Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi folks: My name is Trevor and I live in Auckland, New Zealand. I have been taking photos since 1981 when I got my first 35mm film cameras - Nikon F3s and Canon A-1s. I learned the rudiments of photography by studying books from people like John Hedgecoe for months before I got my hand on a camera. I did engineering photography in Oz for a year and then travelled around NZ and Oz for almost a year taking transparencies, some of which I was lucky to sell. Since then I went to live in Canada and got out of photography for some time until I re-discovered my interest about 5 years ago. Then I sold my film camera gear and went digital.
These days my interest is still landscape wildlife and travel photography, and I must admit to being a gear freak - I have stuck with Canons this time (nothing against Nikons which I love too but mixing is too expensive!). I am luckly to have access to travel in both NZ and Canada, and photography is my stress relief and will be what I retire to when I can afford that luxury.
It is a pleasure to be part of this group, I enjoy the company of those with whom I can share a desire to do justice to the art and science .
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi folks: My name is Trevor and I live in Auckland, New Zealand. I have been taking photos since 1981 when I got my first 35mm film cameras - Nikon F3s and Canon A-1s. I learned the rudiments of photography by studying books from people like John Hedgecoe for months before I got my hand on a camera. I did engineering photography in Oz for a year and then travelled around NZ and Oz for almost a year taking transparencies, some of which I was lucky to sell. Since then I went to live in Canada and got out of photography for some time until I re-discovered my interest about 5 years ago. Then I sold my film camera gear and went digital.
These days my interest is still landscape wildlife and travel photography, and I must admit to being a gear freak - I have stuck with Canons this time (nothing against Nikons which I love too but mixing is too expensive!). I am luckly to have access to travel in both NZ and Canada, and photography is my stress relief and will be what I retire to when I can afford that luxury.
It is a pleasure to be part of this group, I enjoy the company of those with whom I can share a desire to do justice to the art and science .
Nice to meet you Trevor, from "all the way down here in Nelson" :)
I think "retirement" is the most beautiful word in the English language!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello, I am Ken, I have been into Photography since the days of using Glass Plate Cameras, followed by the Twin Lens Relax camera, now to the exciting Digital age. It's been a long journey, but full of magic.
Welcome Ken. Great to have you here. I hope some of that experience will be shared with others on here in order to help them learn.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Everyone.My name is Chris and I live in Cape Town , Southa Africa.
I started photgraphy 3 years ago and now it preoccupies my mind and time !Living in this part of the world makes photography a very special partime expescailly if you are an outdoors person and nature lover like me!
Apart from ones own creative input there is also the technical side to master and I have found this website to particulaly helpfull.
I look forward to chatting to you but first I need to find my way around !
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Chris Coetzee
Hi Everyone.My name is Chris and I live in Cape Town , Southa Africa.
I started photgraphy 3 years ago and now it preoccupies my mind and time !
I know the feeling!
Welcome Chris and thank you for deciding to 'sign-up' to CiC. I hope that being part of the forum adds to the usefulness of the site and, also, that we see some of your images being posted up.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
My name is Jim I am close to Heathrow airport, West London i have only recently restarted with my interest in photography. I have always wanted a DSLR but never liked the size of them but with the recent advances and additions of the CSC range i decided to go halfway and get a Sony NEX-5N to play with. All I can say is wow, What a difference to my pictures already. So much so I am now wondering if I will end up upgrading to a full on DSLR in the near future
Any way looks good round here so hope to be interacting on the forum soon, just got to start with updating my profile first
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
My name is Jim I am close to Heathrow airport, West London i have only recently restarted with my interest in photography. I have always wanted a DSLR but never liked the size of them but with the recent advances and additions of the CSC range i decided to go halfway and get a Sony NEX-5N to play with. All I can say is wow, What a difference to my pictures already. So much so I am now wondering if I will end up upgrading to a full on DSLR in the near future
Any way looks good round here so hope to be interacting on the forum soon, just got to start with updating my profile first
Hi Jim,
Welcome to CiC, it's great to have you with us.
I'm not too far away, just a short trip around the M25 to near the QE2 bridge area.
I hope you enjoy the tutorials as well as interacting with the members.
