commons
I'm Natalie im a cyclist as well as a photographer .
I hope you don't try and do both at the same time. That could get dangerous!
Welcome Natalie. Great to have you here.
I hope that being part of CiC can help you achieve what you want in terms of your photography. It is a learning resource, so as well as using the tutorials, I hope you find that being part of the forum allows you to tap in to a pretty impressive body of knowledge and experience.
The only way to get to grips with camera settings once you leap off the 'Auto' setting is through practice, practice and practice. Shoot hundreds of frames of everything and anything, but as you're doing so keep asking yourself what it is you are doing, what are you intending to achieve and, then, what the results are.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Everyone,
Just found your website when I was looking for some photography tutorials. Good tutorials which I have found useful this morning, so, thought I would join.
Also noticed you have competitions which I would like to submit one or two. Although, I'm after feedback rather than winning something.
Looking forward to being part of this community.
I'm in Poole, Dorset, UK. :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi Everyone,
Just found your website when I was looking for some photography tutorials. Good tutorials which I have found useful this morning, so, thought I would join.
Also noticed you have competitions which I would like to submit one or two. Although, I'm after feedback rather than winning something.
Looking forward to being part of this community.
I'm in Poole, Dorset, UK. :)
First thing - You've maybe seen that most of us tend to use our real names on here. It makes communication more friendly and CiC is that sort of site. Did you know you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts.
Thanks for 'signing-up'. I hope you enjoy being part of CiC. In addition to the tutorials, you now, of course, have access to all the knowledge and experience that exists across the other members of the forum. CiC is very much a place for sharing knowledge. We're not the sort of forum where people hold onto their 'little secrets'. This place is very much about supporting people in their learning and development.
As for posting images. the competitions are there for a bit of fun and allow people to measure the quality of their work against others. But they are not places from comment and criticism. If that is what you wish, then post images into threads that you create in the Nature & Architecture or People and pets sections of the forum (we don't have lots of sub-sections). And to help you get the most from feedback, you might like to have a read of this thread - How to Get Effective Feedback for your Posted Images
Howdy... yep, i'm a Yank...
tho i seldom actually say 'Howdy'... i live a handful of minutes from what is called the 'North Coast' of Lake Erie in the USA...
i May be a novice, but consider myself a 'beginner' in digital photography... i have so many ?'s that i will ask none at this time... i need to learn the basics before i know which questions to ask...
i have no desire to 'go pro'... my interest is to learn to take good pictures of my young son's life; pics that he, his family, and others will enjoy for many years to come...
a gift which my Dad gave to me...
afn... [ All For Now ]
regards... Dnorm
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I am Dhina im not well in photography 10months ago i bought my Canon 60D ,during my stay at Canada, now looking back my photos at Canada i Love to learn a lot in Photography so this ...
Re: Howdy... yep, i'm a Yank...
Originally Posted by
tho i seldom actually say 'Howdy'... i live a handful of minutes from what is called the 'North Coast' of Lake Erie in the USA...
i May be a novice, but consider myself a 'beginner' in digital photography... i have so many ?'s that i will ask none at this time... i need to learn the basics before i know which questions to ask...
i have no desire to 'go pro'... my interest is to learn to take good pictures of my young son's life; pics that he, his family, and others will enjoy for many years to come...
a gift which my Dad gave to me...
afn... [ All For Now ]
regards... Dnorm
Hello Dnorm and welcome to life on CiC.
It is all about supporting and encouraging people in their learning, so I hope you find that it suits you.
If you wish, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your location so that it shows up alongside all your posts, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
I hope that being part of CiC can helps you become as good a photographer as you want to be.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I am Dhina im not well in photography 10months ago i bought my Canon 60D ,during my stay at Canada, now looking back my photos at Canada i Love to learn a lot in Photography so this ...
Hello Dhina
You tell us where you've been, but you do not tell us where you are from. If you wish, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your location so that it shows up alongside all your posts, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
I hope that you do enjoy being involved in the forum and that it does help your photographic learning and development.