Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi everyone,
My name is Michelle. I have recently purchased a Canon EOS600D. I am very new to photography and have taken it up as a distraction from being terminal with cancer. I have 2 lenses. A 70-300 and a 15-85. At the moment I am mainly focused on just taking a good photograph of anything. I have recently started editing my photos but still don't know what a good photograph needs to look like. I am hoping that I am going to learn a lot by being a member of your community.
Hi Michelle,
Welcome to CiC, it's great to have you with us.
I won't beat about the bush; when I read your post just now I had to read it twice, I'm really sorry to hear about your illness. We have at least 2 others members that are fighting this ruthless disease.
Well lets get back to photography, you have purchased a very nice camera; I use a Canon camera myself.
You can certainly learn a lot here at CiC, the tutorials are very good and any questions not explained in that part of the site can quicky be answered in the forum.
I look forward to seeing some of your pictures and talking to you further.
Kind regards
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Michelle,
I'd like to echo John's comments and add my own warm welcome. I shoot with a 600D too, though I fear my expertise falls way below that of most of the members here. Editing can be great fun, though it adds a whole new dimension to photography, and another learning curve. What software do you use for editing?
I've certainly found this is a wonderfully supportive place in which to learn.
South Africa is an awfully big place. Could you share whereabouts you are? I look forward to seeing some of your images.
All the best
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello All,
I'm Sam from the UK ...... i have been into photography fro about 12 months now and i'm enjoying every chance i get to use my Pentax Kr camera.
I have joined the site to pick up tips and any info i can on all aspects of photography. I don't have one area that is my speical thing so to speak but if i did it would be portraits at the moment. However i have been trying all sorts to just get a get a feel for it.
I do know now that there is a huge amount to learn so i joined a local club in my home town and also i'm a member of one or two other sites. I came across this site well lookig for a good explantion to all the aspects of focus and how to get the razor sharp images i have seen around on some wildlife sites !!! ......and this site seemed to give the best advice so here i am to have some fun and learn as much as i can.
I have added a festive image seems it that time of the year :))
All the best Sam :))
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello All,
I'm Sam from the UK ...... i have been into photography fro about 12 months now and i'm enjoying every chance i get to use my Pentax Kr camera.
I have joined the site to pick up tips and any info i can on all aspects of photography. I don't have one area that is my speical thing so to speak but if i did it would be portraits at the moment. However i have been trying all sorts to just get a get a feel for it.
I do know now that there is a huge amount to learn so i joined a local club in my home town and also i'm a member of one or two other sites. I came across this site well lookig for a good explantion to all the aspects of focus and how to get the razor sharp images i have seen around on some wildlife sites !!! ......and this site seemed to give the best advice so here i am to have some fun and learn as much as i can.
I have added a festive image seems it that time of the year :))
All the best Sam :))
Hi Sam,
Welcome to CiC, I'm glad you found this site and decided to join.
This is a great place to learn and talk to like-minded people.
Make sure you take a look at the tutorials they are very good and remember any questions you have are normally answered very quickly by the members in the forum.
If you wish you can edit your profile so that it includes your real name and a rough location. This way your details will show on all of your future post. Most of us use first names here.
I cannot see your image, not sure where you posted it. Any problems please let us know, if I can't help one of our Mods. will be able too.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi all, Rob here.
To give a little background on me, I've been interested (and dabbling in) photography for 30+ years. My camera collection includes a Nikon Fe, Minolta XE-5, Pentax H2, Pentax ME Super and a Minolta Auto Cord. The ME Super pretty much became my "go-to" camera as I liked how it fit my hands and was pretty rugged.
I started out as most do, taking photos of whatever I could then moving on to what interested me, landscapes, architecture, some sports a little abstract and of course, the "nude phase". However, raising children and the ever increasing cost of film and developing supplies caused me to give up my hobby years ago.
Then came Christmas this year and I find myself the proud owner of a new Pentax K30 DSLR. However, after reading through the owner's manual I now feel like a complete rank novice. Oh, so much has changed.
I decided to do a little web research and found my way here. I really like the layout, forums and I'm sure I'll use the tutorials as I learn my way around this thing called digital photography.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi all, Rob here.
To give a little background on me, I've been interested (and dabbling in) photography for 30+ years. My camera collection includes a Nikon Fe, Minolta XE-5, Pentax H2, Pentax ME Super and a Minolta Auto Cord. The ME Super pretty much became my "go-to" camera as I liked how it fit my hands and was pretty rugged.
