Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi all, I'm Andy. I've been reading CinC for several months now, and have even talked my sister into it as well, but have never introduced myself. I'm originally from rural Az, but now occupy a seat at the University at Buffalo (NY) dental school. Arizona to western NY was quite a change for my family, but we love it so far and look forward to having four seasons.
I recently bought a Sony Nex 5n (with a kit lens) and that's what I'm currently shooting. I've been interested in photography for many years and I am excited to try this new camera. It's a fun camera so far and I look forward to getting more familiar with it. Up to this point I've been a filmy, so I have a lot to learn about digital photography. Nice to be here!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Andy R
Hi all, I'm Andy. I've been reading CinC for several months now, and have even talked my sister into it as well, but have never introduced myself. I'm originally from rural Az, but now occupy a seat at the University at Buffalo (NY) dental school. Arizona to western NY was quite a change for my family, but we love it so far and look forward to having four seasons.
I recently bought a Sony Nex 5n (with a kit lens) and that's what I'm currently shooting. I've been interested in photography for many years and I am excited to try this new camera. It's a fun camera so far and I look forward to getting more familiar with it. Up to this point I've been a filmy, so I have a lot to learn about digital photography. Nice to be here!
Hi Andy,
welcome to CiC it's great to have you with us.:)
As you have been reading a lot of the material here at CiC then you will already know the tutorials are very good and the forums can allow you to get some good C&C on your pictures
Don't forget you can edit your profile and include your real name and a rough location; just as I have done, most of us use first names here.:)
I look forward to seeing your work and talking to you further.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Welcome Manu to CiC,
thank you for joining.:)
This is certainly a good place to learn, posting your pictures into the forum and receiving C&C from the other members is IMO one of the best ways to learn. Don't forget to have a look at the tutorials they are very good.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello Everybody at CiC!
This forum was suggested to me by one my uncles. Cheers to him!
I like photography, i like taking pictures with my Nikon p80 (which is an old cam actually!) But still managed to get some decent pics with it.. I have been taking pictures for the last 4 years as a hobby. Im also still a learner. So i think this forum would be a good place for a start.
Thank you! Looking forward to see your comments and criticism!
Hello Gavin,
Welcome to CiC, thanks for joining.
I'm glad your Uncle suggested that you joined; a very good move, if I say so myself.:D
I'm sure you can get some good shot from the P80 and am looking forward to seeing some; hope you post some pictures soon.
Don't forget you can add a rough location to your profile if you wish, it just helps other members to help you when suggesting sites / places to shop or places to visit while out with your camera.
I hope you enjoy being a member.
Kind regards
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello everyone,
My name is Wayne and I am just starting to get more serious into photography. I've shot film before. Never developed in a darkroom. I have used mostly a Canon point and shoot and sometimes out of convenience I use my iPhone. Natural scenery, animal, city skyline, inanimate object, and people are some of the subjects that I am mostly interested in. I've never really got into the technical aspect of equipment, never really thought too much of composition, and never really considered the exposure triangle until now. I am looking to purchase my first digital slr very soon and I have decided on the Nikon D5100. I hope this will last me a good 2-5 years depending on how fast I climb the learning curve before I am in the market for a semi-pro to pro equipment. Hopefully by then the full frame slr's will be considerably more affordable. This is also the reason why I am looking to buy just the D5100 body and buying FX lenses. I know this is not the place for this type question but I figured since this is my intro I might as well ask it anyway, I apologize ahead of time. Would the following be good investment for lenses with my experience level? Or should I really consider the kit lenses? Nikon AF-S DX 10-24mm f/3.5-4.5G ED Lens for ultra wide angle shots, Nikon AF-S DX Nikkor 35mm f/1.8G for lowlight and close settings, and Nikon AF-S Nikkor 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR as a general purpose lens. I might mention that I am buying all including the D5100 body except the ultra-wide angle lens as an open box item from Crutchfield. Deal or no deal? Any comments are welcome. Once I get my kit I will start post pictures on this forum as well. I hope to collaborate with everyone of you and learn as I go.
See you all around and hope to hear from everyone's positive contribution.
Hi Wayne,
Welcome to CiC, it's great to have you with us.
My only comment on the lens is be careful on what you buy to start with. You can spend a lot of money very quickly and then as your experience grows, find out you had made the wrong choice. As you grow as a photographer your lens choice might well change; a lot of money to spend if you get it wrong.
If you have no objection, it would nice if you would add a rough location to your profile; this is can be helpful when other members are giving advice.
