Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, Greetings,
My name is clarb I live in Port St Lucie and Haiti I enjoy digital photography, I am so glad that I found your website and fill that I will learn a great deal to improve on my techniques. I am a retired Naturopath,ND and use photographyas my main hobby so I am glad to join your site thanks a million.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello my name is Sachin, taking photos is my hobby and i am here to learn from all of you and get better and improve on my techniques
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
My name is clarb I live in Port St Lucie and Haiti I enjoy digital photography,
Hello Clarck and welcome to CiC. I hope that being part of the forum does indeed help you to learn and improve your photographic skills.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello my name is Sachin, taking photos is my hobby and i am here to learn from all of you and get better and improve on my techniques
Welcome Sachin. Your joining up with a whole lot of fellow enthusiasts who are very willing to share knowledge and experience in order to help learning and development. So, please do join in discussions, ask questions and, of course post up images for comment and criticism.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Welcome, welcome I am there.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Welcome, welcome I am there.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, I'm Frank or Orsett and live in England.
I was attracted to CiC because of the quality of information and high standard of photography. A standard that I hope I will reach.
I've created an Album called "Orsett's Selection". It is an assortment of photos that shows some of the facets of photography that I dabble in. Please have a look ......... it will only take a couple of minutes!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi, I'm Frank or Orsett and live in England.
I was attracted to CiC because of the quality of information and high standard of photography. A standard that I hope I will reach.
I've created an Album called "Orsett's Selection". It is an assortment of photos that shows some of the facets of photography that I dabble in. Please have a look ......... it will only take a couple of minutes!
Hello Frank, and a very warm welcome to CiC. Glad you found us and that you liked what you've seen.
Had a look at the album. I like the image of the musician's on the street. I hope you'll post your images up into the main forum, either in the competition threads or in the sections for comment and criticism, which is one of the best ways of learning. The good thing about CiC is that you don't get the wholly negative comments you get in some places. Instead what folk on here strive to do is provide constructive comments that are designed to help your learning.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hey there!
My name is Elizabeth. I joined because I am in a photography class. I was originally in my teachers yearbook class but wanted to switch to a photography one, and since he teaches both, he just changed the subject of which i was learning. So i am the only photography student in a class of yearbook-ee's. My teacher doesn't explain things to me very well and just posts the assignments i am supposed to do on the computer. I have a freaking huge-A load of (insanely overdue) homework to do.
Does anyone know: One bad thing about autofocus?
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hey there!
My name is Elizabeth. I joined because I am in a photography class. I was originally in my teachers yearbook class but wanted to switch to a photography one, and since he teaches both, he just changed the subject of which i was learning. So i am the only photography student in a class of yearbook-ee's. My teacher doesn't explain things to me very well and just posts the assignments i am supposed to do on the computer. I have a freaking huge-A load of (insanely overdue) homework to do.
Does anyone know: One bad thing about autofocus?
Hello Elizabeth. Great to have you here and I hope that being part of CiC does help you learn and develop. Lots of people on here will be very happy to help.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
As to your question. What you need to do is go into Forums/General Photography Discussion and then click on '+ Post New Thread' near the top left of the page. Then, in the window that appears type in a title for the thread and then write your message, asking your question. A lot of people who will be able to help you with that answer don't often come into this bit of the forum. More people will see it if you post the question in a new thread.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
My name is Saurabh I am based in IndiaI have been doing photography from Film days and recently moved to digital so in the process of understanding digital and so thanks in adavmce to everyone here.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
My name is Saurabh I am based in IndiaI have been doing photography from Film days and recently moved to digital so in the process of understanding digital and so thanks in adavmce to everyone here.
Hi Saurabh,
Welcome to CiC, it's great to have you with us.:)
I look forward to seeing your pictures and talking to you over the coming weeks.
kind regards
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi my name is Tracey I live in Australia on the Mornington Peninsula. I own a Canon EOS 600D which I bought in June, so still very new to all this. I am currently taking a course in Essential Elements to photography and I am into my third week. I enjoy taking pictures of birds, landscapes, animal, ocean, sunsets, people etc etc I think you get the picture LOL. I look forward to chatting and getting to learn more of what photography can offer me. Cheers in advance :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I look forward to chatting and getting to learn more of what photography can offer me. Cheers in advance :)
Hello Tracey. Thank you for deciding to sign up here on CiC. Welcome to the world of the obsessive enthusiast!
I hope that being part of the forum can complement and build on what your getting out of the course that you're taking. One good thing about this forum, I feel, is that it attracts members who are more than willing to constructively share knowledge, experience and advice in order to help other people learn. So, please get right in there with your own contributions, questions, etc.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello everybody,
I'm Vinay Gabani, I'm new to this group. I've joined to increase my caliber as well as to imbibe changing pace in digital photography. I'm passionate about photography (though I have limitations in implementing), and eager to experiment. I hope I am going to learn a lot.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Thanks for the prompt. Just needed get a "round tuit". love your site. I enjoy monochrome and panoramas and have been a photographer many years. I am in Perth Western Australia.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Michel, its my screen name. Started photography when I was twelve. That is long ago, through the years I shot probably thousands of pictures. Sometimes good ones, mostly very mediocre. Until, digital photography presented itself as an excellent opportunity to feel unburdened to make loads of bad pictures. That was an effective learning process and it lead to my shots improving over the last ten years. My subjects, nature, land- and water scapes, birds, mostly flying, and insects. Joined this community because I want to learn about photography and the digital technique behind it.
My cameras, Fuji S100FS and lately the Fuji X-S1. Very satisfied with both. My database includes some ten thousand images. The best ones I have printed on A4 and they are on the wall. (until the ink fades)
Printer is a Canon MG6150, the computer is an Acer M3710 and the OS is Ubuntu 12.04 precise. Digikam is my favorite image processing software.
I live in The Netherlands, in a polder, right behind the dike that protects us from the sea. Daily bike trips offer many opportunities to watch nature and take pictures in summer and winter.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Good day everyone, same as the my username is my full name, born and raised in the Philippines, found this new hobby on photography few years back, as i was working here on sandpit (AFG), to be able to have diversion on the daily routine we have in camp, its just nice to find this site which is very helpful.
thanks admin for putting up this site, great help for newbie like me. this site is highly appreciated.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I have been an amateur photographer since the mid-1970s, so I guess that dates me somewhat. After a long hiatus (family, career, etc) I took up photography seriously again in 2003, when I bought my first digital camera, a Fuji 6X 'superzoom'.
The sheer freedom of being able to rattle off hundreds of shots without a cost consequence inspired me to relearn my old hobby. Since then I have invested a great many dollars into my love, and, at the same time, photography has also returned me several thousands of dollars through the occasional photo shoot. I'm still learning and, on occasions, I can impart learning, which is why I join (and enjoy) sites such as these.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi I'm Lenny from Melbourne Australia.
I've always been interested in Photography but never really took the time to get involved.
I've retired now and have purchased a D90 which I am slowly but surely starting to understand.
Most of my photo's seem to be based mainly on luck,I'd love to be able to actually sort out my actions on the camera before I go shooting.To actually have some sort of a plan.I spend too much time on the theory side of things as I want to know everything.I read books and books on all the subjects of Photography which helps,but at times confuses.
Hopefully one day I'll feel confident in my photography,and would like to get to a stage where that whatever is in front of me,I could photograph competently.I can dream can't I ?