I started out as most do, taking photos of whatever I could then moving on to what interested me, landscapes, architecture, some sports a little abstract and of course, the "nude phase". However, raising children and the ever increasing cost of film and developing supplies caused me to give up my hobby years ago.
Then came Christmas this year and I find myself the proud owner of a new Pentax K30 DSLR. However, after reading through the owner's manual I now feel like a complete rank novice. Oh, so much has changed.
I decided to do a little web research and found my way here. I really like the layout, forums and I'm sure I'll use the tutorials as I learn my way around this thing called digital photography.
Hi Rob,
welcome to CiC.
Many members here have returned to photography after years away due to family or work commitments.
What a fantastic Christmas present.
As you have already said, this site has everything you will need to get you back to where you were. The feedback from the members and the great tutorials will be of great help to you, I’m sure.
I look forward to seeing your pictures and talking to you further over the coming weeks.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Morning All :)
Just though I'd introduce myself, been a keen photographer for a while and have decided to dedicate more time to it going forward so have signed up for a part time BA (Hons) degree and plan to make a lot more 'camera time' in my life.
Currently use a Nikon D300s and am now spending more time learning as opposed to just taking pictures....
Looking forward to learning a great deal from this site and forum and will try not to ask too many stupid questions lol !
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Leigh, and a warm welcome to CiC.
I'm sure you will find lots to help your photography here, both from the tutorials and from the other members. And hopefully lots of inspiration from the pictures posted.
try not to ask too many stupid questions lol !
It's a basic rule here that there are no stupid questions! (Can't make the same promise about no stupid answers, though most of them aren't too bad:))
Signing up for a degree to pursue your photography sounds like a real commitment. I hope that you show some examples - perhaps we can learn piggyback :)
Best regards,
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Morning All :)
Just though I'd introduce myself, been a keen photographer for a while and have decided to dedicate more time to it going forward so have signed up for a part time BA (Hons) degree and plan to make a lot more 'camera time' in my life.
Currently use a Nikon D300s and am now spending more time learning as opposed to just taking pictures....
Looking forward to learning a great deal from this site and forum and will try not to ask too many stupid questions lol !
Hi Leigh,
Welcome to CiC from me.
A BA (Hons) degree, that sounds like a big undertaking; I wish you all the best with it.
As you can see this site has some great tutorials and anything you need clarified or is missing in the tutorials can normally be answered in the forum, very quickly.
Do you have a speciality or area of photography you like best?
I look forward to seeing your pictures and talking to you further.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi Leigh,
Welcome to CiC from me.
A BA (Hons) degree, that sounds like a big undertaking; I wish you all the best with it.
As you can see this site has some great tutorials and anything you need clarified or is missing in the tutorials can normally be answered in the forum, very quickly.
Do you have a speciality or area of photography you like best?
I look forward to seeing your pictures and talking to you further.
Hi John
Yes the degree is going to be quite an undertaking but it's something I have been thinking of for quite a while so have taken the plunge and just need to make sure I factor in enough time in my life lol !
As for a speciality area, my main interest is people and in particular art nude work but I am trying to keep a broad spectrum of genres as I want to build up my experience in all areas. You can see some of my work in my Flickr account - though you will have to log in to see all my images as I have been playing around with the security levels and have managed to remove a lot from public view by mistake !
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Welcome to CiC.
There may well be some of our members that use the Panasonic Lumix FZ 200. So that more people see this post and hopefully respond to you, I would recommend you post your question in the 'Digital cameras & Equipment' area of the site.
Do you own this camera or are you trying to obtain some positive feedback before buying?
I hope you get the answers you are looking for and enjoy being a member.
Kind regards
PS. Don't forget you can; if you wish, edit your profile to include your real name and a rough location. That way it will show on your future posts as mine does. Most of us use first names here.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Sure, I just need help figuring out how to edit my profile. Could you lend a hand? Thank you. Also, yes I am looking at possibly buying a Lumix FZ200.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Sure, I just need help figuring out how to edit my profile. Could you lend a hand? Thank you. Also, yes I am looking at possibly buying a Lumix FZ200.
no problem I'm more than happy to help.
If you click on you site name 'Buckeye' and then click on 'View profie' when the screen updates you will see 2 tabs over on the righthand side, click on the tab 'About Me'.