Kind regards
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I have not been on here for over a year. I had to register again under a new name. Before, I was jconti3. Hello. Now I'm under contishot. I have takin a few snaps lately after a long, LONG break. I started a Plumbing Heating and Air Conditioning business about 18 months ago and have been too busy for hobbies. But, I'm shooting again.
Same gear as before:
Nikon D90
SunPack (something Cheap)
105mm 2.5 manual Nikkor
50mm 1.8 Nikon
18-105mm Kit
55-300mm Kit
I'm using Lightroom only now.
I'm happy to be back. Heres a new one.
Hi John,
a big welcome 'back' to CiC from me.
I hope the business is going well and that's the reason you have more time for photography.
A nice picture as a start with allowing you to get back in the saddle.
I look forward to seeing more of your work and speaking to you further over the coming weeks.
Kind regards
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi My name is John. I'm currently using a canon 7D with a 25-105 F4 lens. I recently bought Hitech ND Grad filters. My goal is to develop a 'minimalist' style of photography and I look forward to receiving help to achieve that goal. Attached is a photo of the style I'm trying to develop and am keen to have critiqued. Look fwd to receiving help and learning lots from the forum
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi My name is John. I'm currently using a canon 7D with a 25-105 F4 lens. I recently bought Hitech ND Grad filters. My goal is to develop a 'minimalist' style of photography and I look forward to receiving help to achieve that goal. Attached is a photo of the style I'm trying to develop and am keen to have critiqued. Look fwd to receiving help and learning lots from the forum
Hi John,
Welcome to CiC.
You will certainly get a lot of help here at CiC to help you achieve you goals. The site has good tutorials and the forum will give you the critique you seek.
I hope you enjoy being a member and look forward to speaking to you further.
I don't seem to be able to see your picture, may be worth having another try, any problems give us a shout.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello Everyone
My name is Jerry and I live in Manchester Connecticut. I started clicking about 6years ago with my Nikon D80. My main interest is landscape and macro and I would like to sharpen my skills in this field as well as post processing in CS6. I am hoping to learn a lot by being a member of your community.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I've been into photography since my first brownie camera at 5 years of age. That was 5 decades ago. I retired from a large corporation and decided to completely change my life. My husband and I left the big city for a small town of 3,700 people. I started a small photography studio/gallery. I absolutely love what I do. I went totaly digital in 2004 and never looked back. I teach classes to "newbies" that are new to digital cameras. I'm very passionate about photography. I started a photo club in my town, which has grown over the last 4 years. I love to share my passion and experience with like minded individuals. In my studio I work with artists in growing their business by photographing their artwork to create prints and photos for their websites. I perform portraiture and also sell my own landscape photography. My favorite subjects are old barns, abandoned homesteads, rusty cars and equipment and mountains. I'm here to learn and to share with like minded individuals! You can check out some of my work on Thank you for the oppertunity of joining your forum !
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hola mi nombre es Andrea y soy estudiante de fotografia. Hace solo un año comence a estudiar lo que amo hacer, fotos. Comence con mi Nikon N65 analogica y hace menos de un año compre mi pequeña Nikon D3100. Espero poder ser cada dia mejor fotografa y que les guste mi estilo! Saludos a todos desde Sudamerica!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello Everyone
My name is Jerry and I live in Manchester Connecticut. I started clicking about 6years ago with my Nikon D80. My main interest is landscape and macro and I would like to sharpen my skills in this field as well as post processing in CS6. I am hoping to learn a lot by being a member of your community.
Hi Jerry,
Welcome to CiC, it's great to have you join us.
I look forward to seeing your pictures and talking to you further.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I've been into photography since my first brownie camera at 5 years of age. That was 5 decades ago. I retired from a large corporation and decided to completely change my life. My husband and I left the big city for a small town of 3,700 people. I started a small photography studio/gallery. I absolutely love what I do. I went totaly digital in 2004 and never looked back. I teach classes to "newbies" that are new to digital cameras. I'm very passionate about photography. I started a photo club in my town, which has grown over the last 4 years. I love to share my passion and experience with like minded individuals. In my studio I work with artists in growing their business by photographing their artwork to create prints and photos for their websites. I perform portraiture and also sell my own landscape photography. My favorite subjects are old barns, abandoned homesteads, rusty cars and equipment and mountains. I'm here to learn and to share with like minded individuals! You can check out some of my work on Thank you for the oppertunity of joining your forum !
