Hi Dave,
it's great to have you with us and welcome to CiC.
I hope you find it a great place to learn and share your knowledge with others.
I am certainly looking forward to seeing you work, it sounds right up my street.
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my name is Marco and i live in Azores. I have a Nikon D90 and i'm a newbee in photography.
I just found this site and I must thank the great tutorials.
Hi there Marco, welcome to CiC. I'm sure you will enjoy this site, it is a great place to learn and talk to others with the same interest.
Don't forget to add your name and a rough lacation to your profile (showen on the left); most people use first names on this site and it will stop members from keep asking in future post.
Once again it's nice to have you join us.
Hello everyone. I'm Kelly, I'm twelve years old, and I live in Ohio. I just joined today after looking at some of the info on this site. It has really helped with my science fair project (Using a Digital Camera to Measure Skyglow). I have been taking photos since I was six, and my father is an amateur photographer.
Hi Kelly,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us.
You mentioned your father is an amateur photographer too - can we gain another new member in your family? :)
Or perhaps he's already here.
Is that skyglow meaning the light pollution from towns and cities?
Well I've asked loads of questions and that's your job really, so if you have any, don't hesitate to ask, ideally in the relevant forum to attract more replies, rather than here. (although we can always move it if need be)
All the best,
Hi everyone. My name is Bojan Živković. I speak English, Greek and Russian basics. I am graphic designer, blogger, teacher and learner open for networking and collaboration.
Hi everyone I just joined up & would like to say hello. I'm a freelance videographer, and love photography, so I would like to expand on becoming a better photographer and learn more techniques,tricks, and skills to fulfill my dreams of becoming a great photographer.
I thought I'd say "hi" as well. I joined up after reading some of the excellent tutorials.
I love photography although I am fortunate in that I don't have to make my living from it, which means I can shoot what I want, when I want, without any pressure.
I don't smoke or drink, but am addicted to Canon gear!
I look forward to sharing, posting, commenting and above all, learning.
Hello all,
I found the tutorials and they helped me a ton. When I saw the forum button I started lurking a little and finally decided to sign up. I've been playing with 35mm for a few years, but honestly didnt know much besides shutter speed and ISO. I've received a hand me down Canon Rebel XT from my GF's dad and it has been awesome for learning and practicing. Im very open to critisism. Thanks to CiC ive learned a lot more and hope to keep learning and start taking better photos.
Hi Mitch,
I'm glad you took the plundge and joined the forum. :)
There is a great bunch of people here at CiC; that are more than willing to help and guide you and the best part is it's all for free.:cool:
What sort of Photography are you into?
As with all new members I look forward to seeing your pictures and hope you enjoy being an active member.
Hello Everyone,
My name is Paul, I am from Brisbane Australia and I am currently doing a Diploma in Photography (started last week) and found this forum today and it has already helped me to understand a few things i wasn't getting :) so Thanks heaps already :) anyway just a quick Hello as I am still studying and have to get back to it :)
Hello Paul and Welcome,
Me thinks you could be a fan of Tolkien.
My name is Jim, and I just joined CIC yesterday. I am a retired factory worker from Ohio, and I have a passion for photography, although a lot of the technical aspects seem way over my head. My main love is for Landscapes and animals, but I will shoot anything if I think I can create a reasonably good picture. What I try to present, on Flickr, or any other sharing site, is something that looks very natural with just a little spice added. That is why I love to use Topaz Adjust and Topaz Simplify in editing, where I can add detail and contrast, while staying below the HDR mark. I do toy with HDR from time to time though. I plan on reading a lot of threads here, so I can better understand how to get the best shots possible. I would like to thank my good friend Sharon ..aka Daisy Mae.. for introducing me to this wonderful site.
I am very glad you could join us Jim, it's a really friendly place and you will be made most welcome.
You are one of the few photographers I know who can judge the use of HDR and not become tempted to 'overcook' the picture. :)
Thank you, Sharon. I have 'Overcooked' a few in my time. LOL.
Welcome Paul, ah HDR - a revolution if used sparingly! I like topaz too but use Nik more often.
Hello all,
My friends call me JB, I'm from Romania and I made a passion for fly fishing and photography. After reading this forum for a few weeks I decided to join this friendly community as I would like to learn as much as possible from more experienced photographers
So I want to salute you and give a friendly hand shake to all :)