Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
My name is Luis; I am from Puebla, Mexico and currently I live in US in the state of South Carolina.
Hello Luis and welcome to CiC.
I think you are correct when you say that what really can make a difference is lots of practice. Study the work of others photographers whose pictures you admire. Ask yourself what it is they have done to make the picture so attractive. Ask lots of question of other people on here. I would hope they will always provide a helpful response.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello, My name is Rick and I am from Columbia South Carolina. I just received my early Christmas present to myself last night. T4i with 18-135 STM kit lens, I was so tired of missing those special moments because the shutter was too slow or there was not enough light to get pics of the Christmas lights at night. After 30 minutes with the presets I am already amazed at the difference between this camera and a Point and shoot. Not ti dig in and learn how to use it properly.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, I'm Kait!
Newbie photographer here. Always wanted a DSLR and finally got a Canon T3 Rebel to see if it's something I can see myself doing long term.
Currently living in Los Angeles so I won't be able to take many landscape photos, but I love going into the city and soaking up all the urban lifestyle.
Hope to learn some tips and tricks and definitely excited to meet other photography enthusiasts!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I just received my early Christmas present to myself last night.
What a nice, generous person you are ............ and I hope you are grateful.
Congratulations Rick, I am sure you will come to love it and the more you practice and get to know it, the more you'll doscover just how much of a step up from a P & S it is. In terms of learning how to use it: Read the manual. Practice, practice, practice. Read the manual. Practice, practice, practice. Read the manual. Practice, practice, practice. And, of course, ask lots of question on here.
Great to have you on board. I hope you enjoy it.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Newbie photographer here. Always wanted a DSLR and finally got a Canon T3 Rebel to see if it's something I can see myself doing long term.
Hello Kait. Thank you for deciding to join CiC. Like I said to Rick just right above - It's all about practice, practice, practice.
CiC is a learning resource and there are lots of people on here who will be very willing to offer support and advice to you on all aspects of photography. There is no such thing as a dumb question on CiC.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Just a few words to say hello. Been into painting with light for a looooooooong time, since I was about 12 in fact. Have a photography business, alongside my teaching job, dealing with weddings and portraits but love this place for the myriad of tips, tricks and help that the community provide, hope my contributions along the way help to build on these.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Carl J
Just a few words to say hello. Been into painting with light for a looooooooong time, since I was about 12 in fact. Have a photography business, alongside my teaching job, dealing with weddings and portraits but love this place for the myriad of tips, tricks and help that the community provide, hope my contributions along the way help to build on these.
Hello Carl and a very warm welcome to CiC.
As soon as the word gets out there that wedding photography is part of your business, I'm sure you'll be inundated with cries for help and advice.
As you'll already have found out, the forum aims to be a place where people do share knowledge and experience. So, as well as you, hopefully, continuing to learn, your contributions to helping others on their journey will, I know, be hugely welcomed.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello, my name is Jim and live in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. I just turned 75 this summer and received a Nikon D700 as a gift. I am a semiprofessional artist and take many photos as references. I have a Nikkor 18-300 auto telephoto lens on my camera. I have a huge learning curve in front of me and welcome all suggestions and help. I like shooting macros from which to paint. Cheers.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
My name is Randy. i have used this great site many times. It
is a good place to get info and informative tips that have helped
me learn as a newbie..... today i thought i would check out the forums
and photos.....Wow! lots of Great images!....This should be fun!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello from Lynn. I'm a retired software composer, and have lived in beautiful Colorado Springs, Co USA on the Front Range for getting on 20 years. I was a crazed photographer during most of the 70's, but dropped it due to a career change to software about 1980.
I got an entry level 2mpix in 2002 or so, then a 12x 5mpix p-n-s a few years later, and then an entry level DSLR in 2009. I do a lot of volunteer photography for non-profit organizations.
I"m Really Impressed by all the friendly people and helpful info on this site, including the tutorials and forums. Wish I'd known about it earlier. I plan to dig into the broad and deep info that is available, to hopefully grow as a photographer. Perhaps I can help others to avoid some of the many, many mistakes I've made over the years, and continue to make.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello to the folks who signed in and posted a message since I logged off last night here in Scotland
Originally Posted by
Papa T
I have a huge learning curve in front of me and welcome all suggestions and help. I like shooting macros from which to paint. Cheers.
I hope that being part of CiC helps you climb along that curve, Jim.
Originally Posted by
My name is Randy. i have used this great site many times.
Randy - I'm glad you decided to have a look into the forum and have like what you've seen
Originally Posted by
I was a crazed photographer during most of the 70's, but dropped it due to a career change to software about 1980.
Welcome back into the fold, Lynn. As you suggest, the forum is about everybody sharing their knowledge, skills, views and opinions so that we can all grow and develop in photography.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, My name is Martin and I am living in Campbell river, British Columbia, Canada. I am recently retired and now have extra time to work on my photo skills. I used to take 'technical, but not artistic photos' some time ago using film. I am now using a D300s and will hopefully be able to expand my skills.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
HI am recently retired and now have extra time to work on my photo skills.
You lucky person! Welcome Martin and thank you for joining CiC. I hope you find this a supportive and helpful online environment and that it make a contribution to enabling you to expand those skills.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello from Robert, Yes, I have been looking at CiC for a while but all the info is so great I had to join the forums. Have been a keen amateur >40years, local club member 40 years. Have taught basic photography & darkroom at TAFE (Technical College). Enjoy helping friends with photo topics and workshops at club meets. Always learning! My favourite images are landscapes- usually when travelling or holidaying. Using Lightroom and Photoshop with SLR gear.
Regards to all.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I am living in the Netherlands and am Dutch by birth. I started photographing as a hobby about 5 years ago and am member of a photoclub in the region, which is fun and I learn much from the comments. Landscape photography is my primary focus, although through the challenges in my club I expanded to other area's as well and I would like to be more involved in photographing people. It is my hope that membership of this site and forum helps improve my photographing, because it my idea that I still have to learn a lot.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
My name is Martin and I am living in Campbell river, British Columbia
Hi Martin, I once overnighted in Campbell River on my way up to a few days on the floating lodge at Knight Inlet. You live in an awesome part of the world - look forward to your photographs.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello from Robert, Yes, I have been looking at CiC for a while but all the info is so great I had to join the forums. Have been a keen amateur >40years, local club member 40 years.
Robert - Super introductory image, Robert. Welcome and thank you for joining up.
I hope all that knowledge and experience will be shared with others on here to help learning ... and that we see many more images of that sort of quality.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
It is my hope that membership of this site and forum helps improve my photographing,
I do hope so, Koos. Hello and welcome to CiC.
I do hope that you enjoy being involved in the forum and that you find a useful online resource for your ongoing learning.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I thought I would introduce myself, I'm Lesley, I go by "Kentruth" online it's represents my passion in life, my dogs. I have whippets. Been involved in one sport or another involving dogs since I was a child,spent most of my adult life showing dogs until I had an accident 4yrs ago that changed all that. I have a degree in Fine Arts but other than my dogs I've been a housewife so 35yrs after graduating from school I picked up a camera again...BOY have things changed
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
... so 35yrs after graduating from school I picked up a camera again...BOY have things changed
I hope being part of CiC can help you cope with the change!. Hello, Lesley and welcome to CiC. Thank you for joining.
A lot of us have been in a similar position to you in that we've come back to photography after an initial burst of enthusiasm in our earlier years. I hope we'll see some pictures of the dogs being posted up. If you ever need any help in getting images posted into your message, then please do read the helpful guide that walks you through how to do it. Click HERE to read the thread.