Hi Jeanne,
A big welcome to CiC from me.
It looks like you have a lot of experience and I hope you can offer help to the other less experienced members of the site.
I look forward to seeing your pictures and talking to you futher over the coming weeks.
Kind regards
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hola mi nombre es Andrea y soy estudiante de fotografia. Hace solo un año comence a estudiar lo que amo hacer, fotos. Comence con mi Nikon N65 analogica y hace menos de un año compre mi pequeña Nikon D3100. Espero poder ser cada dia mejor fotografa y que les guste mi estilo! Saludos a todos desde Sudamerica!
Hi Guys, for those of you who don't speak Spanish Andrea said...
"Hello my name is Andrea and I am a student of photography. Only a year ago I started studying what I love doing, photos. I started with my Nikon N65 analog and less than a year ago I bought my little Nikon D3100. I hope to be better every day photographer and you like my style! Greetings to all from South America!"
Hi Andrea,
Welcome to CiC thank you for joining.
I look forward to seeing your pictures and talking to you further over the coming weeks.
Hola Andrea,
Bienvenido a CiC gracias por acompañarnos.
Espero poder ver sus fotos y hablar con usted aún más en las próximas semanas.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello members of CIC. My name is Hemant. I live in Michigan.I am very pleased to have joined this forum.I believe it will give me a great opportunity to interact with fellow photography hobbyists.
I have been shooting since 2006. My gear consists of Nikon D90, Nikon AF-S Nikkor DX 18-300mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR Lens, Nikon AF-S Nikkor 35mm f/1.8G DX Lens and a Nikon SB- 600 flash. I use Lightroom 4 for post processing.
I plan on posting some of my pictures for members of this forum to review and critique.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello members of CIC. My name is Hemant. I live in Michigan.I am very pleased to have joined this forum.I believe it will give me a great opportunity to interact with fellow photography hobbyists.
I have been shooting since 2006. My gear consists of Nikon D90, Nikon AF-S Nikkor DX 18-300mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR Lens, Nikon AF-S Nikkor 35mm f/1.8G DX Lens and a Nikon SB- 600 flash. I use Lightroom 4 for post processing.
I plan on posting some of my pictures for members of this forum to review and critique.
Hello Hemant,
Welcome to CiC, thank you for joining.
I look forward to seeing your pictures. I hope you enjoy being a member.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello All. My Name is Mike. I am from Prince George BC Canada. I am a semi newbie to photography. Took photography back in high school with a 35mm Film. loved it but never fully got into it. I've had a few point and shoots over the years, but recently I've been using a friends canon. I've since had a "life" change and decided to get into photography as a new hobby. So recently i went to buy a Nikon d3100, which was sold out. So i ended up getting a smoking deal on a D7000 w/ kit Nikkor 18-105mm lens. A little more camera then I had planned on but it makes me want to learn how to use it now.
I am a supervisor for a reforestation / wild land fire fighting company and am in the outdoors for work about half the year.
Anyways Hello again and hope to learn a lot over the next few months...
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello All. My Name is Mike. I am from Prince George BC Canada. I am a semi newbie to photography. Took photography back in high school with a 35mm Film. loved it but never fully got into it. I've had a few point and shoots over the years, but recently I've been using a friends canon. I've since had a "life" change and decided to get into photography as a new hobby. So recently i went to buy a Nikon d3100, which was sold out. So i ended up getting a smoking deal on a D7000 w/ kit Nikkor 18-105mm lens. A little more camera then I had planned on but it makes me want to learn how to use it now.
I am a supervisor for a reforestation / wild land fire fighting company and am in the outdoors for work about half the year.
Anyways Hello again and hope to learn a lot over the next few months...
Hi Mike,
Welcome to CiC.
Sounds like you have a very interesting job, does it allow you the opportunity to take pictures of the area during work time?
Don't forget to check out the tutorials here at CiC they are very good.
I look froward to seeing some of your pictures and talking to you in the forum over the coming weeks.
Kind regards
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
HI JPS Thanks for your prompt reply. I've now attached 2 photos and would be obliged for any comments you feel would help. Also are these photos now available in the general forum for critique or should I post elsewhere in the forum. Thanks and excuse if these questions are daft.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I've now attached 2 photos
Hi John,
Welcome from me, too.
I can't see any attachments, and nor can I find any post from you in another forum (just the two that you have made in this New Member bit).
If you are having any problems, here is a useful link:
Anything else you need - just shout out!