Under the baic information you should see something like this:
Real Name
If you click on the pencil icon for each typic you should be able to edit/add your details.
Hope this helps
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Dave and John.
Thanks for your welcome. I can see my life on Facebook is going to be minimal now that I have found this community.
I am using the ZoomBrowser software for editing.
I live in Benoni famous thanks to Charlize Theron and Charlene, Princess of Monaco.
Best Regards
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello and Happy 2013 New Year to all that are already there! Here in Ont. Canada still have another 5 and 1/2 hours to go.
My name is Donna but most call me Foxyred which ever you prefer does not matter to me....well as long as your nice about it. :D
My honeybuns bought me a FujiFilm Finepix SL280 for Christmas. Oh boy is there a lot to learn for this novice. I am so very excited about this adventure into photography and taking brilliant pictures like the ones I have seen on this site. It will take time to learn but the challenge is going to be fun. I don't want to just use Auto Focus, want to learn how use Manual with the different apertures/shutter speeds and all the other settings that comes along with it. Looking forward to the tutorials and just going out and doing it to see what can be achieved. I am sure blurry and out of focus will be in the future until my 1000th snap. ;)
Happy to have found you! Have a great evening!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Foxyred aka Donna
Hello and Happy 2013 New Year to all that are already there! Here in Ont. Canada still have another 5 and 1/2 hours to go.
My name is Donna but most call me Foxyred which ever you prefer does not matter to me....well as long as your nice about it. :D
My honeybuns bought me a FujiFilm Finepix SL280 for Christmas. Oh boy is there a lot to learn for this novice. I am so very excited about this adventure into photography and taking brilliant pictures like the ones I have seen on this site. It will take time to learn but the challenge is going to be fun. I don't want to just use Auto Focus, want to learn how use Manual with the different apertures/shutter speeds and all the other settings that comes along with it. Looking forward to the tutorials and just going out and doing it to see what can be achieved. I am sure blurry and out of focus will be in the future until my 1000th snap. ;)
Happy to have found you! Have a great evening!
Hi Donna,
Welcome to CiC, it great to have you join us.
Happy New year to you and your family.:) We have just seen in the new year here in the UK, it's now 00.22am 2013.
Well what a present, my 1st camera was a Fujifim; a great camera and I'm sure you will enjoy learning to use it.
This site has some great tutorials, well worth a look. If you find there is something you want to know and it is not explained there, post your questions in the forum, most questions are answered very quickly.
Enjoy being a member and hopefully you will post your first picture post soon.
Have a grat year and I look forward to speaking to you further over the coming year.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Donna, happy new year from Ireland. I know the feeling. New camera lots of settings and not having a clue. I have a Nikon d5000 for 3years now and I am still learning. Tutorials on this site should be a big help.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi my name is Arthur and I live in Northern Ireland. This is my first venture into a social networking site of any type. I am very interested in photography and I am a member of a local camera club. I have a Nikon D5000 and my main interest is in landscapes. I have recently retired from teaching and I am hoping to spend more time out there taking loads more shots and maybe posting some on this site.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi my name is Arthur and I live in Northern Ireland. This is my first venture into a social networking site of any type. I am very interested in photography and I am a member of a local camera club. I have a Nikon D5000 and my main interest is in landscapes. I have recently retired from teaching and I am hoping to spend more time out there taking loads more shots and maybe posting some on this site.
Hi Arthur,
A big welcome to CiC from me.
In my opinion you have certainly chosen a good site to learn and progress in photography.
How long have you had your Nikon and at what skill level are you at?
I hope you find the tutorials helpful and have the time to post into the forums.
Don't forget you can edit your profile to include you real name and location, then it will show on each of your future posts, just like mine. Most of us use first names, your choice but it just makes things a little friendlier.
Anyway I hope you can post some of your pictures soon, we would love to see them.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi Donna,
Welcome to CiC, it great to have you join us.
Happy New year to you and your family.:) We have just seen in the new year here in the UK, it's now 00.22am 2013.
Well what a present, my 1st camera was a Fujifim; a great camera and I'm sure you will enjoy learning to use it.
This site has some great tutorials, well worth a look. If you find there is something you want to know and it is not explained there, post your questions in the forum, most questions are answered very quickly.
Enjoy being a member and hopefully you will post your first picture post soon.
Have a grat year and I look forward to speaking to you further over the coming year.
Thank you John for the warm welcome. Looking forward to learning!