Hello Earl
I hope you enjoy the opportunity to learn and develop photography skills here on CiC.
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Bob - Congratulations on the new 'toys' and welcome to the world of CiC. I hope that being part of this forum can help your learning development and does contribute to to sustaining and, indeed, growing your passion fro photography.
I hope that what you will find on here are a bunch of fellow enthusiasts who believe that sharing ideas and knowledge, looking to help others and generally enjoying photography rather than getting hung up on all the technical stuff, is the way to have a useful, constructive and informative online forum.
Hi my name is Chris (Ceejay65)
I came to digital photography relatively recently as a means of making copies of my artwork. Cards and prints followed as well as several competition wins. I use CS5 photoshop and an HS10 bridge camera. Recently I have teamed up with a local photographer and I have used some of his techniques on my own work. I have included a selection of recent images, some merged and some a combination of artwork and photos. I would welcome honest feedback on how well they work.
Chris A very warm welcome.
First thing - so that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
You mention posting images. Whenever you want feedback on images, the best thing to do is post them into a newly created thread in either the Nature & Architecture and the People and Pets sections of the forum (We don't have lots and lots of sub sections for images in the way that some other fora do.
For help in posting images into messages, have a read of - HELP THREAD: How can I post images here. And then this one - How to Get Effective Feedback for your Posted Images - will help in knowing how to help people give you the feedback you want.
Hello everyone my name is Lesley, I originate from the beautiful Peak District and have lived in the flatlands (Netherlands) for the past 9 years from one extreme to another one might say. I am a jewellery designer / maker as a profession and I am so frustrated after taking such time and effort in designing and creating my pieces, I have the worst photos ever. I arrived to this forum after researching online how to imporve on my current camera set-up, hints and tips on what can be done to improve my jewellery photography. I was this morning researching extension tubes over a macro lens.
The summer season is behind me now, so I want to take this time now to ensure I have "as near as" perfect photos for a wonderful new website next year.
"Dennis" is my Canon 500D, who currently is adorned with the standard EFS 18-55mm lens, no macro as of yet..I will be asking advice on this later. I take my photos of my jewellery usually on a white background, inside a basic 50cm x50cm light tent surrounded by 1 to 3 "daylight" 20 watt bulbs.
Thats me and Dennis, I'm gonna spend a little time going through the forum, looking at old posts, maybe I find all the info I need there, if not I'll check back with questions to all the experts later.
Lesley- Welcome to both you and Dennis. Great to have you here.
I hope you do find that being part of the forum does help to answer questions and to develop your knowledge and skills.
The other thing to try on your search through the forum is to click on 'Discussion Categories' from the menu bar and choose macro. A lot of what you find will be about bugs and insects, but there have been discussions also about objects. I remember that there have been specific discussions about photographing jewellery, but couldn't find them using that as the search word .... which is not much help to you!
EDIT - Of course I made the obvious mistake. I put in 'jewellry' instead of 'jewelry'. Try that and you get lots of returns.
Hi, my name is Hal. I've been prowling the zones of focus for more than a few decades. I began in the 'olde' days of film photography with a medium format system and adopted the zone system as my method of operation. The switch to digital was made when Canon's MK5 full frame camera came out. I also moved from the darkroom to Photoshop to process my work. I consider myself, primarily, a fine-art photographer.
Welcome Hal, and thank you for deciding to join CiC. You obviously have considerable experience under your belt and I hope that, in the spirit of sharing that is an underpinning philosophy of the site, it will be available to others in order to help them learn.
If you prefer being addressed as Hal rather than Harold, then you might wish to edit 'Real Name' in your profile to reflect that fact.
My name is Darius. I study Graphic Design. In my spare time, I also draw and work with color pencils, chalk and some paint etc. In 2002 I bought a second hand Leica R camera with two lenses a 28mm and 60mm...I tried to learn about photography and photographing both formally and later experimentally. Although the best learning method was to go out and take images and be self critical. I used various Black and white films: Tri-X, Ilford FP4, and Color slide films such as Kodachrome 200, and Kodak Infra red EIR Color. In 2007 I purchased my first digital camera a Canon G7 compact, and was amazed by the convenience of Digital photography, albeit its shortcomings, as well, at the time. I hope among other things that by being here I learn more about digital photography as well as various photographic techniques, approaches etc. Also hope to be able to contribute something back. I try to use the camera among other things as a sketch book. I carry it mostly with me. I think the only easy part about photography is releasing the shutter. Thanks
My name is Simon and I live in Derbyshire in the UK. I have approx 5 years of photography experience, but am looking to take my skills to the next level. I have tried my hand at most things, but I favour straightforward portrait photography.
I am interested to learn more about the theory of things like lenses and flash, DOF ... not just THAT things happen this way of that, but WHY they do. Consequently, my first post was asking for any info about a good text on such matters.
I hope to learn greatly from this forum.
Dear Sir
I would at the very outset thank yourselves for accepting me in your group.
I am Ambernath from the little paradise island of Mauritius , in the Indian Ocean.
I would be grateful if I could be allowed to table a few queries pertaining to my camera and a few photo related issues.?
I would like to congratulate the whole team of CIC for your laudable work.
Darius - you don't say where you are. If you wish, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your location so that it shows up alongside all your posts, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Great to have you here and I am sure that as well as, hopefully you learning, you will indeed be able to contribute to help others with their photographic development. Thank you for joining CiC.
Simon - There are lots of people on here who, like you, have that interest and a significant amount of knowledge that, I know, they will be very happy to share.
I hope you enjoy being part of CiC and that in contributes to your ongoing learning.
By the way, - so that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Welcome, Ambernath and thank you for deciding to join CiC.
This forum exists to help people learn, so I hope you will post up some of your questions. Amongst the members on here, there is a huge amount of knowledge and skill and people will always be very pleased to try and help your learning and development.
If you wish, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your location so that it shows up alongside all your posts, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Hi Folks. My name is Hall, I live in Co Antrim in N Ireland. I've recently been inspired to get into photography by a friend who has began a course in the subject. That, and a feeling that the kids were growing up and the world outside was passing me by without being captured. Despite dabbling with 35mm film in the 80's I'm a complete novice albeit willing to learn!
Judging by some of the skilled photographers on here I have a lot to learn! My man interests are sport and landscapes and these are what I hope to focus on. I've purchased a Nikon d7000 with an 18-55 kit lense and a 55-200 as well.
Hello Folks,
My name is Amayo Uzo Philips. i am from Nigeria and a movie producer Director in Nollywood. i am happy to be part of this noble forum. thanks for accepting my request to join.
Thanks for the kind word, but I'd like to post a photo but can't figure out how it's done (the simple(?) way. Or is there a simple way.