I look forward to seeing you work and talking to you further over the coming weeks.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
My name is Jim I am close to Heathrow airport, West London i have only recently restarted with my interest in photography. I have always wanted a DSLR but never liked the size of them but with the recent advances and additions of the CSC range i decided to go halfway and get a Sony NEX-5N to play with. All I can say is wow, What a difference to my pictures already. So much so I am now wondering if I will end up upgrading to a full on DSLR in the near future
Hi Jim,
I had to reply, due to our apparent proximity :)
I was born one side of the airport (east), my Dad (also a "Jim" by coincidence) worked there and now I live the other side ;)
Don't rush to 'upgrade', take your time.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi John, Dave thanks for the welcome and kind advice.
Maybe see you out and about one day in the not too distant future for a local photo group meet if such a thing ever occurs..?
Also looking for some tips on kit as I am in need of support equipment still. Am currently looking for
> decent cleaning kit
> lens filters
> tripod
> infra red remote control
> macro lens
That's my short list but interested in tips for any other useful items to go with a Sony NEX-5N
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi - I am Tony, originally from England I spent many years in the Middle East and Asia before arriving in British Columbia, Canada. I used to shoot wedding photography until I started traveling - now my photography preferences are airshows, rodeo and landscapes. Looking forward to seeing peoples work and learning from your collective expertise. I use a Canon T1i and will be upgrading to an EOS 7D soon. I have a Canon 100 - 400 zoom, Sigma 70 - 200 zoom and a reasonable assortment of prime lenses. I have also started experimenting with a LensBaby Composer.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi to all, my name is Niamh and i am a new member, i hope to learn lots from everyone and will upload some of my pics soon. I use a Esos 1100D i also use the Iphone 5 which also takes great pictures.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi I have just joined, I am currently living in Gozo, my partner and I are sailing the med on our Yacht, we reached Gozo in May and will stay for a few years maybe longer, I have only recently taken a bigger interest in photography , its all interesting , and I only use the manual position on my olympus e300, looking forward to chatting to fellow members who i hope will give me advice and help in my quest to take stunning sailing photos, thats it for now
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Thanks for your warm and helpful advice. I am a late entrant in the world of photography. Although the desire has been always with me, personal problems put restrictions to pursue my hobby earnestly. I hope I would be able to reap benefit by joining this forum as it would enable a novice like me to interact with experienced and knowledgeable persons in the field of photography. thanks again - Jayanta
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
hey there
my name is chelsea danielle and i have been a photographer for the past five years. i began photographing and filming metal shows with a wide-angle point and shoot (panasonic lumix) and used that camera for four years. last september i bought a nikon D5100 and have been using it ever since. i still go to a lot of concerts/festivals/shows and film and photograph musicians, but my favorite subject to photograph is glass.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
A rush of folk signing up in the last few hours, which is great.
Welcome to you all. I hope you enjoy what CiC has to offer in terms of it being a learning resource and place where knowledge and information is shared in order to help us all continue the development of our skills.
A couple of things:
- To those of you who didn't enter your proper name or location in your profile, so that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
- For those who haven't used Capitals to begin sentences etc., we have a lot of members from all over the world whose first language is not English. It greatly helps them in particular, but also all of us, if just the basic rules of grammar are followed. No-one expects perfect English (thank goodness), but Capitals, full stops, commas and spell-checking really do help. Thanks.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
hello! i'm Carolina and i live in Metepec, México. i love photography and i'm looking forward to buy my first DSRL, although i'm familiar with manual modes, right now i only own a compact camera. i'm quite excited to take part of this forum.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello to All. My name is Earl. I will be able to visit here from time to time, the frequency will depend on my wondering attention :) This is not medical, but I like to pretend at times that it is. Well wishes to you all !!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi. I know you guys can help me win a photo contest with my D50. HAHAHAHA
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi to everyone,
I have always had a passion for photography but never used anything more than a digital compact. I have taken the leap into digital photography and bought a Canon 1100D kit with the two lens pack. I have a passion for motor sports and modded cars. A great way to practice my photographic skills. I have recently purchased a Canon 30D with the battery pack and everything so now need to get a bit more serious and use them for what they were designed for. My other passions are golf, fishing, walking and ICT.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
hello! i'm Carolina and i live in Metepec, México. i love photography and i'm looking forward to buy my first DSRL, although i'm familiar with manual modes, right now i only own a compact camera. i'm quite excited to take part of this forum.
It doesn't matter what kind of camera you own, the real key to success in photography is your passion and your ability to learn and develop your knowledge and skills. People here on CiC will be very happy to help you with that last point as they are always willing to share their experience in order to help other people learn.
So, I hope you enjoy being part of CiC.